Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 149: Crush them for me!

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Chapter 149: Crush them for me!

Some people say that to conquer a man passes through the esophagus.

And to conquer a woman, you have to pass that way.

Yang Xu verified the latter with practical actions.

Today there is Qin Shi, and his eyes are tender and watery.

I wish to blend into his body.

This is the result of Yang Xu's hard work.

Taking her out of Shadow Hell, Qin's steps were a little hobbled.

Unsteady walking.

Well, this also stems from his hard work.

The two were looking at you and I was looking up at the old man Zhuge.

Yang Xu looked at Youqin:

"Is this for you?"

Qin's mouth pursed and smiled with a sorry look:

"Sorry, bad boy, I wanted to experience the traces you left on me for a while, but now I have to recover."


A trace of pure element air flowed to her legs.

All scars were recovered.

"Zhuge has Qin's! Since you are not dead, just give me back to the Zhuge family to complete your mission!"

Elder Zhuge stared at You Qin quietly.

His eyes were like a bad wolf.

"Mission? It's just to please a pervert for you."

Qin's contemptuous smile:

"I told you earlier that I have Qin's, not Zhuge."

Elder Zhuge narrowed his eyes slightly:

"If you marry my Zhuge family one day, you will be my Zhuge family one day! Lord Xiao Hou can't wait any longer. Obey me and go back..."

"You're so shameless about old things! I used to promise to worship your waste son because of my father. But he went out and fooled around the same day and died on the tea girl! No worship hall, no cave, you still licked your face and pulled me Daughter-in-law relationship? I recognize my purpose is to please that surname?"

Qin's sneer again and again.

Yang Xu heard his eyes wide open.

No wonder she hates men so much.

It turns out there is such a wonderful reason.

Yang Xu's eyes became cold.

Even Li Wei looked at Zhuge with some contempt.

Elder Zhuge's face was blue and he was trembling with anger:

"Zhuge has Qin's! How brave you are! Doesn't it matter if you have a Qinist? Without me, you can't support it without a Qinist!"

"Then let them die! I have done so much for them, but they are greedy and shameless, they never consider it for me, I see through!"

Qin's face is indifferent:

"From now on I will have Qin Wenying live only for himself! Only live for this bad boy named Yang!"

Qin's hugged Yang Xu's arm.

"What! His surname is Yang?"

Elder Zhuge's eyes suddenly froze.


The breath of the soul emperor's ninth peak broke out.


Countless masters gathered from all directions.

The cultivation base is the Soul King Realm.

"This person's surname is Yang! Kill me!"

Without speaking any truth, you are about to kill.

"If I want to move the boy, I asked Qin Wenying first!"


In the face of many strong men, Qin Wenying actually rushed up.

Yang Xu shrugged helplessly:

"It seems that there is no way to be good, then kill it."

His temperament changed.

Before, he was a careless sloppy man.

Now it is the ruthless and bloodthirsty wolf king.

The sudden change of momentum made Elder Zhuge's face change:

"How could his breath be so strong? It's impossible..."


Yang Xu disappeared in place.

Bang Bang!

The two soul kings behind Zhuge flew out.

Their chests collapsed and their organs rotted into mud.

【Ding! ]...

【Ding! ]...

A system prompt to kill the enemy sounds in the ear.

Yang Xu smiled lazily:

"The masters of the Zhuge family are quite useless."

Qin's sneer:

"It was originally a group of rice bins, by selling women to get rich garbage!"


She beheaded a third-level Soul Emperor.

Elder Zhuge's face was as cold as ice:

"Zhuge has Qin's! Give you the last chance, kneel down and beg for mercy, obediently please to serve the gods... Poof!"

He was slammed and flew out.

Bleeding at the corner of the mouth, the disheveled hair, staring at Yang Xu:

"Hello bold! You dare to hurt me..."

Yang Xu looks like an idiot:

"Are you stupid? Are you going to kill me, and I have to confess to you?"

Yang Xu waved easily:

"This time I will fight ten!"

Eight-phase world!

Kaka Kaka!

The eightfold world is like eight grinding discs rolling and strangling to kill ten soul kings easily.

Brush brush!

Yang Xu gained a lot of experience and points.

The rise of homicide:

"Don't be lazy, let's help out!"

"Come on, boss!"


The phantom of Nine Nether Dragons flashes in the void.

Everyone was startled.

Even Qin's face was shocked:

"You have a dragon, bad boy?"

Yang Xu Sao Sao smiled:

"Ye has two dragons, one to deal with this group of garbage, and one to deal with you."

"You are dead."

Qin Shi blushed.

Back to the bang and hit a soul head.


Nine Nether Dragons exploded a second-level Soul Emperor with one tail.

Shouted to protest:

"Boss, you are not kind. Wow, compare Ben Long to your second son!"

Puff puff puff puff!

The eight-phase world is like a grinding disc impact, killing four souls.

Yang Xu did not reply:

"Believe it or not, I will call you the second child?"

The nearby Li Wei and Elder Zhuge are stupid:


This is fighting, OK?

Do you still bring casual chat?

Not too serious.

The strength of Yang Xu's two men and one dragon shocked the Zhuge people.

At this time there is Qin's.

The excitement was getting wet.

It's been a long time since I felt this way!

In the past, she would feel guilty to kill and live for others.

It wasn't until she met Yang Xu that she discovered the beauty of living for herself!

And chatting with Yang Xu while murdering, let her enjoy from the heart!

"I wish this killing would never stop."

Qin Shi slapped a soul emperor with a slap, lamenting.

Yang Xu grinned:

"It's not easy, it's offended anyway, we might as well kill the Zhuge family!"

All Zhuge people were shocked:

Kill the Zhuge family?

If they were really killed by these three killing stars.

Is the Zhuge family still good?

Elder Zhuge's face changed and changed.

a long time.

"Stop it all!"

All Zhuge people stopped.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!



Blood splattered and the head was flying.

In an instant.

At least thirty practitioners were beheaded by Yang Xu.

"We all stopped! How do you still kill?"

Yang Xu coldly hummed:

"You say we have to stop when we stop? You are old, are you qualified to order us?"


Yang Xu entered the flock like a tiger and rushed to the past.

The eight world portals were oscillating above him.

Just turn around, poof.

Elder Zhuge quakeed into a rotten flesh.

The valley was filled with layers of meat.

In Yang Xu's ear, the system clanged.

A lot of experience!

True gas value!

Points value!

equipment! Gongfa!

It's about to burst.

"Nima! It's still the coolest killing upgrade!"

"System, give me all the points to be used for trumpet time!"

Yang Xu laughed and looked at Youqin:

"Sister Sakura, today I will accompany you to rush into the Zhuge family to kill you and say goodbye to your past!"

"Bad boy listens to you! Kill the Zhuge family!"

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