Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 1384: Peerless Hitomi!

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Chapter 1384: Peerless Eye Technique!

The sudden change made everyone present stunned.

Yang Xu even had seven evil corpses that sealed the Holy Heaven.


Even the body of the Holy Heaven must be sealed together!

Seeing the dry world, the endless power of heaven and earth, the chaotic sky seemed to be a huge world that could not be reached, and the pilgrimage heaven was shrouded down.

The attack without warning was too sudden.

Even Shengtiandu himself, did not expect that Yang Xu would make such an attack on him.


There is no accident, the Holy Heaven is the whole person, directly sealed into the dry heaven world.

Just the moment he fell into the dry world.

The power of the massive laws of heaven and earth, enveloping the power of the world that dries the heavenly world, is rolling away from all directions and pilgrimage heavens.

All the cultivators stared at Yang Xu dumbfounded.

With a wide open mouth, you can stuff big duck eggs:

"Oh my god, am I wrong? Yang Xu, even the body of Holy Heaven must be sealed!"

"What a joke? That's Holy Heaven, where is Yang Xu's confidence?"

"Really succeeded, Yang Xu really sealed the Holy Heaven!"

Accompanied by the exclamation and horror.


The figure of Shengtiandu completely disappeared in the dry world.

The dry heaven world of the eight-phase world is like a picture of a god. The lingering energy reflects the entire dark universe.


The dry world disappeared in the universe.

The blue people's faces all showed incredible colors:

"It's so easy to get the Holy Heaven done?"

"Yang Xu's eight-phase world is too wicked!"

Lan Qiying and Lan Xuanyu have incredible faces.


Together with other Lan family members, they looked at the "Lan Jiuzhong" side by side.

Regardless of strength or eyesight.

Or perhaps his knowledge of Yang Xu is undoubtedly the highest among these people.

"Yang Xu wants to get the Holy Heaven Capital, I am afraid it will not be so easy."

"Lan Jiuzhong" said slowly.


He frowned suddenly:

"Huh? There's something wrong!"

"Oh, I really deserve it. It's not simple."

This remark came out.

The eyes of the blue people suddenly flashed:

"Even the Holy Heaven is not dead yet?"

"Have he not been sealed by Yang Xu?"

Above the void of the universe.

Yang Xu stood quietly, even facing the burning eyes of everyone present.

There was no expression on his delicate face.

Most of his spirit is concentrated in the dry world.

Everything that happened in Qiantian's world appeared in his mind:

The strength and heritage of Shengtiandu surprised Yang Xu.

"Yang Xu, what's wrong with him?"

"Have you ever done Holy Heaven?"

The cultivators onlookers stared at Yang Xu, all wondering.

It was at this time.

A sigh accompanied by "Lan Jiuzhong".


Above the void, a crack suddenly penetrated.


An illusory world emerges from the void of the universe.

It looks like a divine scroll, slowly unfolding and presenting in front of everyone.

"It's Qiantian World! It actually appeared again!"

"Look, the Holy Heaven is not dead yet!"

As everyone exclaimed, they saw that in the dry world, the holy heaven stood proudly.

In a pair of eyes, strange colors flash.

Thousands of Shenhua and thousands of runes converged in their eyes, sweeping the storm.

"A small world, trying to ban me?"

"Yangxu, you are too naive."

With the holy heaven all snorted, scorn!

He torn his hands hard:


Behind the void, thousands of black palm prints slammed into the space of the dry world.


The power of the world, the laws of heaven and earth, the chain of order and so on in the Qiantian world come to stop.


The blow of Holy Heaven was completely blocked.

Yang Xu is not surprised, it seems to have been expected.

Instead, he looked at the trapped Holy City with great interest:

"No more effort, let's come up with your strongest means. This kind of three-legged cat can't open the world."


Yang Xu and Sheng Tian Du have the same purpose, and they are also forcing each other to show their cards.

Shengtian used seven evil corpses to force Yang Xu to perform "Eight-phase World".

Yang Xu took the plan and trapped Sheng Tiandu, but forced out the cards of Sheng Tiandu.


Not beyond Yang Xu's expectations.

Holy day all attacks after no results.

A trace of anger flashed across his face:

"Yangxu, this is what you forced me to do. Since you are dying for death, don't blame me for being merciless!"

Holy days are truly murderous.

Because no one has ever forced him to such a situation.

Especially the opponent's age is younger than him.

The potential is endless, and the future is even brighter than him!

Under the eyes of all eyes, the Holy Heaven Capital, trapped in the dry world, closed its eyes.

The onlookers all felt strange:

"What does it mean?"

"He admits his fate?"

"I think he seems to be holding big moves in Holy Heaven."

It seems to confirm this sentence.


In the dry world, the holy heaven, imprisoned by the chain of order and the laws of heaven and earth, has no clothes and no clothes.

A splendid golden light, like liquid metal, pours out from his surroundings.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

All the chains of order and the cage of heaven and earth came into contact with the golden light and collapsed.


Countless golden lights are like the Baichuanhuihai, all flowing to the two eyes of Shengtiandu.


Holy Heaven has two eyes, flashing golden light, like a golden universe starry sky.

Behind the void, the nine sacred infant figures bloomed in full bloom.


In the tightly closed left eyes of Holy Heaven, a golden lightning burst suddenly.

It is like a spear of gods, which will tear the barrier of the dry world directly:


Qiantian World rumbled and seemed to collapse.

The eyes of the Holy Heaven City seem to contain two rounds of golden sun, which is extremely majestic and has amazing energy.

"Oh my god, is that the legendary supernatural power?"

There are older cultivators, and the old face can't help but change his look.

Everyone quickly asked:

"What kind of magical power? Don't sell the old man, just say it~"

There was a trace of reminiscence on the face of the old repairer, exclaiming:

"According to legend, the holy mountain was once the ancestral land of a peerless strongman comparable to the **** and demon.

"It is said that practicing this kind of pupil surgery can create six eyes of reincarnation, one eye can open six paths, communicate with the space of hell, and imprison the enemy into the six paths..."

"And the other god's eye can control the power of reincarnation and drive the enemy into reincarnation. The eternal life and eternity are sinking and cannot be released!"

In the muddy eyes of the old practitioner, looking at the figure of Shengtiandu, he sighed:

"This holy sky is a man of the holy mountain. I am afraid that there is the blood of the peerless strongman in his body. Could he be awakened by the powerful pupil surgery?"

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