Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 1328: Yang Xu's powerful means!

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Chapter 1328 Yang Xu's Powerful Means!

"Not good! Can't let him kill Zhuge Mu!"

Seeing that Deyang Xu had killed the Zhugemu.

The burial **** and Yan Xiao suddenly exclaimed.

Zhugemu's flying knife skill is too amazing.

It is a big killer to fly out of the box and make good examples.

They are also planning to use Zhuge Mu to contain Yang Xu.

Especially now I see the power of the night knife with my own eyes.

If it can be used, Yang Xu will surely have no escape.


They will be able to get rid of the big trouble of Yang Xu and get all the inheritance of the Fire Cloud Evil God!

"Quickly stop him!"

Burial Playboy and Yan Xiao changed their faces.

The blue disease is over there.

Shengtian raised a brow, a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth:

"It's too late."

"Yang Xu has decided to kill someone who hasn't escaped so far."

When Holy Heaven sneers, scorn!

With a touch of purple sword light, Bury Playboy's plan was completely disintegrated:


Feijiandong pierced Zhugemu's eyebrows.

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the player, kill the 8-day Zhuge wood in Daozang realm, rewarding experience value +390 million! True power +39 million! Points + 3.9 million! Mana + 390,000! Crazy value +390 points! 】

[Congratulations to the player, the unknown magic weapon: Night Sword x1! Do you wear it? 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the magic art: "Fade Blade" x1! Do you want to learn? 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the cheats: "Xiao Li's Real Note" x1! Do you want to learn? 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the best gold crystal core x3175! use or not? 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the best spirit stone x2118! use or not? 】

The system beeps sound in the ear.

Yang Xu raised his brow slightly:

"Unknown magic weapon? Night knife?"

He looked at the properties of the night knife:

[Magic: Night Sword

Grade: Unknown

Power: Unknown

Description: One of Xiao Li's real carry-on knives, which is infinitely powerful.

Description 2: Unknown!

Description 3: Unknown! 】

"Even the system can't detect the true attributes and grade of this flying knife..."

A sigh flashed in Yang Xu's eyes:

Could it be that this night knife is an existence that transcends the perfect Taoism?

Is it a higher grade Need for Taoism? Divine morality?

Or is it the legendary fairy?

Either way, the power of the night knife is beyond question.

In particular, Yang Xu also harvested a copy of Xiao Li's Real Notes.

As well as the magical technique "Flying Blade".

"It may become one of my strongest killers!"

Yang Xuzhen put away the night knife.

The people around, such as Bury Playboy and Yan Xiao, are there.

But couldn't help but shouted:

"Yangxu, that night knife doesn't belong to you, let go!"

"Yes, you..."

"The two of you, looking for death?"

Yang Xu didn't wait for them to finish talking, so he interrupted the funeral:

"I have buried the Sun Temple with you, and I have always been in the well of the river, and I have a little friendship with your Master of the Moon Palace and Linglong."

Yang Xu's eyes flashed over Lengmang, and Youyou locked the funer:

"Are you sure you want to fight against me?"

The funer's face changed slightly:

"Want to suppress me with the owner of the funeral palace and the son of Linglong? You..."


He didn't finish.

A huge force suddenly rushed to him.

Seeing that Yang Xu punched out, the void condensed a phantom of ancient heaven.

The beautiful buildings, angels and Cupids who appear to be haunted during the occult period.

The huge and ancient pressure made the funeral dude unable to withdraw three big steps.

Even Yan Xiao, who was on his side, slammed on the ground and brushed!

After continually withdrawing more than ten meters away.


The phantom of heaven suddenly dissipated.

Yang Xu stood proudly, and his beautiful face was full of the must-have colors:

"Everyone, now that I am qualified, have I got that night knife?"

"Disobedient, I don't mind letting you feel the power of my spiritual sword."


In the palm of Yang Xu, a small sword with purple light was like a obedient bird flying around.

The burial dudes, they couldn't help but see their hearts stunned:

Fang Caiyangxu used this little sword to kill Zhugemu.

Its speed is so fast that even Zhugemu, who is proficient in flying knives, is difficult to stop.

Switching to them, I'm afraid it will be troublesome once they are stared at by this little sword.

"You can't delay time here, you must win a Tiangong Palace as soon as possible!"

Burial Playboy and Yan Xiao looked at each other.

at this time.


Shengtiandu and Blue Sickness are already there, and they are all together.

Of course, instead of attacking Yang Xu, they all rushed to the nine heavenly palaces.

"No, they cannot be preempted!"

Bury Playboy and Yan Xiao couldn't help being anxious.

They glowed under their feet and rushed towards the Tiangong at a rapid speed.

Yang Xu smiled slightly, the wings of the gods!


Behind the void, a pair of huge wings spread out.

Only a slight shock, instantly spanning a distance of hundreds of meters, appeared on top of them in Yangyi.

Yang Yi is still leading the Yang family to fight hard with other practitioners.

They have already won this heavenly palace.

But it was dragged down by other practitioners.

These people are too disgusting, even if they can't enter the Temple of Heaven, they have to drag others.

Yang Xu directly used Thunder's methods for this:


Spiritual Sword Ziguang Zhan Zhan, shot out:

Puff puff!

Successively, three siege practitioners besieged Yang Yi, who had been pierced through the eyebrows.

Immediately afterwards, the spirit sword marked out purple rules.

With the purple brilliance, every time it blinked, it penetrated a monk closest to the entrance.

Come down a few times.

All the practitioners couldn't help but retreat one after another, away from the entrance of the palace that day.

"There is the former again, don't talk about killing!"

Yang Xu looked cold, glancing at Zhuqiang.

These monks were all calmed down by Yang Xu's fierce means.

Around the entrance, blood was spilled, one after another.

The entrances of several other Tiangong palaces, the corpses added together, did not kill Yang Xu much.

"Yang people are so evil!"

"For the treasure, they have killed so many fellow practitioners!"

"It's worse than the devil!"

The practitioners couldn't help but talk.

Looking at Xiang Yangxu, their eyes were also full of hostility.

To this.

Yang Xu sneered:

"What do you look at me like this? When you killed us Yang people, you didn't show mercy."

"Why, now that I am not my opponent, it becomes our murderous fellow?"

At the entrance of several other heavenly palaces in the Yangxu Dynasty, he pointed at one hand:

"There are still many channel cultivators you killed."


Yang Xu waved his hand, and a hill-like spirit stone piled up under his feet.

A shocking aura fluctuated suddenly.

All the monks' faces showed greed.

Especially those practitioners across from Yang Xu couldn't help but brighten their eyes:

"Haha, this guy Yang Xu finally got rid of it! He is planning to compensate us!"

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