Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 1335: Sick lion, die!

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Chapter 1335 Sick Lion, Die!


Blue disease had a flash of greed in his eyes.

Yang Xu couldn't help but shake his head in his eyes:

This man was saved.

When he was about to die, was he still daydreaming?

"Then let you die happily!"

Once Yang Xu decided to shoot, there would be no mercy.

Not to mention, Blue Sickness already possesses treasures like "Eating Devourer".

Blue disease has wanted to get Yang Xu's chemical and chemical furnace.

Why didn't Yang Xu want to get his "Swallowing Technique"?

"If you can get "Swallowing Great Skill", not only can you match my original great skill, five elements great skill, etc., but also the power of the chemical furnace can be further enhanced!"

A ray of fine awn flashed in Yang Xu's eyes.


In his palm, the blood gleamed, condensing into a magic spear.

It is the Lankinus Wraith Gun.

"I haven't used you to kill the enemy in a long time, and now it's time for you to make contributions."

Yang Xu holding the Lankinus Ghost Gun, the wings of the gods behind him startled:


He turned into a blood, and the whole person quickly approached blue disease.

"Idiot, dare to fight me? Find death!"

Blue disease was already laughing, but his pale face was still.

Cough cough cough!

He coughed, bloodless, and seemed to be seriously injured.

As soon as Yang Xu approached him, he immediately launched a lore.


Will Yang Xu give him this opportunity?

"Gate of the gods, suppress me!"

Yang Xu lost his hand, a golden portal, crossed a golden light, and suddenly flew towards the blue disease.

It was only about the size of a slap.

Suddenly, Diyou quickly grew larger.

In a blink of an eye, it turned into a golden mountain.

The treasure light of the gates of the gods flickered, and there were faint phantoms of the gods, spinning and dancing around the body.

The sounds of heaven and earth spread from the gates of the gods.

It seems to really communicate the world of the gods.

It was the blue disease, and there was a moment of disappointment in front of the sound of heaven and earth.

Until the gate of the gods, with all the power to suppress, rumbling and rolling down.

Blue disease has just screamed:

"Ah! Suffer!"

The lion furiously roared to heaven


Blue disease has made a roar towards the door of the gods who cracked down--

This is his second strong card, "Lion's Roar".

At first, this exercise was just an ordinary sonic attack.


After the blue disease has been encountered once and accidentally fell into an ancient temple.

Inspired by the Buddha King Kong inside, he realized the magical power of the Buddha door that is further and more powerful than "Lion Roar Gong":

"Lion Fen Xuan Tian Gong"!

Accompanied by blue disease has been struggling to roar:


A series of golden sound waves burst out instantly.

From that sound wave, there was a Vajra Buddha sitting on top of a golden lion, and the illusion of suppressing all evils flickered.

Wherever it passed, the void was directly compressed by the Vajra Buddha and transformed into a space shield.


The gates of the gods and the Vajra Buddha were bombed together.

Just listen to Clara!

The phantoms of the gods condensed in the gates of the gods actually cracked a hole.

And that Vajra Buddha, the whole body is golden light.

The crotch of the golden lion roared back and forth, and the power of the lion king was revealed.

"No wonder they dared to call me, there were two brushes."

Yang Xu raised a brow:

"Unfortunately, the young man doesn't eat this set. Fighting magic and magic? What do you have?"

With that said, he was thrown away again.

A golden light flew out.

Shake the heart that blue disease has already seen:

"What is the magic weapon this time?"

"Where is this little **** so many strange and powerful treasures?"

With regard to Yang Xu's strong heritage, blue disease has been completely seen.

At this moment, he couldn't help but feel a trace of regret:

I knew that Yang Xu was so strong and so domineering.

There are so many cards.

Why do you want to unite with Holy Heaven to start with Yang Xu?

Now that riding a tiger is difficult, I am afraid that I will suffer a lot of losses!

At this moment, the blue disease is over, and the matter that the heart of the Golden Dragon King has been robbed has been left behind.

Now he is thinking about how to get rid of Yang Xu and avoid greater losses.


Yang Xu will never let go of the goal he wants to kill.

"You play sonic attack, right, then the young man will play with you!"

With Yang Xu's cold drink, brush it!

That golden light fixed his figure in the void.

When the golden light flickered, we saw a quaint big clock hanging from the sky.

It is ancient and simple, with an ancient seal script written on the clock body.

Dense gold symbols, such as tadpole script, are wrapped around this divine bell.

It is the Emperor Bell!

Blue Sickness had seen this Emperor's Bell for a moment, his eyes widened:

"Impossible! Isn't this Tai Huang Bell in Lan Jiuzhong's kid?"

"How could you get the Tai Huang Bell?"

Blue disease has been so impressed by this emperor bell.

It was because he had wanted to get the Taihuang Bell from Lan Jiuzhong.

With this oral device cooperation.

His "Lion Fen Xuan Tian Gong", the power will be able to skyrocket several times!


Regardless of how he persuaded, Lan Jiuzhong did not give him this treasure.

Unexpectedly now.

I saw it in the hands of the enemy.

"What is Lan Jiuzhong's relationship with you?"

"Aren't these bells destroyed? How could you get it?"

Blue disease has been yelling.

He naturally knew that Yang Xu had an unusually fierce battle with Lan Jiuzhong.

But he has seen the process of the two men fighting.

Yang Xu did not **** the Tai Huang Zhong, but directly penetrated and destroyed it.

Even Lan Jiuzhong was almost killed by Yang Xu.

Unexpectedly, the Divine Bell would reappear.

"You care how I got it, die!"

Yang Xu burst into tears, when!

Above the void, Taihuang Bell only gave a slight shock.

Suddenly, a vast bell of heaven and earth, stunned and deaf, diffused down.


The Buddha King Kong, whose blue disease has been condensed in "Lion Fen Xuan Tian Gong", has been confronted with the gates of the gods and consumed a lot.


The Emperor's Bell only showed power once, and they could not hold it at all.

The phantoms of Buddha's vajra, like gravel, quickly collapsed and annihilated in the void.

"The lion swiftly roared to heaven, gave me a break, and suppressed me!"

Blue disease has changed his complexion and urged magical skills.


In front of the Taihuang Bell and the gates of the gods, how could he send waves again?

"Blue sickness, I didn't treat you as an enemy, so I was too lazy to take care of you."

"I didn't expect you to dare to hit me instead. If so, then pay the price."

Yang Xu saw that the blue disease could no longer support it.

Suddenly flashed in shape, scorn!

In his hand, Lankinus Wraith had drawn a **** light.


Above the gun body, the **** eyes of the demon took control.

The void is twisted and folded.

The Lankinus Wraith Gun instantly crossed a distance of tens of meters, blinking to blue disease.

The blue disease has been fighting against Taihuangzhong and the gates of the gods.


The Longinus Ghost Gun pierced his heart directly.

The eyes of the demon slowly opened, and all the energy of the blue disease was absorbed by the sharp gun at an amazing speed.

In a blink of an eye, he became a human being.

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the player, killing and moving 9 heavy blue sky diseases...]

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