Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 1333: The price of grabbing my stuff!

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Chapter 1333 The Price of Robbing My Things!

"Impossible! How could this be?"

The funeral dude watched the sword embryo being taken away by Yang Xu.

He widened his eyes, his face unbelievable.

"It's impossible to be hairy~! You're the one!"

The Nine Serene Thunder Dragon King burst into a cry:


He was wrapped in a purple thunder, his tail flicked, and he pulled towards the funer.

The chance of burying the **** was seized by King Nine You Leilong King:


He is really like a ball.

Nine You Leilong King was violently flew out.


While still in the air, he spouted a spit of blood.


He was severely injured by the thunder dragon king.

"This sword embryo is mine too!"

Yan Xiao is entangled with the eight pole demon tails.

This eight-pole demon tail looks like a demon fox and an octopus.

It makes Deyanxiao difficult to guard against.

Yang Xu only shone his body and directly charged the sword embryo behind him:

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the mysterious sword embryo x1! 】

【Ding! 】

[It is detected that Qingping Excalibur and Sword Embryo have similar properties, 30% chance of merging, is it fused? 】

The system prompt sounds.

Yang Xu still ignored it.


He shocked the wings of the gods, his eyes were cold and clear, flashing in front of the blue disease.

"Old guy, you are shameless, don't blame me now!"

Blue disease has been entangled with Yang Xu's split fire.


Yangxu's fire separation avatar is formed by condensing nothing from fire without burning.

It is difficult to kill him by all means.

The old fox is worthy of being an old fox, and decisively gave up entanglement with Lihuo.

Want to collect the sword embryo behind him as soon as possible.


Even great-level figures like Huoyun Evil God can hardly refine it.

How can he achieve blue disease?

"Cough cough cough!"

Blue disease has been coughing while refining.

His face was so white in anxiety that it was an ugly one.

He had refined the sword embryo, but had no progress at all.

"Old guy, dare to follow me, you should pay a price."

Yang Xu's voice sounded from the side of the blue disease.

"not good!"

His pupils shrank and he was about to fight back.


A ray of golden sword light, facing the blue disease, has been chopped up.

The blue disease has matured, and the reaction is fairly rapid, and he walked away from the side.


Yang Xu insisted on packing him up.

How can he escape Yang Xu's calculations?

Finally, the sword energy attack of Yang Xu flashed.


A ray of white light suddenly appeared from behind him.


Blue disease has howled.

One of his right arms flew directly into the air.

One thousandth is not reached in an instant, call!

The broken arm was burned directly to fly ash.

Blue disease is behind, and the face of Lihuo is indifferent, with cold eyes flashing in his eyes:

If you dare to play with Yang Xu, you have to pay a heavy price!

To know.

Of the four people, the only thing Yang Xu did not consider to be an enemy was this blue disease.

Unexpectedly, the guy took the lead and wanted to rob Yang Xu.


Yang Xu kicked out with a kick, and the blue disease had been directly flew out.

Still in the air, wow!

He spit out blood, "Cough cough cough!"

A streak of coughing is about to cough up the lungs.

"Don't call you a sick lion in the future, but change your name to one-armed lion."

Yang Xu made no secret of the mockery on his face.

Blue disease is going crazy:

Because of his status in the Lan family, even Patriarch Lan Tianyu must respect him respectfully.

When would anyone dare to sneer at him like this?

What makes it harder for him to accept.

I actually planted it on such a junior and lost an arm.

It spread out, this will be a big joke.

How can he raise his head with blue disease?

Just look at the eyes of San Tiandu, Burial Playboy and Yan Xiao, you can see it.

Anyway, it's an old fried dough stick, but was actually cut off an arm by a teenager?

Sick lion, the name is not true.

Funboy and Yan Xiao shook their heads in disappointment.

A glimpse of contempt flashed in the eyes of Holy Heaven.

But soon, his eyes fell on the murderous corpse in front of him.

"How did Yangxu get the elephant corpse?"

Holy Heaven is puzzled.

"Little bastard, let me die!"

Shengtiandu's despised eyes completely stimulated the blue disease.

He no longer confessed his identity and held it.

With a loud bang, the power to move the border exploded.


It's too late.

"Idiot, I'm too lazy to take care of you again."

Yang Xu waved his big hand:

"Let's go!"


The murderous **** corpse, the Nine Nether King of the Nether Dragon, and the eight pole demon tails suddenly turned into three divine lights, blinking into Yang Xu's body.


The wings of the gods were violently shocked, and Yang Xu turned into a streamer, blinking away in the distance.

"Damn, damn! My Lan family will never let you go!"

Blue disease had covered his broken arm, and Chaoyang Xu burst into bursts in the direction of his departure.


Everything is late.

"Senior Lan, people have already left, so don't waste your time."

The funer dumbfoundedly looked at the blue disease.

Especially at his broken arm, Youyou stared a few times.

Blue disease is so angry that breathing has become much faster.

And at this time.


In front of them, the phantom of the fire cloud evil **** appeared.

The strong thought was only slightly swept away, and I immediately understood:

"Well, that kid really succeeded."

He looked at the three with sympathy:

"Unfortunately, you haven't seized the opportunity of picking up cheap, those four sword embryos, but the beginning is extraordinary."

"Forget it, since I came to this extraterrestrial space, I am a worthy person of the Fire Cloud Evil God. Take the test."


With the big wave of the Fire Cloud Evil God, four rays of light suddenly covered them all.

Four people instantly appeared in different locations in the extraterritorial space.

They seem to be in separate spaces, and no one can see them.

Yin Yang!

Blue disease has appeared in front of him, but a huge dragon phantom.

It has a gigantic body, a small hill with a thickness of tens of thousands of meters.

Under the dragon phantom, there is a house-sized heart.

The whole heart is golden, like gold.

Rumble, Rumble!

Every time it beats, there is a thunder.

"This is the heart of a dragon family. Obtaining it will not only fully recover your injuries, but also break the bottleneck of the 9-fold peak of your mobile environment, and there are endless benefits waiting for you to discover..."

Fire Cloud Evil God looked at Blue Disease with a smile:

"How about, do you want to be tested?"

"As long as you pass the test, the seal that bound the dragon's heart will disappear..."

"I accept the test!"

Blue disease has been excited.

He came for the treasure of the Fire Cloud Evil God.

Fools will refuse.

Yin Yang!

After the fire cloud evil spirits dissipated, the dragon phantom suddenly attacked with blue disease.

The fierce battle lasted two or three hours.

Blue disease has almost taken out the bottom card of the box.

Finally, he passed the test.

The seal that bound the dragon's heart suddenly disappeared.

A majestic force of the dragon clan filled out from that heart.

Blue disease has already appeared on his face, can't help but reveal the obsession:

"Haha, the dragon's heart is mine."

Blue disease has rushed towards the heart.


Without warning, the dragon's heart disappeared out of thin air.

In a voice that made him mad, Youzai yelled:

"Dare to grab my Yang Xu's things, this is the second price you pay!"

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