Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 1369: Holy Man City

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Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1369

"Let's talk nonsense, since we are here, we will cooperate with each other and strive to win that Yang Xu as soon as possible!"

The funeral said coldly:

"It's better than letting the people of Shengshan capture Yang Xu..."


The prince of the funeral palace flashed in front of the funer.

The beautiful eyes stared fiercely at the funer.

The icy breath was interrupted by the playboy's words.

"Smells, bad things happen again! You...boom!"

Yan Xiao didn't finish.

A chilling white lotus appeared suddenly in front of him.

The huge ice energy seemed to freeze even the space.

A huge force of sublimation emerged, and it suddenly ran into Yan Xiao.


He seemed to have been hit by an ancient beast.

Fly straight out.


Crashed **** an asteroid, Clara!

The cold energy of his body frozen the entire asteroid.

Yan Xiao was almost as frozen as the asteroid.

"What a powerful force of ice! Who is this woman?"

"I don't even know her? She is the owner of the Burial Moon Palace and is now the man of the temple."

"Ah? Then why should she defend Yang Xu?"

"It's still necessary to ask, it must be that she has feelings for Yang Xu! It is said that her ice and snow lotus is the token of love sent to her by Yang Xu."

"Yang Xu is really a blessing. I can't think of such a beautiful person who loves him and spares his life to protect him."

There was a lot of discussion.

The voice passed into the ears of the owner of the funeral palace, making her a beautiful face, and she couldn't help flushing slightly.

Yang Xu saw this scene in his eyes.

There was a touch of tenderness in my heart.

He couldn't help saying:

"The Lord of the Burial Moon Palace, we are all here for Yang Xu. This war is related to the interests of all parties and will definitely not retreat."

"Persuade you to leave for now."

In his words, there was no hostility.

The Master of the Funeral Palace heard what he meant, and his beautiful eyes stared strangely at "Lan Jiuzhong" for a while.

Then nodded:

"Okay, I'm leaving now."


She said to go away, directly turned into a cold light, away.

The funeral dude suddenly rejoiced:

No one hindered him now.

After a while.

On Yang Xu's face, a strange look flashed:

There was news from the body that the big silly girl who buried the Moon Palace Master had actually gone to the plane of the Yang nationality.

I found Yang Xu directly, so I need help.

"This silly girl, don't you know the danger."

Yang Xu was speechless.

"Let's act, and strive to win Yang Xu as soon as possible before the arrival of Holy Heaven!"

The funeral dude can't wait to be authentic.

He is one of these people, the most breathless.

"Get Yang Xu before I come? I'm afraid you don't have this skill."

A voice sounded without any warning on the burial dude.

Bury Playboy's complexion suddenly changed.

Looking back, it was Sheng Tiandu's proud face.

He stood in the sky, condescending, looking down on the ugly dude.

Behind the void, nine phantom shadows exude a terrifying breath.

This momentum alone has the meaning of crushing the strong players present.

"We don't have this ability? You are too arrogant in Holy Heaven!"

The burial dude gritted his teeth.

Very unconvinced.

But that being said.

In front of the horrible momentum like the sea in the Holy Heaven.

The funeral said this, but he was abnormally emboldened.

The strength of Shengtiandu is too strong.

It is the three days of burial of Playboy that has risen enormously.

In front of Holy Heaven, there was still a feeling that he could not see through him.


The power of "Tianying's God of Killing a Corpse" has long been heard by the funeral dude.

Faced with the ontology of Saint Heaven, he could not raise the idea of ​​confrontation with him at all.

"Holy Heaven, you said that we don't have this ability, can't we despise Yang Xu too much?"

Yan Xiao made a cold voice and was not convinced:

"In the inheritance of the Fire Cloud Evil God, I had a battle with Yang Xu. His reputation is not small, but the real power is not enough."

In the battle with Yang Xu, Yan Xiao was robbed of the two cylinders of Yin and Yang.

Other areas have not suffered too much.

So he thinks that Yang Xu's strength is not much better than himself.


After three days of special training for his father Yan Hong.

Yan Xiao believes that his strength has skyrocketed.

Packing Yang Xu is naturally a matter of course.

Yan Xiao's remarks were recognized by the funeral dude.

Because he and Yan Xiao have the same idea.

Only "Lan Jiuzhong" could not see the slightest expression on his face.

Nothing was said.

"It seems that you are different from these two idiots."

Unexpectedly, Sheng Tian said to Lan Jiuzhong.

People around, including Lan Qiying behind Lan Jiuzhong, suddenly showed their faces.

"Blue Nine Heavy" did not speak.

On the contrary, Yan Xiao and the funerary were angry:

"What do you mean by Holy Heaven?"

"What are you qualified to comment on us like this? You..."

Not finished.

He was interrupted by the sneers of Holy Heaven:

"I'm not convinced that you are stupid? In three days, you have made great progress. Did Yang Xu stand still?"

"Maybe, his strength has risen much higher than you might think."

The words of Shengtiandu made Deyang Xu frown:

It was really said by Holy Heaven.

The increase in his strength is really not small.

Within three days.

Yangxu only cultivated in the realm, from the 5th Daozang realm, directly soaring to the 9th heaven of moving the realm.

The state is the same as that of the Holy Heaven Capital, which is the highest on-site repair.

And this is just plain.

Like some other aspects, such as magic and equipment.

All have been greatly improved.

Putting it all together.

I'm afraid it really exceeds the strength of Yan Xiao and Funboy.


Yang Xu was curious. Why did Shengtian have such confidence in him?

Did he also put in the bottom of the Yang tribe?

"Holy Heavenly Capital, why do you think so? Yang Xu didn't know that we would clean him up today!"

The funeral mean that Yang Xu did not know when they shot.

Therefore, it will not be like them, in these three days of life training.

"Unless, some of you leaked the news, Yang Xu knew the timing of our hands..."

Yan Xiaoyou stared at Shengtiandu.

Looked at Lan Jiuzhong who didn't speak again.

A look of suspicion appeared.

"Haha, it's really a villain's heart. Don't doubt it anymore. The reason I have this inference is just because your cultivation talent is like the gap between tiles and gold compared to Yang Xu."

The words of Shengtiandu made Yan Xiao and Bury Playboy look even more ugly.

The monks around couldn't help but wonder:

Holy heaven is really crazy enough.

Even in the face of the geniuses of the Rock tribe and the funeral temple, they did not give them face.

On the contrary, it is the Lan Jiuzhong of the Lan tribe.

In front of the Holy Heavens, they are neither humble nor overbearing.

Very suffocated.

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