Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 1373: Harden the car of killing demons!

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Chapter 1373 Shake the Devil Caravan!

"not good!"

Amidst the white mist, Yang Xu's heart suddenly burst into warning:

The ultimate spider sensor alert is dangerous!


Behind, a cold breeze enveloped the white mist, and the aroma struck and came.

Step forward!

There is a little void under Yang Xu's feet, woo.

The whole person instantly appeared in another corner ten meters away.

I saw a huge palm, the whole rock condensed, and each finger had the thickness of the wellhead.

Above the palms, there are earthy yellow symbols.

A surging power radiated from his palm.

"It is the ancient **** "Shan Shen Zhang" inherited from the Rock tribe!"

"The Mountain God Palm is the most perverted mountain clan inherited from the hundred races. Once the power breaks out, even the gods and demons will suffer!"

"The people of the rock tribe are just a small branch of the mountain tribe. How could Yan Xiao learn the palm of the mountain?"

"Obviously, this is not the full version of "Mountain God Palm", otherwise Yang Xu will die long ago!"

Everyone exclaimed.

That mountain god's giant palm is full of energy, and the whole body is surrounded by light, like a five-finger **** mountain:


It collapsed the void, and Chaoyangxu came to suppress it.

The white mist that scented the flowers, covering all the fluctuations in the breath of the Five-Finger God Mountain.

If you change to others, you will not notice its offensive trajectory.


In front of Yang Xu's supreme god.

None of this is a problem:


In the eyes of Yang Xu, the golden light was shining.

It looks as if the eyes of the fire are golden, the fine light soars four or five meters away.

Yang Xu's sight easily penetrated the misty white mist:


The five-finger **** mountain is like the palm of a god, wanting to push Yang Xu from the air.

Step forward!

Yang Xu's body disappeared instantly.

Wuzhishenshan once again hit a void.

Call, call, call...

On Yan Xiao’s side, he was panting violently, and the consumption was extremely huge——

Without the blood of the mountain tribe, forcibly urged "Mountain God Palm", which caused a huge load on his body.

at this time.

Yang Xu's leisurely voice calmly came out of the white mist:

"Yan Xiao, Playboy, is this the power of your joint attack?"

"If you are at this level, I'm too lazy to play with you."

After hearing Funboy and Yan Xiao, his face suddenly changed:


"Yang Xu is too arrogant!"

The onlookers, all of them were amazed:

"This is the style of the strong!"

"Everyone is so distraught that the heavenly array and the palm of the mountain gods, but Yang Xu is totally not serious."

"Don't forget, Yang Xu hasn't attacked yet. He seems to be teasing them."

Think about it here.

People were more and more amazed at Yang Xu's strength:

What kind of confident person can make such a move?

"This mist is boring, let me go."

In the white mist, Yang Xu spit out:


A whirlwind of a dragon suddenly swept through.

It roared and whirled, and a few blinks of effort expelled all the mist.

This made the funeral, the pupil suddenly shrank:

"how can that be?"

"Why is Fantianxiang array blown away by the wind? He..."

"Look at his hand-the eyes of Fanxiang array should be taken by him."

Yan Xiao pointed to Yang Xu.

As the white mist disappeared, people no longer saw his obscure figure.

Yang Xu clearly showed in front of everyone, holding a seven-color strange flower in his hand, playing with it.

"He really found an array of eyes! How is this possible? How could he know where the array of eyes is?"

The funer was shocked.


Yang Xu put his effort on it, and the seven-colored flowers suddenly shattered and annihilated.

Linglong Fantianxiang array, instantly collapsed!

There is a clear flash in the eyes of Holy Heaven:

"The information recorded is true, this Yang Xu is also proficient in formation!"

"The funeral array of the burial **** has no effect on Yang Xu."

"Yang Xu is a versatile man in everything!"

Lan Qiying and Lan Xuanyu sighed behind "Lan Jiuzhong".

Burial Playboy and Yan Xiao looked at each other.

His face is a bit ugly:

The two teamed up for two hits and one fight, and in one round, they didn't even touch Yang Xu's clothing corner.

It's really embarrassing.

"Don't keep your hands, go all out and kill Yang Xu!"

The two heard each other's voices.



Yan Xiao's palm flashed a white light.

A whole white stone chariot, the size of a slap, appeared in the palm.

He threw the stone chariot into the air:


The stone chariot suddenly became the size of a house.

It haunts the ancient and obscure atmosphere all over the body, and it seems to come from the broken void from the wild times.

The chariot was covered with mottled bloodstains and marks of axe and axe.

A fierce breath lingered around the chariot.

Seeing vaguely, there are twisted ghosts roaring, it seems that there was a **** and a demon buried under the chariot.

"Oh my god, is this the treasure of the mountain clan, the devil chariot?"

Among the crowd, highly experienced cultivators were shocked:

"In the legend, the demon chariot crushed the demon **** and was contaminated with the real blood of the demon race. Its fierce anger, even the gods were terrified!"

"No! This chariot may just be a replica of the Devil's Chariot. The real Devil's Chariot is much stronger than it!"


The moment the stone chariot appeared, thousands of symbols burned.

It is like a god's car, two stone wheels rumbling and rolling.

Wherever he passed, two black rut marks were left, which crushed the void into two broken cracks.

"It's amazing! Although it is an imitation, the power of this tank is not weak at all! I don't know how powerful the real monster car will be?"

The cultivators were shocked by the powerful momentum of the stone chariot.

A pair of eyes, all staring at Yang Xu there:

"Can Yang Xu block this tank?"

"It's estimated to be choking! This is an imitation of the Devil Slaughter Chariot. It's powerful and suppresses the heavens. And don't forget, there is also the burial dude watching."

With the dignified eyes of everyone.

Yan Xiao's face turned red, and he urged the stone chariot with all his strength:

"Push me!"

"Crush Yangxu into patties!"


The stone chariot crushed the void, leaving two black rut marks, and the void shattered.

The dark rut marks approached quickly towards Chaoyangxu.

A violent and fierce breath flashed in front of Yang Xu.

He felt that the surrounding space was constantly compressed by the stone chariot and became hard like steel.

It's difficult for Yang Xu to move.

"This car is very interesting, just I still lack a car, I accept it!"

Facing the chariot from the rushing rush.

Yang Xuqingxiu's face was always calm.

I saw his body startled and crackled!

Among the limbs, a violent force exploded in an instant.

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