Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 157: Tenshoku Shinsen

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Chapter 157

Yang Xu came to the Tigers by himself.

Tiger masters are known for their fierce breath.

Seeing Yang Xu all showed hostility.

Suddenly, the madness came to Yangxu to suppress.

The next tiger snickered innately.

It seems to have seen Yang Xu, scared to the point of urinating butt.

In the past, many human masters have suffered such losses.

It will be much easier to talk about business later.


As soon as the evil spirit came, Yang Xudun felt.

Just smile, moan!

His body was full of sword spirit.

All the fierce anger is crushed!

Puff puff……

Those who condensed their grief to Yang Xu's demise were all vomiting blood and injured.

"How could this be!"

The tiger was stunned.

This is the second time he has lived so long and saw no fear of fierceness.

Even the last one, like Yang Xu, didn't hurt everyone at the fingertips.


The tigers looked at Yang Xu with a little more awe.

"Let's meet again."

Qing Feng, the young master of the Tiger tribe, sat on the wooden couch.

Tasting tea just like humans.

Yang Xu sat down calmly:

"Speak, what kind of transaction do you want?"

"If I want to buy Miss Lianyi of the Lotus from you, how much do you pay?"

Qingfeng looked at Yang Xu faintly.

The pupil shrank slightly, Yang Xu coldly said:

"Lianyi is not my private property. I can't price her, and I don't have the power to buy or sell her."

He looked at Qingfeng indifferently, his chances flashed:

"You also don't have this power."

"Oh? Then if we..."


Yang Xu interrupted Qingfeng coldly:

"A woman is not a question for me to discuss. If you have nothing else, then leave."

Yang Xu's impression of Qingfeng is not very good.

Qingfeng was stunned for a moment.

I probably didn't expect Yang Xu to be so tough. He smiled and said:

"Yangxu, since you came to my tiger clan, without my approval, it is not so easy for you to go out."

"Without your approval?"

Yang Xu sneered:

"Do you believe it or not, I can take off your head within a second, and by then, it’s all nonsense what you use! What if I dare to come in, Yang Xu dares to walk in, and I can walk out intact and don’t believe you You can try it."


His whole body burst into horror.

The strong murderousness was almost as if it were substance, making Qingfeng shudder.

"What's wrong with the young master!"

Tiger Congenital rushed in with other strong men.


Yang Xu swung with a palm.

A huge palm print, flashing seven colors of light, bang.

Fly the crowd out together.

It is "Seven Feelings Big Handprint"!

"Yang Hero, please be more restless! It's wrong! I'm just trying to test you, I apologize to you."

Qingfeng was secretly shocked.

He heard about Yang Xu's strength.

But I never expected that Yang Xu would dare to be so strong when he arrived.

What a confident person this is!

"Trading is trading, if you want to threaten me, you don't have that weight!"

Yang Xu glanced at him lightly:

"Say, what else to talk about?"

"I don't know Mengzhang Treasure House, do you feel interested?"

Qingfeng stared closely at Yang Xu's expression, trying to see something.

But he was disappointed.

Yang Xu faced like a deep well without any slight fluctuations.

But actually.

Yang Xu has set off a wave in his heart:

"Do you know the clue of the real Mengzhang treasure house?"

Complete the task of frustrating the old man of cone heart, the system rewards Yang Xu.

One of them is "the real clue of the Mengzhang treasure house".

If you can get the second article...

Qing Feng smiled:

"Haha, it seems that you really care about Yang Xu. Then there is talk, I will provide you with clues, and you take risks. Anything you get is yours, I just need the same..."

Qingfeng's eyes suddenly flickered with amazing light:

"Tianyan Shenquan!"

He burst out with a strong desire.

Yang Xu looked down at him:

"For your legs?"

Tian Yan God Quan Yangxu has heard that it has the effect of "life and death."

Restoration of broken limbs is even easier.

"When I was young, I was cursed by a mysterious ancient tribe because of a battle. After using various elixir and medicine, I couldn't keep my legs. I think Tianyan Shenquan should be able to."

Qingfeng looked at Yang Xu in hope:

"Are you willing to go?"

"Yes! Give me clues from Meng Zhang's treasure house."


Qingfeng busy handing a booklet to Yang Xu.

Turn it over:

【Ding! ! 】

【Congratulations to the player, get clue 2 of Mengzhang Treasure Vault! 】

Yang Xu was slightly happy.

"Although I promised to help you, I will not go now. I need to return to Zongmen, and I need to make sufficient preparations in advance."

Yang Xu has always been determined and moved.

Qingfeng's eyes flickered:

"That's it! Be sure to be fully prepared. If you need any help, you can always find me!"

The greater Yang Xu's grasp, the higher the chance of finding Tianyan Shenquan.

Qingfeng suddenly solemnly Xiang Xiangxu clenched his fists:

"Yang Xu, I was offended in the past, and now I sincerely apologize to you! Thank you for giving the Tigers a chance."

Yang Xu said lightly:

"No. Nothing else, I will leave."

"Congratulations to Young Master Yang!"

Yang Xu got up and suddenly pointed to a painting on the back wall:

"The man in black in the painting is quite young. Who is he? Who wants you to burn incense?"

Qingfeng's face changed slightly:

"Oh, he is... an ancestor of mine."

Yang Xu flashed his eyes and left with a smile.


The picture scroll suddenly flashed.

The black sword in hand holding the ancient sword appeared.

Qingfeng respectfully:

"Old Ancestor! The juniors did not work well, it seemed that Yang Xu noticed the clue..."

Black Sword Xiu waved his hand:

"It's not your fault, he felt my breath as soon as he entered the door."

He looked at Qingfeng's broken legs:

"Qingfeng, I have read the many heroes of the Heavenly Wind Kingdom. Among them, the most suitable for inheriting Mengzhang's treasure trove is less than ten. Among them, Yang Xu is the most likely to succeed."

"The ancestor was right, Yang Xu acted quite well. Although he was young, he was extremely sensible. It was amazing to think about things."

"Okay, go ahead and prepare. I still have old things to go, leave for now."


The black clothing sword repair turned into black smoke dissipated.

"You came."

On the roadside, Yang Xu didn't reply.

Black sword sword repair mouth corner:

"You already knew I would come? Or did you have a keen sense?"

"Oh, even if I have a keen sense, if you conceal me, I won't feel any breath of you. Am I right? Supervisor Priest?"

Hei Xiu Xiu froze.

Then smiled:

"It seems that you really know my identity. Unfortunately Meng Zhang is not here, otherwise you will be so smart, he will love it."

"Shen Mengzhang? Qinglong?"

Yang Xu's heart moved:

"After I left that day, where did that fake Mengzhang treasure trove go?"

Black Sword Xiu raised a brow:

"What's false is true, the present day is the Mengzhang Treasure, it's just a corner of the treasure."

Yang Xu stunned slightly.

Just a corner?

Nima! There are so many good things in the corner.

If it is a real treasure trove, then must the treasures pile up like mountains?


Throwing black swordsman to Yang Xu:

"The Mengzhang treasure house has been taken back by me. Do you inquire about it for this thing?"

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the treasure to go to the crystal wall x1! Do you send copy space? 】

"Send in."

Yang Xu's eyes lit up.

This is a good thing, it can push and evolve the Soul Sword Art and so on.

It is simply an intelligent terminal.

Yang Xu was greedy at the time, but unfortunately he didn't wait for him to go back and collect the treasure.

Unexpectedly, now, go to Wujing wall and recover!

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