Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 1387: It's my turn to crush!

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Chapter 1387 It's My Turn!


Holy days are not finished.

He was severely slapped with a loud slap.

Yang Xu's indifferent voice passed into his ears:

"I said, I'm too lazy to waste time with you again."

The power of the Six God Eyes is indeed good.

But in the hands of Holy Heaven, it was obviously buried.

As for the eye of reincarnation, it is just a joke in front of Yang Xu, who is in charge of the "reincarnation of reincarnation".

"Complete the treasure wheel, suppress it."

Yang Xu decisively shot:

Yin Yang!

Void above the head, the Eight Dragons roaring in the perfect wheel, only a slight shock:

Brush brush!

Eight peerless swordsmanship, sharp and unmatched, tearing apart all tangible existence, and the sacred pilgrimage to the heavens were all beheaded.


The void in front of him was distorted by the rapid sword light.

As if folded by the space, the eight peerless swordsman beheaded to the front door in a blink of an eye.


Sharp sword energy cut the strands of Shengtiandu's hair.

"not good!"

Sheng Tiandu frowned suddenly.

Six divine powers swept through the left eye:


As the black river washed away, trying to stop the peerless sword.



The eight swordsmanship of the successful round of beheading contain eight phases of divine power:

Earth, water, fire, wind, thunder and mountains!

At the moment when the eight-phase Jianmang came to an end, Shengtian immediately felt:

The earth is majestic and thick, suppressing its body.

The gust of wind swept through, tearing its shape.

The combination of water and fire, interweaving yin and yang, destroys its gods.

Heaven and thunder interweave, breaking its soul.

Shanze condenses and devours his meaning.

Shengtian only felt that the whole person became muddled, with a tingling in his mind.

It is simply difficult to concentrate.

Since then.

Even the right eye, "Samsara God Eye", which he forcibly wanted to control, was too late to open.


On the Holy Heaven are all eight blood flashes.

Feng Rui Jianmang directly penetrated his body.

Leave eight scary blood holes.

Holy days present blood of gold color, gurgling out.

Every drop of blood is as heavy as lead and mercury, dripping on the ground, making a loud noise.

All the onlookers could not help exclaiming:

"Oh my god, what did I see? Yang Xu actually hurt the Holy Heaven?"

Those who didn't like Yang Xu originally had their eyes widened at this moment, and their eyes were unbelievable:

"how can that be?"

"Holy Heaven has clearly gained the upper hand at first, how could it be hurt?"

Supporters of Yang Xu refuted at this moment:

"Fart! The reason he got the upper hand is because Yang Xu didn't use his full strength at all."

"Look, Yang Xu is a little more serious, can't he support the Holy Day?"


Holy Heaven sees wounds on his body, and his face is somewhat distorted:

"No! Impossible!"

"How could I be hurt by you?"

"I can not be reconciled!"


Holy days are not finished.

A frightened thick golden sword blasted him suddenly.



A huge wound opened in his chest again.

Pierce its flesh directly.

Most of his heart is broken.

Yang Xu stood in the air and looked at him lightly;

"Holy Heavenly Capital, do you have only this ability? Take out your housekeeping skills."

"Otherwise, you are about to die."

As he said, his finger flicked gently:

Brush brush!

The round of the perfect round was shocked once again, and the dense golden sword-mansions, such as gusts and showers, swept to the heaven.

The monks around changed their faces when they saw this:

If so many horrible swordmans were stabbed.

I'm afraid it will become a hedgehog full of holes.

The sky was full of sword light, and Jinhui was filled, reflecting the twisted and unwilling face of the Holy Heaven.


Under the persecution of Yang Xu, a trace of grief flashed on his twisted face:

"Yang Xu, you forced me!"


With a big wave of his hand, the size of a fist, the gorgeous relic of the Buddha, appeared before him.

It's too late to say, it's fast.

Holy Tiandu fists startled, poof!

The golden relic broke suddenly.

A terrifying energy condenses in the void.

Just about to erupt.


A big gold hand, like the Buddha's five-finger mountain, was suppressed resolutely:


Shengtian was like a ball, and was shot and flew out.


While still in midair, he spouted a spit of blood.

Yang Xu stood in the sky and looked pale.

Succeeded by Baolun, under his control, one terrorist attack erupted after another.

The overwhelming energy makes the Holy Heaven overwhelmed.

Can't even fight back.

The whole of him, being attacked by Yang Xu's magnificent and endless killing tricks, kept fighting.

One bite after another of sperm blood, constantly spitting out.

The momentum of the Holy Heaven is getting weaker and weaker.

There are more and more wounds on the body.

The speed of counterattack is getting slower and slower.


Holy days are in the air, and blood blew again.

The whole person has become languishing.

Compared with the spirit of coming, it is simply the gap between the **** and the beggar.

All the cultivators fell into a strange silence at the moment.

They watched the holy capital of the once arrogant, extremely proud peerless genius.

Yang Xu was pumped over like a ball.

Holy Heaven doesn't even have the power to fight back.

This kind of scene makes all cultivators have the illusion of being in a dream:

When did the famous peerless genius get ravaged like a dough?


This Yang Xu is simply terrible!

At this moment.

Whether it supports Yang Xu or opposes Yang Xu.

Or maybe he didn’t like it.

All have completely changed their views on him:

"After this battle, the Yang nationality will have an ancient peerless genius!"

"Yangxu's famous name will step on Shengtiandu and be known to the world!"

The dense voice of discussion and the fluctuation of thousands of exchanges of mind and thought are constantly intertwined and flashing in the void of this dead universe.

In mid-air, Holy Heaven has been completely reduced to a human sandbag.

Whenever he tried to make a counterattack.

Yang Xu's violent thunder means immediately suppressed him and ravaged him.

Holy Heaven has never been so stubborn.

This kind of strength fell completely below, and the feeling of being suffocated by the pressure was really painful:

"As long as I know this, I shouldn't retain my strength and use the thunder to completely wipe out Yang Xu!"

Samsara eyes!

Anger and unwilling emotion stimulated the fighting will of Holy Heaven.

His right eye was finally opened:


A spiral of light blew out from the rising sun.

In front of Yang Xu, a twisted space channel suddenly burst open.

"It's the reincarnation channel!"

"Does Shengtian want to draw Yang Xu into the cycle?"

Everyone was shocked.

Unexpectedly, at this point, Shengtian can still make a counterattack.


Facing the power of Samsara's eyes, a trace of disdain appeared on Yang Xu's face:

"Playing the reincarnation set in front of me is just a waste of effort."

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