Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 1364: The request of the man in black!

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Chapter 1364 Requirements of the Man in Black!

The predecessors in the mouth of the Holy Lord are all wrapped in black.

Even with the eyes of the Holy Lord, it is difficult to see his full picture.

His face seemed to be obscured by a strange power.

Even stranger.

He walked out of the spiral portal and seemed to come across time and space.

The whole body haunted the faint fluctuations of space and time.

This made the Holy Lord more curious about people in black.

But this is not the first time he has seen a man in black.

He had personally seen the power and dominance of people in black.

Therefore, he did not dare to speculate, but more and more respectfully said:

"Senior, the conditions you mentioned, our Holy Mountain will definitely go all out! Just don't know what you said..."

"Relax, as long as I can catch Yang Xu alive and enter the world of thousands, I will help the Holy Mountain."

The man in black has a hoarse voice.

Can't hear any emotions:

"The Holy Mountain has been arranged, have you informed the other parties?"

The Lord nodded in a hurry:

"I have been given to the King of Saints. The King of Kings is the most cautious and thoughtful in his work. He will handle this matter with him, and you can rest assured that you are senior."


A trace of doubt appeared on the face of the Lord.

Hesitating again and again, he couldn't help but ask:

"Senior, my genius and sacred capital of the Holy Mountain, is very powerful, and his practice of "Tianying Decapitation" is even more invincible. It is more than enough for him to go and capture Na Yangxu. Why do you want... Notify other forces?"

To know.

With the strength of Shengtiandu.

Even in the tall hands that the entire Holy Mountain can count, he is at the forefront.

Even the father of Holy Heaven is known as the cautious King of Saints.

Everyone thinks that sending Shengtian to deal with Yang Xu is to use Optimus Prime to smash the ants, which is overkill.


This question made the man in black, who spoke very little, sneered rarely:

"Do you think my arrangement is wrong?"

"Dare not dare! How dare young people speculate on you!"

The Lord kept busy.

But listening to the people in black seemed to be nostalgic, and they said with exclamation:

"It feels strange and normal. If you want to know the answer, you can go to the Yang Clan to see it on the day of the action."

"Trust me, the power erupted by Yang Xu is definitely beyond your imagination. Maybe...that day, it is not Yang Xu's opponent."


The pupil of the Holy Master shrank suddenly and exclaimed:

"Not even Shengtian is Yang Xu's opponent? How is this possible?"

Soon he looked at the man in black with some doubt:

"Senior, how do I think you seem to know Yang Xu very well?"

"I wonder if your relationship with him is..."

This time.

The man in black did not answer him again.

Instead, he said coldly:

"You have too many questions."

"Observe what I told you to do, and the Holy Mountain's entry into the world of thousands of things is wrapped in me."

"Remember, Yang Xu can be suppressed, but his life must not be endangered. Otherwise, the existence of the entire Holy Mountain will be completely erased from this world and this dimension, including you."


The figure of the man in black rose up a bunch of black runes.

He turned into a spiral, and he disappeared completely.


The Lord gave a long sigh of relief.

The waist that had been bending, straightened with some effort.

Wiping the cold sweat on his forehead hard, he whispered in a lingering voice:

"I never imagined that such unpredictable characters would come to such a broken dimension."

"Is it because he... didn't come for Yang Xu?"

Think twice.

The Holy Lord's eyes narrowed:

"No! It's a big thing, you must tell the saint king to act carefully, and there must be no mistake!"

"In particular, pay attention...not to endanger Yang Xu's life!"

At this point, the man in black emphasized with him more than once.

The Lord does not dare to ignore.

"What? Let me deal with Yang Xu? Haha, great! The Lord is really brilliant!"

When Holy Day receives news from his father.

Suddenly overjoyed.


The void behind him, the phantom of the nine holy infants, rises like nine demon babies.

Holy days are full of fighting spirit.


Among the nine sacred babies, one of them appears dark gray.

As soon as he saw it, a strong hatred flashed in the eyes of Holy Heaven:

"No one can count my Holy Heaven!"

"He Yang Xu dared to do this, **** it!"

In the eyes of Holy Heaven, there was a strong murderous opportunity.

"Holy Heavenly Capital, you can't kill Yang Xu."

"Not only can't he kill him, he can't even use the tricks that might endanger his life."

The sage king coldly said something.

It seemed like a pot of cold water, the pilgrimage was pouring down.


"Father, are you kidding me?"

Holy Heaven stared at the Saint King incredulously:

"Even the more powerful tricks can't be used, then what do I go to Yang Xu for? Do you spend time with him?"

"Holy Lord, what did he eat, actually gave such a ridiculous order!"

Holy day is about to explode.

The Saint King looked coldly at his son.

The indifferent eyes made the roaring anger of Holy Heaven finally calm down.

"Holy Heaven! If you were to deal with Yang Xu in this state, you might lose to Yang Xu as the Lord said."

The sage king coldly said.

The anger that made the Holy Heavens just subsided, there was a tendency to reignite immediately:

"I will lose to that waste? What are you kidding! I..."

The Saint King waved his hand and stopped him:

"Don't get angry first, you just have to remember that this mission is very important, and in any case, you must bring back Yang Xu."

"And! Whatever method you use, Yang Xu must be alive."

Sage King specifically emphasized the word "living".

Holy Heaven's face changed and changed.

a long time.

He finally gritted his teeth fiercely:

"Okay! I will bring him back alive!"

"As long as his life is not endangered, it is ‘living’ when brought back, is it enough?”

Sheng Tiandu's face flashed a cruel smile.

If it means torturing people and not lethal.

He also has a lot of Holy City.

"By the way, it is not only you who went to the plane of the Yang Clan this time. The Rock Clan, the Blue Clan, and the Sunburial Temple will also send people to go."

"The letter written by the Holy Lord has already been sent to them."


Shengtiandu's pupils shrank suddenly.

He instinctively felt something wrong.

"Do you also feel strange?"

The saint king saw his son's doubts.

The determined color on his face disappeared.

Instead, a dignified expression mixed with doubt:

"In fact, it's not just you. It's strange for my father to deal with a Yangxu.

"But...just, as the Lord has repeatedly told you, you have to do well in accordance with the Lord's requirements."

"Okay. I will."

Holy Heaven all said quietly.

He wanted to see what Yang Xu had in the end.

Dare to let the holy Lord of the church, so that he can make teachers so popular.

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