Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 144: Super big boss!

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144 Super Boss!

The purple giant diamond shattered the void, like an awl, bursting into the heart of Chaoyang Xu.

Yin Yang Twenty Dragon Pile!


Yang Xu gathers yin and yang, and six chaos dragons take shape instantly.


The Chaos Dragon pulled the purple giant diamond and flew out at once.

The eight-pole demon tail, as big as a house, occupies the void.

There are eight octopus giant tails with a length of more than ten meters.


Over the head of the eight-pole demon tail, the phantom of the old cone-hearted man appeared.

His pair of purple eyes stared at Yang Xu faintly:

"Yangxu! I have calculated a whole hundred years, planned everything, and was actually destroyed by you, a little human!"

"Today you must die!"

An octopus giant claw of the eight pole demon tails pierced into the void.


Behind Yang Xu, a void collapsed.

Purple octopus claws shoot out, poof!

Penetrated Yang Xu's heart.

"Is it an afterimage?"

Yao Xueyi's eyes wide open.

"Not good! Not an afterimage! He was really hit!"

Everyone was surprised.

Unexpectedly, the extremely powerful Yang Xu was also killed!

Yao Xueyi only felt a sharp pain in her heart and twitched for a while.

at this time.


Yang Xu was unexpected again.

He broke free from the purple octopus claws and flashed ten meters away.

In his heart, a fist-sized hole was bloody.


The wound burned with golden flames and healed instantly.

Incorporating the fruits of the sun, Yang Xu's body can be elementalized at any time, and he is not afraid of physical attacks.

"What kind of exercise is this?"

Everyone was dumbfounded.

"Huh? Impossible! No one can escape the blow from my old cone-hearted man, you...not! I feel a huge energy in you! Quack, it's mine!"

The eight-pole demon tail laughed loudly.

The image of the old man of Cone Heart continues to change, becoming a silver-haired old man in a while, and becoming a childish and innocent girl.


Its eight giant claws uprooted the entire Mengzhang treasure house.

Remove the lid of the pagoda and grunt!

There was blood flowing from the pagoda.

The size of the eight-pole demon tail has grown at an alarming rate.

It was like a mountain in the blink of an eye.

A tens of meters long purple giant tail rises into the sky.

"So much blood! This demon killed at least hundreds of people!"

"We are all fooled!"

Everyone exclaimed.

Eight purple giant tails rose into the sky, puff puff puff!

Plunged into the void.

"Everyone be careful!"

Tom tom!

Eight pole demon tail giant claws rushed out of the void from all sides.

In the blink of an eye, eight strong men were killed.

【Ding! ! 】

Yang Xu sounded the system prompt:

[Congratulations to the player, found the super BOSS eight pole demon tail! Unknown attack power, unknown defense power!

Alert: Player mortality rate exceeds 90%! Super BOSS kill rate is less than 5%! 】


"Alert you, Gole Gobi! Killed so many people, I must explode this boss!"

Yang Xu was angry.

"Ten Yang Samsara! Open!"


Yang Xu is full of black hair and no wind automatically.

Above his forehead, a purple reincarnation rune flashed.

The violent energy was rushing around in the body.

Boom Boom!

The land at the foot of Yang Xu was cracked by violent energy.

"What a violent force!"

"Shiyang reincarnation? Why have you never heard of it?"

The funerary son was horrified.

Wanwan stared at the reincarnation rune of Yang Xu's forehead. She seemed to have thought of something, and looked at Yao Xueyi in surprise.

Yao Xueyi's cheeks were red, and she dared not stare at her sister.

"Eight pole demon tails can absorb energy, so the soul technique cannot be used."

"Then use swordsmanship!"

Pack it up with physical attacks!

"Hey, if you don't come out to help the eight pole demon tails, you will be invincible!"

He shouted in the sky.

Shengyue Shengzi and Yao Xueyi, who are attacking, are suspicious:

"Who is he looking for?"


A black ancient sword came flying.

Hei Xiu Xiu stood in the void and looked at Xiang Yangxu in surprise:

"It turns out that this is your true strength!"

Yang Xu glared:

"What a waste, don't you just come to teach it, you and I join forces to solve this trouble!"

He stared faintly at the eight pole demon tails:

"Old monster, if you commit suicide now, you can die happily! Otherwise, wait for me to take action, and you will have to survive or die!"


Everyone took a deep breath:

Yang Xu is really arrogant!

Dare to threaten the eight pole demon tails!

"He let the eight pole demon tail commit suicide?"

Many people think he is crazy.

"What's the point! Want me to obey, you dream! Everyone must die today!"

The huge body of the eight pole demon tail shocked.


All the voids on his side collapsed.

The darkness of nothingness enveloped the battlefield.

Everyone felt tight.


The purple energy turned into a magic cloud, and came to suppress everyone.


In the purple magic cloud, countless octopus giant claws shoot out, specifically stabbing the hearts of everyone and grabbing people's hearts.

"Snatch the thief first! You are my left!"

Yang Xuchao's black swordsmanship.


He rose into the air and ran at speed in the air.


He instantly flashed beside the huge head of the eight-pole demon tail.

Aimed at the eyes:

"Give me!"


The power of the ten-yang reincarnation gods made two punches with all his strength.

The eyes of the eight pole demon tails were smashed directly.

The black-sword sword repairs the air, and points out:


The black sword burst from the fingertips.


One blow penetrated the head of the eight-pole demon tail.

Suddenly it slowed its violent offensive.


The eight pole demon tails howled, and the purple energy swept toward his head.


All wounds recovered instantly.

"Its resilience is too strong, it must be killed in one blow!"

The bright flash in Yang Xu's eyes:

"It seems that the trick is really necessary."

He looked at the Xuya ring on his hand.

There are key props hidden inside.

"You contain it, I will kill it in one blow!"

Jianxiu in black immediately nodded, and cooperated with Yang Xu to attack the eight pole demon tails.


Yang Xu rose from the sky, bang!

He kicked his feet in the void, hitting the eight pole demon tails like a shell.

"He doesn't want to live?"

Everyone was surprised.

The eight pole demon tails are in the middle of their arms and the mouth is wide open.

Kaka Kaka!

The purple teeth rubbed like crazy.

"You're fooled!"


A pile of black Elixir hit the mouth of the eight pole demon tails.

"What is this? Ah! My energy!"

The eight pole demon tail burst with a hum, hum.

A unicorn rune suddenly appeared in its body.


The purple energy covered by its surface fades at an alarming rate.

The huge body of the eight pole demon tail also shrank quickly.

"Moyun Qilin Dan has worked! Take advantage of his illness! See me burst BOSS!"

"Ten cuts!"

Chanting chanting!

Linhuang sword out of the sheath, sword light like fire, roaring out.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, trigger the crit attribute! 】


On top of the tail of the eight-pole demon, a long string of blood words rose.

"Nima! No one-hit kill!"

Yang Xu's good luck seemed to run out.


The eight-pole demon tail was cut with a sword and fell into anger completely.

【alarm! Super boss is in a rage! Unknown attack power, unknown defense power! Player mortality rate is 100%! Player mortality rate is 100%! 】

The voice did not fall.


The eight pole demon tails exploded with purple awns and a purple octopus claw, which turned into a hill and crashed into Yangxu.


His body was exploded.

Blood mist drifted.

"Yang Xu is dead!"

"This is impossible!"


A rag doll appears in the air, poof!

The stand-in doll blocked a fatal blow for Yang Xu and completely collapsed.

Yang Xu's real body appeared in the other direction:

"Ten cuts! Hit again!"

Chanting chanting!

The ten sword **** lights turned into a golden sword sword.

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