Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 166: Was Misty Palace going to become Shurachang?

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Chapter 166 The ethereal palace wants to change to Shura field?

According to Xiong Feng Tieao their conservative opinion.

At this stage, the provocation has been completed.

Yang Xu can escape.

But Yang Xu didn't do it.

His purpose is not only to provoke the troubles of various schools to find Ling Yun.

It’s just a broken Lingzong.

It's not worth Yang Xufei's strength.

His real purpose was actually death...ah, he was fighting.

That's right, it's just to find differences and fight.


Ling Yunzong's somewhat masterful masters were all spotted by Yang Xu.

Inspired by Yangxu's inspiration.

Many good ideas often come up in battle.

For example, use electric current to stimulate the flesh and break the limit.

Yang Xu needs more actual combat.

Come hone yourself and find inspiration.


His sinful eyes fixed on several sect gates near Ling Yun.

"He Yingbu!"

Zhang Mingyue and Zhao Qingfeng all attacked Yang Xu.

All of Yang Xu's body exercises are unfolded.


In the blink of an eye, Zhang Mingyue and Zhao Qingfeng were beaten with bruises and bruises.

They want to cry without tears:

"Dare you not use physical exercises?"

The two of Tian Yuzong rushed forward without saying a word:

"Change us!"


The two came back with a face of Ziqing:

"Brother, it's your turn."

"Damn it! Use Soul Technique to deal with him!"

"No! Soul technique is too dynamic, and the door rules do not allow Soul Technique to be used at the mountain gate!"

"At this time, what rules did he control! We are glorifying Zongmen!"

"He Yu Man Kong!"

"Lingwei Blood Feather!"

Everyone launched Soul Art.

Worthy of being the brothers' sect, He Yuzong and Tianyu Sect are so similar to the soul technique.

The fluttering white feathers and the blood-red crimson feathers spilled into the void.

Every feather hides a sharp killer.


Feathers attacked Xiang Yangxu.

Yin Yang Twenty Dragon Pile!

Feather failed to break through.

Everyone's amazed Zhang Dayan:

"What kind of exercise is this? The defense is so perverted!"

If the people of Ling Yunzong were there, they would have recognized it.

The Yin-Yang Twenty Dragon Pile has already become a symbol of Yang Xu.

"You are done, it's up to me."

"Big Day Black Lotus!"

A ghost lotus condenses in the void above Yang Xu's head.

Eight lotus petals bloom slowly.


A dark lotus petal flew out, wherever it passed, the void cracked out.

Puff puff……

Everyone was shocked out.

Everyone was frightened to see:

"What a horrible soul!"

"What is this person's origin?"

"When did Ling Yunzong have such a strong soul technique?"

Yang Xu withdrew his soul technique and sighed:

"Ah, I haven't tried hard yet, and you will fall down!"

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, the level of "Daily Black Lotus" is increased! Current level: lv2! 】

"Haha, Kung Fu lives up to the dead, "Daily Black Lotus" is finally upgraded."

Yang Xu feels that this group of people is simply a pile of walking skills experience.

"Hurry up! Go to the next sect!"

Leaving everyone a lonely figure, Yang Xu quickly went away.

ten minutes later.

In front of Huoyunzong Mountain.

"I have a sentence that I don't know when to speak?"

"Ah? Please."

"Huoyun Mountain is Ling Yunzong!!"


"Huoyunzong is also Lingyunzong!!"


"This kid is here to find fault! Take him down!"


Yang Xu succeeded in his death and started fighting again!

Misty Palace, apse.

Apart from Wen Ying, Yao Xueyi, Wan Wan, there is no one else.

None of the three women's faces looked good.

Silence for a long time.

Wanwan said:

"Are you sure that the person you fancy is him?"

She didn't even call Master.

Sun and Moon heard the cherry coldly:

"Of course, I have sent Qianji Crane to make sure that the soul stamp on it is his."

Wan Wanjiao's body shook and her face turned pale:

"How can you do this... obviously it's me first..."

There was a trace of intolerance in the heart of Sun Moon.

But thinking of the bad boy, she couldn't help but down:

"Love can't be shared. You haven't met him anyway, just find another one. I don't object as long as it's not him."

Yao Xueyi next to him, his eyes light up slightly.

"I don't need anyone, I want him! Why should I change one? Why don't you change another one?"

Wan Wan's head was stubborn.

"I... I've talked to the bad boy..."

A trace of blush crossed Wen Wen's face.

Yao Xueyi and Wan Wan, their faces changed together:

"How is it possible! Master, you are not..."

"Yes, Master, are you controlled by puppetry?"

Both sisters knew how much Master hated men.

Riyue Wenying could not help smiling:

"Do you know why I changed my name to Sun Moon Sakura?"

She gave Wanwan a special look.

Almost apparently, she told Yang Xu's experience.

She didn't even care about the details on the bed.

The second woman was blushing.

Wan Wan's heart is even more ups and downs:

"It's over! It's said that the old house is on fire faster. Master, she has never loved a person, and now she will definitely care about everything..."

You can hear Yangxu and Wenying.

Wanwan is envious and jealous in her heart:

The woman in the story should have been her.

It was her who was crushed by the bad boy!

"No, I still have a chance!"

Wan Wan's eyes light up:

"Master! I am younger and prettier than you, and he will love me as soon as I meet!"

Wan Wanwan smiled like a delicate pink rose blooming.

Sun and Moon heard Sakura for a moment, then sneered:

"It's true to be younger than me. As for being prettier than me, are you sure?"

She smiled slightly.

The two temperaments of grace and femininity condensed on her.

The charm in a flash is as gorgeous as a flower.

Even Yao Xueyi looked slightly surprised.

Master who has been nourished by love is indeed different from before.

Not only is it more beautiful than before.

Even the momentum seems stronger!

"You...you...Master you bully people!"

Wanwan can't hold it anymore.

With tears ran out.

Seeing Yao Xueyi chasing out, Riyue Wenying couldn't help but stop.

Resisting her distress, she forced herself to harden her heart:

"Can't be soft-hearted! Love can't be shared, I can't serve with Wan Wan! Let her break it earlier, it's for her good."

Riyue Wenying is very reasonable.

But she forgot, sometimes feelings are unreasonable.

"Wan Wan! Don't cry... I know you met him first, and I also know that he is very interesting to speak...Yes, he is different from other men...but he has already talked to Master... What? Are you going to find him? No! Do you know where he is... ask Yang Xu? Yang Xu doesn’t necessarily know? Well, I sent Qian Jihe to ask him."


"Baihua Mountain is Ling Yunzong..."


"Hundred Flower Palace is also Ling Yunzong..."


"Oh by the way, your beautiful housekeeper and your group of beautiful chicks belong to Ling Yunzong..."

"Sisters! Beat him!"

Just about to start.


A red Qianji crane came out of the void.

"Well, sisters, wait a minute."

Yang Xu opened the Qianji Crane, and his eyes widened:

"I rely on, she came to me? Was the misty palace not a Shura field? Don't they fight!"

Yang Xu turned to leave.

"Did you want to leave after the sisters?"

"I'm really in a hurry, ladies! Baihua Mountain is not Ling Yun, Ling Yunzong is your business."

"Not only Lingyun is yours, the Heavenly Wind Kingdom is yours, the universe is yours."

"Even Bangziguo is yours!"

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