Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 1353: Zhuge Jian's fear!

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Chapter 1353 Zhuge Sword's Taboo!

Take a look at who passed to Huoyun Evil God, who are they:

The Holy Heaven Capital of the Holy Mountain, the Rock Clan of the Rock Clan, the funerary prince of the Sunburial Temple, the blue lion's sick lion, blue disease.

And Yang Xu of the Yang tribe.

Just take out one, none of them are fuel-efficient lamps.

All are fierce shots.

Zhugemu is among the heroes of the Zhuge ethnic group.

But compared with these young people, it seems not so dazzling.

Especially in front of Yang Xu.

Not only was Zhugemu killed.

Even Ye Dao was taken away by Yang Xu.

"Yangxu this little **** is hateful! If it were not for him, my Zhuge tribe would not fall into this field!"

Patriarch Zhuge Yong resented it.

He looked to the elder Zhuge Jian:

"Elder, Yang Xu's son must never stay! Even if he consumes the great power of the family, he must be beheaded!"

"Yes! Let Yangxu grow up again, we Zhuge will be wiped out!"

"This young man is too terrible. Since he joined the Yang Clan, in just one month, our Zhuge Clan has repeatedly lost, and the Yang Clan has become powerful at an alarming rate. It is terrifying!"

The public officials of the Zhuge people all agreed that Yang Xu must be killed as soon as possible.

Elder Zhugejian holds the strongest wave of power in his hands.

Seeing everyone agrees, he nodded:

"Yang Xu's son, it should be killed!"

If not because of Yang Xu.

He will not lose his love Zhuge Qingyun.

Even his beloved Qingyun Sijian has been robbed.

This hatred is not common.

Yang Xu will die!

"Let's make a plan now, not only to kill Yang Xu, it would be better if we could take advantage of the opportunity to clean up several vassal planes of the Yang tribe!"

Zhuge Jian and Zhuge Yong began to discuss the plan.

And at this time.


The Zhuge tribe is above the sky.

Suddenly there was a terrifying explosion.

After the thousands of years of operation, the main plane of the Zhuge ethnic group has already created an extremely powerful protective formation.

The enemy approached.

The protective array was immediately activated.

However at the moment.

Even though the Zhuge clan's protective formation started.

In front of the Xuanyin Thunderbolt, it became like paper.

The holy mountain special product "Xuanyin Thunderbolt", one can easily destroy the existence of a lower plane.

After Yang Xu killed the three strong men of the Holy Mountain, he got two magic bullets that they had no time to urge.

Now comes in handy.

Throw a random one, rolling the power of Xuanyin, turning into a violent destructive force, and madly destroying the protection of the Zhuge clan.

The horrific scene of destruction not only caused the Lan people to change their faces one after another.

Even Yang Xu brought them all the wonders:

"Oh my god, can't think of Xuanyin Thunderbolt's use?"

"If the power of the first **** bullet is not absorbed by the patriarch's bottle, I am afraid that the entire Yang clan plane will be destroyed?"

"No, someone invaded the main plane!"

"All the Zhuge people, prepare for battle immediately!"

The Zhuge people were still negotiating, how to attack Yang Xu and Yang people.

Now the enemy suddenly hit the door.

All of a sudden panicked.

Especially seeing the sky above the sky, the power of the rolling Yin Yin is like a cloud that covers the sky and covers the sun, covering most of the Zhuge clan's large protection.

A huge black hole rumbling and ruining in the sky.

Just like the same **** vortex, it constantly tears the protective array that nibbles the planes of the Zhuge clan.

With the colorful light, it was constantly torn and collapsed.

The Zhuge tribes defended the plane, dissipating one by one.

at last!


The great protection of the Zhuge clan was completely torn open a huge mouth.

So far.

It was only a minute after Yang Xu threw the Xuanyin Thunderbolt.

"I can't think of the great protection of the Zhuge clan, which can actually block the power of the Thunderbolt. It really is a veteran middle-class family."

Yang Xu lamented the strong protection of the Zhuge people.

Also determined to:

Such a good protection array can be used to improve and strengthen it and use it on the plane of the Yang nationality!

"For everyone of the Blue people, the gap has been opened, and how much you can harvest depends on how much effort you put in."

"No matter what you grab, it belongs to you!"

"Everyone rushes!"

Yang Xu ordered.

The blue people also saw Lan Jiuzhong with one arm and waved his big hand:

"Play your best and **** all the resources you see!"



All the Lan tribes, led by Lan Jiuzhong, immediately rushed to the Zhuge tribe and rushed to the plane.

Five Elements Technique!

Runner magic!

Lan Jiuzhong took the lead and launched the attack first.

The people and horses blocked by the Zhuge people were turned over by their killers and screamed again and again.

"No, it's the blue race!"

"Why does the people of the Blue clan come to violate my Zhuge clan!"

"Not only the Blue Clan, but also the people of the Holy Mountain are coming, it is the Xuanyin Thunderbolt that destroys our protection."

The people of the Zhuge ethnic group have been scared into chaos.

Especially after seeing the blue tribe and the Xuanyin thunder god.

It is terrified that the Six Gods have no master.

Zhuge Yong, the chief of the Zhuge clan, was anxious at the moment, like an ant on a hot pot.


He was kicked and flew out by Elder Zhuge Jian:

"Anxious to have a fart! Hurry up and order to mobilize people to fight!"

"When the order is passed, everyone waits to fight back immediately, and dare to invade my Zhuge people, whether he is the Holy Mountain or the Blue people, let them go without return!"

"My Zhuge clan has a strong defense, ten steps at a time. No matter how many they come, they will give us a magic weapon!"

It is indeed the elder Zhugejian who stabilized the military's heart in a few words.


With a big wave of his hand, a fierce sword light with a full distance of 100 meters, he suddenly cut into the void:


More than a dozen blue strong men were directly cut in half by this sword light.

The corpse fell from the sky, rumbling.

A group of powerful Zhuge people gathered around Zhuge Jian.

The enemies from the past committed an orderly counterattack.

"Jianguang Ling Yu array, get up!"

"Sancai is in a dilemma, open!"

"Yan Luo Mingdao Formation, kill!"


Within the plane of the Zhuge tribe, one after another, they were killed fiercely, and they were activated one after another.


All the way forward, the brave and incompetent people of the Blue race were blocked.

Rao is the leader of Lan Jiuzhong's charge, five elements, and so on.

The attack speed also slowed down.


Many blue clan strongmen were injured and beheaded one after another.

This time.

The Zhuge people finally no longer panicked, and gradually began to restore morale.

Their counterattacks also began to become methodical.


What they didn't notice is.

Elder Zhugejian's face was completely unhappy.

Although many strong people of the Blue race were blocked.

But he found that this group of people is not a real threat.

Because above the sky, there are still a group of people, who are at the top of the sky, staring at the Zhuge tribe.

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