Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 159: Streak in a row!

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Chapter 159 Lianzhan winning streak!

"You are Yang Xu!"

The face of the scarred face suddenly changed.

The two little newcomers suddenly opened their eyes:

"Wow! Brother Yang Xu! Are you closed?"

Yang Xu smiled slightly:

"It's over. Thank you for maintaining me just now, and making me look good."

Yang Xu winked playfully at the two.

The two little newcomers flushed with excitement:


Brother Yang Xu really is as easy as the legend.

It's even cute.

"Yangxu! I have no injustice with you, let me go!"

The scared face shouted loudly.

"There is no injustice? There is no injustice between these two newcomers. Why do you bully them?"

"They don't listen to my teaching, they also speak badly to me, and of course they should clean up!"

Yang Xu couldn't help laughing:

"Isn't it good to say nothing if you don't do it? Come! You read it to me now, your scar-faced man is a big rubbish! A deflated, three-handed commodity that only bullies the weak! Read!"

Yang Xu smiled coldly:

"If you don't follow me, you just say bad things! I want to abolish you!"

Two little newcomers next to me, sweat beads of excitement came out:

Brother Yang Xu is too righteous!

This is clearly exposing them!


Yang Xu was too lazy to talk nonsense again, and a dozen big mouths swept through.

The face of the scarred man suddenly swelled.

Loud slaps sounded tens of meters away.

People passing around couldn't help looking here.

When it is clear that it is Yang Xu.

All eyes brightened:


One did not fall all over:

"Look! Yang Yang is about to shoot again!"

"Haha, I don't know which unlucky egg caused him."

"Aren't everyone going to persuade?"

"Persuade a fart rack! That's Yang Xu, let's not talk about its strength. Ask the people around you, has Yang Xu bullied anyone?"

"It's really not like that! The inner doors that Yang Xu cleans up every time are all beating."

"It's right to know this! As long as Yang Xu takes action, it must be the other party's problem, either bullying or self-righteousness. I don't believe you look at the newcomers..."

The two lovely newcomers are explaining to the crowd.

They quickly explained the ins and outs.

Everyone suddenly realized:

"I'll just say, Yang Xu must be fine."

People looked at Yang Xu's eyes with admiration:

"Senior Brother Yang Xu, don't know about this kind of rubbish, just hit a casual meal."

"Yes, Brother Yang Xu, I can't be angry about this kind of thing."

"Yang Xu, go and practice quickly. This kind of debris is not worth your time."

The scar-faced strong man deeply felt the maliciousness of the world.

Not reasonable anymore!

It was him who was slapped!

Why did everyone comfort Qi Yangxu?

Is it good to bully people about the Basic Law!


Yang Xu threw the Han man underground.

The big man looked at Yang Xu fiercely and stared at the two newcomers.

Turn around and want to go.


Yang Xu looked cold:

"Did you just see what they did? Did you beat me, did you want to retaliate against them?"

The face of the scarred brawn changed:

"I didn't... didn't think so."

"Don't think so? A lot of people here know you, and I can find out your information. You'd better hope that they are safe and sound, as long as the two of them are a little bit wrong, even if they touch diarrhea, you have to be careful Your head! If they die suddenly, even if they choke to death, I will kill you and be buried!"


Everyone present took a breath.


Too domineering!

I have long heard that Yang Xu is arrogant and arrogant in his work, but never leaks.

I finally see it now!

The face of the scar-faced man changed and changed, and finally he was embarrassed.

"Brother! Thank you for being so considerate for us!"

The two newcomers are grateful.

Yang Xu smiled:

"I didn't just say it casually, as long as you have anything, come to me at any time! If you can't find me, go to Tieao and Xiong Feng and they will definitely help you."

After this matter.

Yang Xu's fame in Ling Yunzong suddenly became more popular.

The news of the end of his retreat also instantly spread throughout Lingyunzong.


In the courtyard, a marble table was shaken into powder all over the floor:

"Yang's name is too much! Don't take our inner door into consideration at all!"

A disciple of the inner door, his face gloomy like water.

The scarred faced man sat next to him, his face stooped:

"What if he can't swallow it, he is too strong, we are not opponents at all."

"We are not opponents, someone in Ling Yun can always pick him up!"

Another inner disciple said.

"Who can tidy him up? Don't you forget that even that lunatic, Liancheng, has been defeated by Yang Xu! Liancheng is the best one in the inner door!"

"No, there is one more! And this person also has a murderous feud with Yang Xu!"

"His nephew, beheaded by Yang Xu's mysterious master, has no bones!"

The eyes of several inner disciples were all bright:

"Elder Song! Let him shoot!"

While talking.


The courtyard door was kicked off.

Yang Xu Shi Shiran came in:

"I heard someone saying that you want to deal with me, are you? Or you? Or you?"

The faces of several inner disciples changed and changed:

"Yangxu, don't go too far! We have no injustice with you..."

"No injustice or no hatred? You just said that you want to find Elder Song to clean up me, and you said you have no hatred?"

Yang Xu smiled coldly:

"Let's talk nonsense! Let's go together!"

"Want to single out the six of us? You are too arrogant! Everyone go together and abolish Yang Xu!"


The six inner disciples rushed towards Chaoyangxu together.


Yang Xu's cultivation is the realm, which is higher than them.

What's more, his combat experience is far from comparable to these people.



Yang Xu's double fists circling azure blue light.

Boom Boom...

All he was hit by a punch, all exploded a dozen meters away.

One by one, the outside is tender and the inside is tender and speechless.

"A bunch of waste."

Yang Xu smiled contemptuously and turned away.

These people on the ground all felt a strong humiliation!

"Liancheng! Get out! The young man asked you to settle the bill!"

Yang Xu stood outside the courtyard of Liancheng.

Suddenly attracted the eyes of many inner disciples:

"I'm going! Yang Xu came to find the stubble of a lunatic?"

"Even if the lunatic lost to him last time, it is said that he worked hard every day and night!"

"Look, even the madman came out! I went, so much power!"

Even Heng Heng's eyes were gloomy, staring at Yang Xu quietly:

"Yangxu, you are finally here! Even if you don't come to me, I will go to you!"

"Less nonsense! Your ninth-level soul master, I am also a ninth-level soul master, come and fight!"


Liancheng killed Xiang Yangxu.

"Gintama Tornado!"

Yang Xu hit with a palm, Hulong!

The terrible tornado blew the city out.


Slammed to the ground.

"I wasn't your first move against the enemy! How is this possible?"

"There is nothing impossible. In order to stabilize the foundation, I concentrated on ten days of retreat, and I will be trained to suppress the ninth-level Soul Master. Otherwise, I will have become a soul!"

"Soul! Really fake?"

"Brother Neimen and Brother II seem to be souls and spirits, too?"

"It is said that if you become a soul, you are eligible to become an elder..."

People looked at Yang Xu in horror.

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