Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 168: Yang Xu's shock!

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Chapter 168 Yang Xu's Shock!


Yang Xu returned to Zongmen on the sunset.

As soon as he entered the door, he was called by Meng.

"Why are you all here?"

Teacher Meng, Jian Nantian and Jian Yunqian all looked at Yang Xu.

"What do you think of me?"

Teacher Meng smiled and said:

"Do you know that because of you, the entire Zongmen seniors are now burnt?"

"Oh, it has nothing to do with me."

Yang Xu has long been indifferent to Ling Yunzong.

"Teacher, what is the purpose of me?"

Teacher Meng looked at Jian Nantian.

Jian Nantian is still in plain clothes, and the long hair at the waist is simply tied with a gray rope, not ordinary laziness.


His eyes were completely different from usual.

It's like a sharp sword is out of the sheath, and it becomes extremely sharp!

Yang Xu's heart moved, could it be...

"Yang Xu, your talent is very good. Your teacher always feels that you have been neglected by Zongmen and a little wronged, so I recommend you to be my disciple. Do you understand this?

Yang Xu nodded.

"Then do you know why?"

Yang Xu flashed his eyes, and frankly told him:

"Ms. Meng is very kind to me. He knows that I was neglected at Zongmen, and you are also neglected by Senior Nantian. However, he still has to recommend me to you, explaining two things:

First, I am qualified to be your apprentice.

The second point is that you are qualified to be my master.

The most important thing is that Ms. Meng always thinks that I am a talented person in Lingyun, so I guess, Senior Nantian, you must have some kind of resource, or a rare opportunity to recommend it to me..."

He finished in one breath.

Teacher Meng and Jian Nantian both looked shocked.

"You... were you all right?"

Jian Nantian couldn't believe it.

Teacher Meng was also quite surprised.

Yang Xu, a student, was usually silent and didn't expect to see everything in his eyes.

"Well, since you guessed it, I might as well say it!"

Jian Nantian sharply sharpened in his eyes:

"I can accept you as a disciple, provided that you have sufficient qualifications! If you meet the conditions, I will not only give you that opportunity, but will also help you get upright and jump the dragon gate!"

Yang Xu's eyes flashed:

"What is your chance?"

"A chance to look at the continent's landscape, look at the world, and even break the void and override the world! But the premise is that your qualifications must meet the standards!"

Jian Nantian once again emphasized the word "qualification".

"My qualifications are not enough now?"

Jian Nantian's tone is faint:

"Your performance is enough for ordinary sect, even second-rate sect. It's a little worse for first-class sect, but not enough for top-class sect. As for the difference between them and the world..."

The difference between heaven and earth!

Yang Xu was shocked:

"What do you want to take me to join is the existence beyond the first level, even the top sect?"

Jian Nantian smiled disdainfully:

"Zongmen? Zongmen is in front of them, just a pile of sand that can be crushed by hand. The top Zongmen is no exception!"

"Haha, then I'm relieved."

Yang Xu smiled confidently:

"I can."

With [Unlimited Upgrade System], he believes that everything is not a problem!

Yang Xu's self-signaling teacher Meng shocked:

"Don't you hide strength, Yang Xu?"

What Yang Xu showed now was enough to surprise him.

If this is just the result of his hidden strength...

The next Jian Yunqian was also stunned.

He has also seen many geniuses.

There are not many people as confident as Yang Xu.

Is this arrogant?

Jian Nantian is not nonsense, and took out the space bag:

"It's useless to say anything else, everything has to be based on data."

I saw Jian Nantian took out a bunch of accessories from the space bag and skillfully combined them.

A tool that looks like a laptop appears.

Yang Xu's eyes widened:

"this is……"

Jian Nantian said lightly:

"This is a portable version of the potential tester, which can accurately measure your potential value."

"Why haven't I seen this thing before?"

Jian Nantian said lightly:

"Because there is only this one in the whole country of Tianfeng. This is something from another plane."

Another plane...

Yang Xu took a deep breath.

I have a new understanding of Jian Nantian's past.

Jian Nantian drummed for a long time, and the potential tester did not respond.

He frowned.

Yang Xu looked silent for a while:

"Senior Nantian, are you not connected to energy? I think that line is not connected..."

"Oh right! Too nervous, forgot."


Teacher Meng laughed out loud:

"Let you pretend to be in front of your juniors, make a joke."

Jian Nantian ignored him, humming after connecting energy.

The potential tester flashed seven colors at once.

A strange language appeared.

Just listen to Jiannan Tiandao:

"Modify lock, human root language."


The tester flashed, and the outgoing sound was immediately understood:

"Human root language is locked! Please select a plane and a specific location!"


A series of subtitles suddenly appeared over the potential tester.

Yang Xu blinked suddenly:

This picture is too familiar!

It is very similar to the screen of [Unlimited Upgrade System].

I saw many things written in strange text.

Obviously those fonts are strange and strange.

Everyone can understand it.

It says--

【Plane selection:

One, low plane

Second, the high plane

Third, the astral plane

Fourth, the galaxy plane


Lin Lin's general division of the plane, the rank is strict.

Yang Xu looked dazzled, and had a feeling of being subverted by the three views.

Was the unknown world so big?

Even his original earth and universe, in the face of these unknowns, are just a dust in the desert and a drop in the sea.

Jian Nantian said in a deep voice:

"Choose a locked plane: low plane, lowest continent, lowest magnitude, penultimate: Hongtu Continent!"


The tester shines:

"The plane is locked! The detection standard is the lowest order in the middle! Is the test started?"

Jian Nantian pointed the tester at Yang Xu:

"Come on, use your best strength to punch it."

"Ah? Won't it break?"

Jian Nantian said lightly:

"Just rest assured, even if you smash the entire continent on it, it will not damage it."


Yang Xu took a breath.

"How much do I test to meet your expectations?"

Jian Nantian said without hesitation:

"A person with 1 potential is enough to become a peerless genius of the top sect, fighting for all nations and being famous in the mainland!"

"And to join those behemoths, the minimum potential value is 20!"

"Twenty times the difference!"

Jian Yunqian was shocked.

Instead, Yang Xu nodded calmly:

"Then start."

He punched freely:


"Potential value is 0.000000001! The test is completed."


Full of silence.

Jian Nantian couldn't hide his disappointment.

Jian Yunqian was surprised.

Teacher Meng was also shocked:

"How is it possible? Yang Xu! You take it seriously!"

Yang Xu smiled and said:

"Sorry, my hand slipped. Come again!"


He was shocked all over the body, mobilized his strength, and punched.


Void was blown by him, and a crack like a cobweb was exploded.

The detector suddenly flashes between:

"Potential value 0.1! The test is completed!"

"Why so much at once!"

Jian Yunqian looked at Yang Xu in astonishment.

Teacher Meng was also surprised.

Jian Nantian was still disappointed:

"The potential of 0.1 is enough to join the first-class sect. But to join them, it is too much difference..."

The gap between "0.1" and "20" is at least separated by 200 top sects.

【Ding! ! 】

Yang Xu's mind suddenly sounded the system prompt:

[Alert: Unknown system fluctuations detected... Low-level systems cannot be merged... Can be assimilated and absorbed... Is the player absorbed? 】

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