Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 1325: Activate the Altar of Evil Gods!

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Chapter 1325 Activating the Altar of Evil Gods!

"You are enough enough for Senior Evil God, not to set an example for us latecomers, but actually copied Senior Cang out."

Yang Xu watched Senior Cang somewhat obsessively.

Yang Xu felt strange when he put on his clothes and looked again.

However, with the help of "the world has no horse", Yang Xu still accurately judged:

Well, Senior Evil God feeds Senior Cang.

The body on earth is obviously better off without this copy.

Do not know why.

It is determined that the Fire Cloud Evil God is the predecessor of the Crosser.

Yang Xu felt more relaxed.

Subconsciously, Evil God should not be cruel to the old country.

But soon.

In the tragic howl of a cultivator, Yang Xu woke up suddenly:

"Can't let your guard down!"

"Is there so little human killing on earth? Why do you have to take care of you when you travel to a different world?"

"With his shameless means of copying Senior Cang, this Fire Cloud Evil God is probably a guy with no bottom line, and he cannot be taken lightly!"

After secretly telling yourself something.

Yang Xu seized his energy and began to look at the unlucky guy.


A cultivator was whimsical, in front of the illusion of Fire Cloud Evil God and Senior Cang.

A blood of blood was hit and flew to the altar.

The result is eye-popping.

The square altar suddenly flashed densely runes, and that drop of essence blood flew back at a terrifying speed.

With a puff, the monk's eyes were blinded!

A burst of ghost crying wolf howl, buzzing.

A blue light came out of the practitioner.

Suddenly disappeared.

"Anyone who offends me to the fire cloud evil spirit, and my girlfriend, will be expelled from this realm!"

Looked at the serious look of Huoyun Evil God Phantom.

In Yang Xu's heart, there was a speechless word:

Nima, the evil **** of the fire cloud.

What kind of woman do you want?

Take a practical woman as a baby.

You're also funny enough.

"Yangxu, can you know this Huoyun evil spirit?"

The Holy Heaven next to it was still unable to restrain curiosity, and finally asked to exit.

He observed Yang Xu for a while.

Obviously, Yang Xu saw this Fire Cloud Evil God's reaction differently than everyone else.

That changing expression, tangled eyes.

It's like seeing an old friend who hasn't met in years.

It is really strange.

Holy Heaven spoke a word.

The sick lion with blue disease, Zhuge Mu, Yan Xiao, and the funerary dude also came to see Yang Xu.

They also noticed Yang Xu's abnormal reaction.

Everyone had strange eyes.

Ling Dexu's heart giggled:

Sure enough, I was shocked by the fact that I met the old one in my hometown and encountered the predecessor of the Transiter.

So much so that I forgot to hide my expression.

This will not work!

Yang Xu's vigilance suddenly returned to its highest state.

Facing the eyes of the Holy Heaven they searched.

Yang Xu sneered:

"I think the woman next to him is pretty. Why, I look at it more, can't I miss it?"


Holy days are even more puzzled:

"You and the woman... are you old acquaintances?"

More than just getting acquainted, it is simply knowing each other.

Laozi knows all her dimensions and details, but I will not tell you!

Yang Xu sneered back, ignoring Shengtiandu.

"Huh, look at that, there seems to be something on the altar."

Following Lan Yu, who was beside Blue Sick, discovered the clues on the altar.


When the cultivators heard it, they all gathered around.

"If you want to enter the inheritance of the evil god, just obey!"

Yang Xu drank coldly.

Brush brush.

All the angry or fearful eyes suddenly looked to Yang Xu's side.

But it was awe-inspiring to Yang Xu's reputation.

No one speaks.


Everyone gave way to give way.

Yang Xuchao made a gesture with that blue rain.

"Go, he won't do anything to you."

Blue disease has been towards Blue Rain.

Lan Yu followed Yang Xu to the altar.

The kid didn't drag the mud and water, pointing to the rune on the altar, Chaoyang Xu simply said:

"You see, these runes revolve around the altar, constantly rotating."

"And every rune, when passing through the foot position of the illusion of Fire Cloud Evil God, will flash a silver light."


Lan Yu also brought a trace of childish face, showing a trace of firmness:

"Only these two runes will not flash when passing the position of the fire cloud evil god."

Yang Xu took a look at the two runes:

Sure enough, as expected.

It is the words "zhong" and "guo" linked together.

"I think that perhaps the organ that activated this altar should be on these two mysterious symbols... what are you doing?"

Lan Yu's words were not finished yet.

Then he saw Yang Xujing crouched in front of the altar.

The detective reached out to the two symbols.

"Yangxu, don't act rashly!"

"Do you want to kill all of us!"

Everyone saw Yang Xu's movements, all exclaimed.

Zhuge Mu and Yan Xiao also wanted to rush to stop Yang Xu.

Only the Holy Heaven Capital and Blue Sickness are two people, and their eyes are constantly flashing.

There is a vigilant look on his face.

But more, it showed a hint of expectation:

They vaguely felt that perhaps Yang Xu really had a way to activate this altar.

"Be quiet, don't disturb me!"

Yang Xu burst out impatiently.

It seemed that he was going to make a major move.


The noisy cultivators suddenly calmed down.

In the audible space, there is a look of expectation, dignity, or fear.

All gathered on Yang Xu.

Play Jingyang Xu, pretending to touch those two Chinese characters.

I found that these two Chinese characters are actually mobile.

Yang Xu couldn't help but give a breath:

"Sure enough, as expected."

He pretended to be a man, moved the two words to the left and moved to the right.

Every movement makes all the practitioners behind him breathe tightly.

Lest he touched any devastating institution.

Yang Xu smiled secretly in his heart and said:

"Senior Crossover, how can you give me this latecomer some benefits?"

"Don't let me down."


He put a word "zhong" and a word "national" around.

Put the word "China".


"China", stepped on by the Huoyun Evil God, shines a thousand rays.

They are golden and bright, rising up.

From the foot of the evil god, he has risen to the void above his head.

Thousands of golden brilliances hung down.

The phantom of Fire Cloud Evil God and Senior Cang is reflected as if it were carved from gold.

"Boy, you are a personal talent. Uncle Huo is optimistic about you."

The phantom of Fire Cloud Evil God blinked at Yang Xu.

Then he hugged Senior Cang, who was in a hot curve, and burst into a burst of laughter.

Only the word "China" is left, such as the golden sun, illuminating the entire altar.

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