Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 1321: Sick lion and baby face

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Chapter 1321: Sick Lion and Baby Face


That flying knife also shattered.

Everyone present was stunned.

Everyone stared blankly at Zhu Gemu's **** fingertips.

There was an incredible look on their faces:

"God, what did I just see?"

"Am I saying that I'm dreaming? Zhugemu's finger was cut off with a flying knife?"

"What does Yang Xu use? Feijian? The power will be so powerful!"

For a time.

All of them are speechless.

Because they were so shocked, they couldn't say a word.

Only the pain of Zhugemu's forced suppression sounded in everyone's ears.

"Keeping you is also a scourge, and simply killed him."

Yang Xu said lightly.

From beginning to end, he did not take this Zhugemu into his eyes.

But there is such a guy who is proficient in flying knives.

It is a threat to other people of the Yang nationality.

When he was about to shoot.


Above the sky, a huge shadow quickly fell down:


It was like a big mountain, and it suddenly fell between Yangxu and Zhugemu.

Zhu Gemu's face covered with cold sweat showed a moment of hesitation:

He was thinking about whether to leave or leave here.

And at this time.

A voice that surprised him sounded:

"Brother Mu, why are you here?"

A few figures came out of the black mountain-like spaceship.

One of them is a young man with braids.

The boy had a fair face and big eyes.

But it has a baby face.

He disregarded everything around him, and ran to Zhugemu.

Zhu Gemu smiled bitterly:

"Brother Lan Yu has to help me once..."

Lan Yu followed Zhu Gemu's gaze and turned his head to look at Yang Yangxu.

A trace of surprise appeared on the face of a doll:

"Huh, can you actually hurt Zhuge Mu like this?"

"Haha, you are amazing, you are amazing!"

The baby face blue rain, looking at Xiang Yangxu's eyes, is full of surprises.

But he turned his head quickly and looked at Zhu Gemu excitedly:

"Your right finger is gone. Now you can finally show me your left flying knife?"

"Listen to Sister II saying that your left hand flying knife is the true biography of Master. Now you should show your hands to show me?"

This remark came out.


Everyone present took a breath of breath:

"What? The flying knife that Zhuge Mu just displayed is not his real strength?"

"He really got Master's true biography, but his left hand flying knife?"

This time.

Everyone was surprised.

It was Yang Xu, and at the moment, Lu Ge gave Zhu Gemu a surprise look:

This kid really seems to be a bit sensible.

In this way, it is even more impossible to stay!

Yang Xu became more and more determined to kill Zhuge Mu.

It was at this time.

He suddenly felt his scalp tighten slightly and looked up.

I saw a gigantic man wearing a **** cloak out of the mountain-like weird spaceship.

He is more than two meters tall, with a big waist and a round waist, and he looks really magnificent.


His face was pale and sickly.

Holding a white veil in his hand, cough cough cough!

The handkerchief covered her mouth and coughed constantly.

"Xiaoyu, come here, don't be too much... cough cough cough!"

The majestic man coughed again and again.

Some calm eyes looked towards Yangxu.

Yang Xu looked at him unchanged.

"Dad, what do you call me? Brother San, his finger was cut off by this man. There are still people here who can break Zhugemu's flying knife, which is really great."

Lan Yu showed a pleasant smile on the face of a doll.

Zhugemu followed him, hiding behind the majestic man.

It seems unlikely that Yang Xu wanted to kill him.

"Xiaoyu, aren't you curious about that genius Yang Xu? This one in front of you is...cough cough cough!"

The majestic man coughed repeatedly.

The thick and urgent panting sound made people worry that he would cough up his lungs.

Yang Xu frowned slightly and looked at the person.

This was his first encounter, an existence that made him completely invisible.

The only one before made him feel this way.

Only the eagle gang leader.

"Well, I can't think of the famous blue lion, the blue lion, and actually came out of the mountain himself."

A soft voice rang.

I saw two golden lights, suddenly formed.

From the golden light, two figures came out.

One of them, Yang Xu was very familiar. It was the man in black who was almost killed by him at the Lan family.

The other person was a young man, wearing a gorgeous satin velvet jacket and a bright red cloak.

His slightly pale face, a pair of gleaming eyes, a black streamer flashing.

The sick lion had blue disease, and after seeing the young man, he couldn't help but smile lightly:

"The father-in-law smiled, involving the inheritance of the evil **** of fire and cloud, the patriarch personally invited me to run this trip, it is not easy to refuse."

"What? Father Son? Is he the Holy Heaven?"

"The Holy Mountain plane, the only one who dares to be known as the Son of God, is he the only one who is holy?"

Brush brush!

After a look, all of them suddenly gathered in the Holy Heaven.

For the attention of everyone, Holy Heaven didn't care.

His gaze glanced casually at everyone, and his gaze paused on that Zhugemu.

After watching Yang Xu's side.

Sheng Tiandu frowned slightly.

At this moment, the man in black next to him, his lips flickered slightly, and he was transmitting sounds to Holy Heaven.

"Well, are you Yang Xu? Recently, your reputation is not small, and even the limelight of the blue clan has been suppressed by you."

Holy Heaven looked at Yang Xu.

Brush brush!

The eyes of others suddenly looked at Yang Xu.

This includes the man in black.

Yang Xu appeared as an ontology.

The man in black naturally didn't know that he almost killed him, but it was Yang Xu's incarnation.

Faced with the eyes of Holy Heaven.

Yang Xu looked calm and didn't care much at all.

His eyes always fell on that Zhugemu.

Yang Xu originally wanted to kill him.

After learning that he was also proficient in the flying knife in his left hand, he became more determined to kill Zhuge Mu.

"Huh? Are you ignoring me?"

Sheng Tian was aware of Yang Xu's eyes, and there was a trace of surprise on his face.

From small to large, no one has dared to ignore him so much.

"It's hard to ignore, because I want to kill that person."

Yang Xu casually said, pointing to Zhugemu.

Holy Heaven raised his eyebrows, just about to speak.

"Boss, I have found it! A strange stone was found over there!"

A Zhuge people reported to Zhugemu.


Zhuge Mu was so angry that he pumped a bit:

When so many people say it, is there any brain!

What he didn't know was.

It was not only the Zhuge people who discovered the strange stone.

In fact.

The first to discover was the mysterious Mengsha woman.

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