Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 1394: Holy heaven, die!

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Chapter 1394 Holy Heaven, Die!

【Ding! 】

[Lin Phoenix Divine Sword triggers a critical strike, the enemy's vitality-6.9 million! 】

【Ding! 】


In the ear of Yang Xu, the system's dense prompt sounded.

A sword was cut out, as if the beginning of the massacre of Holy Heaven Capital had begun.

Wrapped in endless Divine Flame Sword Light, Holy Heaven can't even fight back.

The majestic vitality exploded almost at an alarming rate.

【Ding! 】

[Linhuang God kills the sword to trigger the sword, power +500%, critical strike +50%, break defense +50%! Enemy vitality-28 million! 】


Holy Heaven's majestic and magnificent momentum faded in an instant.

He was seriously injured, a lot of blood was lost, and his face was pale, and the whole person was depressed.

Yang Xu held the Linhuang God Sword, and said lightly:

"It's over."


The **** kills the sword.

The sharp and fierce flaming sword awn burns everything and cuts to the holy heaven in an instant.

"Six reincarnation eyes!"

Holy Heaven's eyes burst into two rays of light.



Six worlds and reincarnation worlds are opened in front of them.

The power of rolling six reincarnations, trying to stop the **** killing sword.


【Ding! 】

[Sword of the Sacrifice comes with the skill "Rage of the Phoenix" triggered! Endless flames, burning all enemies, ignoring all defenses! Duration 10 seconds! 】

"-9 million!"

"—12 million!"

"—19 million!"


Holy heaven is above the head, one after another bright red figures soared.

Even Yangxu had to sigh that after Nirvana, the vitality would have improved so much!

The life value of Holy Heaven is at least 100 million points!


No matter how much blood, in front of Yang Xu's Linhuang **** killing the sword, it is all in vain:

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the player, the Linhuang Divine Sword will trigger a kill! 】


Holy Heaven all frowned, and a bright red blood line emerged:

"—89.74 million!"

Life value bottomed out instantly.

The breath of the holy heaven is rapidly declining at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Until all disappear.

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the players, beheading the Nirvana Cultivator Holy Heaven, rewarding experience value +590 million! True power value + 59 million! Points + 5.9 million! Mana + 590,000! Crazy value +590 points! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the Taoist: Heavenly Dragon Divine Plate x1! Do you wear it? 】

[Congratulations to the player, get Nirvana Magic: "Chaos Sky Sword" x1! Do you want to learn? 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the magic: "Brahma Buddha Handprint" x1! Do you want to learn? 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the treasure: gold relic x9! use or not? 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the item: "Nirvana Experience" x1! use or not? 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the best dark crystal core x6987! Is it integrated? 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the best spirit x79835! Is it integrated? 】

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the player, if the madness value is full, is the madness state turned on? 】

Yang Xu's ear sounded the system prompt.

"Nirvana magical power? Can "Chaos Sky Sword" only learn after Nirvana?"

Yang Xu tried it.

【Ding! 】

[The player cannot enter Nirvana, "Chaos Sky Sword" cannot learn! 】

Sure enough.

"The Brahma Buddha's Handprint is quite powerful, but unfortunately it can only be exerted with the help of the golden relic."

"Fortunately, it is generous to leave this treasure boy in the Holy Heaven, and left 9 gold relics for himself."

Yang Xu sighed.

When he saw that "Nirvana Experience", his eyes lit up:

"For me now, this is the most valuable thing! With it, I want Nirvana, there will be a clear reference, greatly improving the success rate."

Although the harvest is not small this time.

But Yang Xu was not so satisfied:

"Unfortunately, the blood of the Six-Layer Reincarnation God Eye failed to explode, and I plan to fuse it to strengthen the Supreme God Eye."

His eyes flashed slightly:

"It seems that the world **** Liu will help."

The world **** Liu has a 50% chance to capture the enemy's cultivation power, and a 5% chance to plunder the enemy's bloodline and divine body!


With a big wave of hand, Yang Xu collected the body of Shengtiandu.

The system prompts immediately:

【Ding! 】

[Detected powerful bloodline x1! Whether to activate the world **** Liu to extract blood veins? 】

"What is the success rate now?"

【Ding! 】

[The extraction success rate is 5%! 】

"Then don't worry about refining now."

A hint of fine flash flashed in Yang Xu's eyes:

It seems that he hasn't gone crazy in a long time.

Immediately there will be a chance to be crazy, and when the lucky value is full, the success rate will be greatly improved.

It is not too late to draw the blood of the Holy Heaven.

At this moment.

All the cultivators, seeing the Holy Days were killed.

Everyone's face changed a lot:

"All Saints are actually dead?"

"Oh my god, am I wrong? How could such a powerful Holy Heaven die?"

"But his breath of life is indeed gone!"

Brush brush!

All the horrified or shocked eyes came to Chaoyangxu.

There were deep fears and strong envy on their faces.

Even the Holy Heaven Capital that had entered Nirvana was killed by Yang Xu.

This time Yang Xu is a well-deserved first boy genius!

Blue side.

Lan Qiying and Lan Xuanyu, they don't know what to say.

They opened their mouths wide and wanted to exclaim.

But because of the lingering fear, he couldn't spit out a word:

Damn, it's terrible!

Fortunately, they did not participate in the siege of Yang Xu.

Even Shengtian was killed by Yang Xu.

Replaced by them, I'm afraid the bones will be cold already.


Everyone seemed to understand something at once, and they all looked towards Lan Jiuzhong.

A smile appeared on the face of "Lan Jiuzhong":

"Now I know, why don't I attack Yang Xu? We are not his opponents at all."

"Brother Jiuzhong, thank you! You saved our lives again!"

Lan Qiying and Lan Xuanyu all looked at "Blue Nine Heavy" gratefully.

Lan Xuanyu was worried:

"But Brother Jiuzhong, our task is to take away Yang Xu and grab the monument of Yangshen. Everyone didn't take action, didn't it violate the order of the patriarch?"

After all, they came with a mission this time.

He left without a single stroke. He was hitting the patriarch's face.

To this.

"Lan Jiuzhong" pointed to Yang Xu in a hurry, a deep smile appeared on his face:

"Don't worry, just wait and see. The Holy Mountain and the Rock clan bully Yang Xu so much, do you think Yang Xu will let them go?"

Lan Qiying and Lan Xuanyu, their eyes blinked:

"Brother Jiu Zhong means that Yang Xu might retaliate against them?"

"Not possible, it must be!"

On the face of "Blue Nine Heavy", a certain color appeared:

"According to my understanding of Yang Xu, he is a person who must repay the enemy. Look, he has acted."

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