Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 142: Make a fortune!

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Chapter 142: Make a fortune!

Yang Xu looked at the panacea in shock.

[Item: Moyun Qilin Dan

Grade: top grade

Description: One of the varieties of Fengmodan, which contains the magical power of the magical seal, which can metabolize the magic of the body of the Kirin rune sealer. 】

"Obtaining Moyun Qilin Pill, the completion of the mission has skyrocketed, maybe this pill medicine can restrain the old man of cone heart?"

Yang Xu's eyes lit up.

Tell the good news of Qin's.

The other party replied:

"Life first, mission second!"

Yang Xu couldn't help but feel warm.


The light curtain around Baiyutai disappeared.

"Can you leave?"

The bright light flashed in Yang Xu's eyes, falling on those materials.

So many great medicinal herbs and elixirs are thrown here?

of course not!

Xumi flashed, all the elixir swept away.

[Congratulations to the player, get...]

[Congratulations to the player, get...]

A series of prompts in the ear.

"Haha made a fortune."

There is a random material here, and there is no price for it outside.

It is indeed a treasure trove!

Yang Xu walked around the hall and found a portal.

Stepping forward, the next door was exactly the same here.

Yang Xu entered Baiyutai and triggered the alchemy mission again.

Finished easily.

All the elixir was looted again.

Continue to go down.

It is the same hall again.

Continue looting!

Less than half a day.

Yang Xu has looted dozens of halls.

The amount of elixir he searched was staggering and varied.

The horror of its value is worth the total amount of a country in a year!

Jian Nantian's other medicinal herbs are all missing!

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, the main task: restore Jian Nantian's injuries, +50 completion degree!

Current task completion degree: 70/100! 】

There was a happy expression on Yang Xu's face.

This is really a windfall.

When Yang Xu entered the next palace.


Baiyutai's light curtains flash on all four sides.

It was Princess White Fox who was trapped inside.

She knows nothing about Danshu, and there is no possibility of passing it.

She was trapped in despair.

Try to ask Yang Xu for help.

Yang Xu refused her without hesitation--

joke! We are enemies!

Don't think you are beautiful, I will not kill you.

Unless you have value...

Yang Xu's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Are you from the Fox family?"

Yang Xu asked her across the light curtain.

There is no pride before Princess White Fox.

She nodded with tears in her eyes.

"How many tails do you have?"

Yang Xu asked.

Princess White Fox's cheeks suddenly turned red:

"How can you ask such a private question casually?"

Yang Xu face stunned:

"Is it private? Do you love to say nothing, don't say I'm leaving."

"Hey you come back, I said I said!"

Princess White Fox shyly said:

"I've practiced three tails now, but don't look at me. I only have three tails. I'm a white fox. It's the purest blood of our fox family."

Her eyes sank slightly.

It was only a slight change, but Yang Xu had an instant insight.

"It's really a cunning fox."

Yang Xu sneered:

"I'm counting her, she is also counting me. Ha ha, acting with me? I will let you know what a movie emperor is."

Yang Xu showed a look that was gradually confusing her.

The white fox princess suddenly became more attentive.

Seriously, this is a vixen.

She sincerely wants to please you, really few men can bear it.

Even Yang Xu appeared several times absent.

"I teach you alchemy and help you out, you have to do me a favor."

"it is good!"

Princess White Fox agreed without thinking.

Yang Xu smiled quietly and began to instruct her to practice alchemy.

The process of pointing is also the process of Yang Xu's reflection.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the players, the level of "Liumu Danshen" has been upgraded! Current level: lv2! 】

"Liu Mu Dan Shen Shu" actually upgraded one level!

After spending a whole day and night, Princess White Fox finally succeeded in developing three immortals.

If there is no Yang Xu pointing.

She couldn't finish it even if she spent ten times more time!

The moment the light curtain disappears.


A snowy tail behind Princess White Fox swept violently towards Yang Xu.

"En Jiang Qiu Bao! Young Master has been waiting for you!"

The figure flashed.


Yang Xu grabbed Princess White Fox's tail.

Follow me!

Yang Xu pinched the tail root.


The most sensitive part of Princess White Fox was caught, and the whole person fell to the ground softly.

Covered with pink, like a ball of spring mud, charming and arrogant.

But Yang Xu was unmoved:

"Little puppetry!"

The black rune instantly covered the whole body of Princess White Fox.

She looked at Yang Xu in amazement.

Until the black rune got into her head.

She yelled:

"Don't do it! I'm willing to cooperate with you!"

"Work with me?"

Yang Xu stood high and looked down at Princess White Fox:

"Do you think I am an idiot? Now I can enslave you, you are my prisoner, why should I cooperate with you? It's ridiculous."

"How can it be ridiculous."

Princess White Fox reveals a charm:

"Yangxu joins our fox family? Is your qualifications ok? If you join the fox family, I can allow you to follow me at any time. I am the princess of the fox family. If I have time, I can still point you to practice, I personally directed you..."

She looked at Yang Xu charmingly, and there was a charming flow in her eyes.

Yang Xu sneered:

"If a master doesn't do it, follow you as a minion? Do you think I'm as stupid as you?"


The black puppet rune, like the tide, darted into her mind.

Her pupils all turned black instantly.


Princess White Fox knelt on the ground and kowtowed:

"Meet the master!"

"Get up."

Yang Xu waved his hand:

"Speak, what is the purpose of your coming here? Is it related to the elderly Cone Heart?"

"Little Puppet Technique" has limited control time, and he must urgently ask key questions.

"It has nothing to do with Elder Xinxin. The purpose of my coming here is Yang Xu."

"it's me?"

Yang Xumu was shocked:

"How do you know me?"

"The cousin told me."


Yang Xu felt that he might suffer, he asked down with his heart:

"Your cousin is..."

"Her name is Lianyi, and she belongs to the lotus family."

"Understood, it's no wonder that I saw you a little bit familiar before, but I was actually the cousin of Lian Yi.

Yang Xu has long seen that the origin of Lian Yi is not simple.

When she mentioned the demon clan, she looked wrong.

Others say Qingzhuo Fengfeng, only she has always said Qingzhuofeng.

No one else recognizes the orcs, only she recognizes at a glance..."

"Do you have a good relationship with her?"

"not good at all!"

Anger in Princess White Fox's eyes:

"She's better than me since she was a child, smarter than me, and I can't beat her in every way except her blood. But just three days ago, my mother told me that her cousin seemed to have ancient Qinglian blood in her body! I'm not reconciled, I want Taking away her favorite person, even if I can't take it away, I will destroy it!"

Yang Xu's brow twisted into a pimple.

What's wrong with this, is it eight o'clock in Korean drama?

"Do you know Elder Cone Heart?"

Princess White Fox walked so fast on Fangcun Ancient Road, it was not a credit for footwork at all.

Yang Xu discovered it long ago.

So he has always suspected that Princess White Fox is conspired with the old man.

Princess White Fox speaks amazingly:

"I know Elder Xinxin, he is my Master!"

"Dare to say my identity, die!"

A strange red light suddenly hit the heart of Princess White Fox!

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