Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 147: The warehouse is too big to fit!

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Chapter 147 Exploded so much that the warehouse could not fit!


Space surgery!

Move skill!

This is too good!

"Eight-phase world!"


The energy of the void is flowing behind Yang Xu.

The eight portals, like eight mysterious scrolls, flash around Yang Xu.

Each portal is connected to a different world.

Qiantian, Kundi, Xunfeng, Thunder, Thunder, Kanshui, Lihuo, Genshan, Dzeze eight phases.

Although every world is just a newborn.

There is only a rough outline.

But the power of terror has already begun to take shape.

Yang Xuyi launched "Eight-phase World".

Even Qinshi, the eighth-level Soul Emperor, felt a shock from his heart!

"What kind of terrifying soul art did you realize?"

She was shocked:

"It has unlimited future potential!"

The power of the demon soul continues to irrigate the eight-phase world.

Every world is growing and evolving at an alarming rate.

In the past three days.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the players, the level of the "Eight Phase World" has been upgraded! Current level: lv1! 】

Finally broke.

The eight-phase world has begun to take shape.

The rest is constantly improving and enriching.

What surprised Yang Xu even more was.

The power of the demon soul of the eight pole demon tails was finally digested.

Become the nourishment of the eight-phase world.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, the eight-pole demon tail curse is eliminated! Do players check BOSS rewards? 】

"Check now!"

Yang Xu couldn't wait.

[Congratulations to the player, leapfrog to kill Super BOSS eight pole demon tail (Crazy)! Reward experience value + 10 million! True gas value + 1 million! Points + 100,000! 】

[Congratulations to the player, trigger the lucky 99 full value attribute! Super BOSS reward doubled! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get x1 of "The Tomb of the Great Tomb"! 】

[Congratulations to the player, have you obtained the x1 crystal of the eight-pole demon tail bloodline, is it fused? 】

[Congratulations to the player, the space system crystal core (perfect) x100, is it fused? 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the magic crystal core (perfect) x100......]

[Congratulations to the player, the bloodline crystal core (perfect) x100...]

[Congratulations to the player, get the wind crystal core (perfect) x100......]

[Congratulations to the player, get the thunder crystal core (perfect) x100......]

[Congratulations to the player, get the equipment: Eight-pole goggles x1, do you wear them? 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the equipment: eight pole hanging tail armor x1......]

[Congratulations to the player, equipment: eight pole bloodthirsty sword x1......]

[Congratulations to the player, get the equipment: Eight poles swallow the sky x1...]

[Congratulations to the player, get the equipment: eight pole cone spear x1......]

[Congratulations to the player, get the power of "Eight Surge of Heaven" x1! Do you want to learn? 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the power of "Eight-Fantasy" x1......]

[Congratulations to the player, get the skill "Handprint of the Seven Loves" x1......]

[Congratulations to the player, get the material: Panlongjin x1! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the material: Demon Tail Xuan Huangmu x1! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the material: Bixuexinx1! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get Elixir: Netherworld Bone Pill x1! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the Elixir: Six Desperate Pills x1! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the Elixir: Crazy Life Loss Elixir x1! 】

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, complete the main task: defeat the conspiracy of the old man!

Players get rewards:

Experience value + 1 million, true gas value + 100,000, points + 10,000!

The real clue of Mengzhang Treasure x1!

Mysterious treasure box x1!

S-level draw chance x1! 】

【Ding! ! 】

[System warehouse space is insufficient, do players expand the warehouse space? 】


So many things burst!

It couldn't even fit in the warehouse!

"How to expand the system warehouse?"

[10000 experience value = 1 grid system warehouse! 】

"Then expand one hundred first!"

The most important thing for the young man now is the experience value!

The huge amount of equipment and crystal cores made Yang Xu dazzled.

"No matter, look at the most important first."

[Item: Treasure Map of the Long Tomb of the Great Tomb

Grade: None

Description: A map recording the treasures of the "Longevity", the **** of the forest. According to the map, you can find clues to the treasure and get the inheritance of the forest god!

Description 2: The **** of the forest, the **** of nature! 】

"I go, it's actually a treasure map! The inheritance of the **** of the forest?"

Yang Xu's eyes lit up.

If his "Eight-Phase World" wants to be more perfect, he has to refer to more heaven and earth.

Must be inherited by the Forest God!

[Item: Eight-pole Demon Tail Bloodline Crystal

Grade: Unknown

Description: Sealed with the crystal of the eight-pole demon tail bloodline talent. After fusion, you can get the eight-pole demon tail talent: devour energy! 】

"Boss! Leave this thing to me! I need it too much! With the blood of the eight-pole demon tail, I will be strong quickly!"

The sound of the Nine Nether Dragons longing came.

"Okay, here you are!"

Yang Xu already has eight blood of the gods, and does not intend to merge other blood lines for the time being.

The Nine Nether Dragons should indeed be strengthened.

Otherwise, it is okay with ordinary chicken.

In the face of an anti-sky monster like the eight-pole demon tail, it is useless.

When I saw the equipment with the word "Eight Pole" hanging around.

Yang Xu's eyes are bright:

"Nima finally broke into a suit! And it's a premium suit!"

"All equipped!"


Yang Xu's attire changed.

A set of eight pole dangling armor is on the body. The purple armor covers the eight purple demon tails and protects the most vulnerable parts of the body.

Chest eight-pole heart mirror, flashing purple demon tail runes, ready to protect the heart at any time.

The eight poles under the feet swallow the sky, which can swallow the power of space and turn into kinetic energy, which increases the speed tenfold.

The eight-pole bloodthirsty sword in the waist, the whole body is red as blood, the sword is pulled out of the sheath, the purple demon is lingering, and it seems to be swallowing life at any time.

Behind the eight pole cone spear, the spear tip is formed by the eight demon tails, a spear cone heart.

A whole set of equipment put on, Yang Xu's whole body glowed like a god.

Qin's was shocked.

"It's so cool!"

While Yang Xu marveled, he looked at the effect of the suit:

[Set effect one: two pieces of equipment, defense +200%, attack +200%, dodge rate +200%!

Set effect two: three pieces of equipment, defense +500%, attack power +500%, dodge rate +500%!

Set effect three: four pieces of equipment, can summon eight pole demon tail (incomplete state) body protection! Get in a harmless state for 10 seconds!

Set effect four: Five pieces of equipment, can call the eight pole demon tail (complete state) body! Get invincible for 10 seconds! 】

Yang Xu was shocked.

Add attack power, defense power, dodge rate.

This is trivial.

Summon eight-pole demon tail guards!

This is really abnormal!

Incomplete state, turn on "no injury", the defense is infinite!

Complete state, turn on "invincible", the attack power and defense power are infinite!

It's simply open without a double frame.

That effect, just imagine the blood boiling!

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