Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 186: Do not trade at a loss

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Chapter 186

at this time.


The door opened.

"How will you be here!"

The wave was shocked.

Wow la la.

A pile of toys in his hand all fell to the ground.

Yang Xu glanced;


Enough variety!

You put all your thoughts on repairing the array into these toys.

The sea waves flashed quickly, looking at Yang Xu and Liu Lin.

Liu Lin's voice became more and more rapid.

The eyes of the waves flashed:

"I passed the intermediate formation yesterday, and the strength is not under you! We will not benefit both sides if we fight. If you want, I will leave you a place. Let's be together."

The waves smiled at Liu Lin with a meaningful smile:

"If you don't mind, we can have fun together."

Yang Xu's eyes widened.

Is Nima's outside world also so sharing spirit?

Do I want to reply to you, "Thank you, the landlord, for a safe life"?

Liu Lin's breathing became more intense.

Actions have even been added.


The breathing of the waves accelerated significantly.

"How about, do you disagree? There are not many opportunities like this..."

"Not many of you, go! Seeds can be shared, fruits are not to be played!"

Yang Xu took out the Linhuang sword:

"I have killed Peng Gongzi with this sword. He can't stop me with a sword. Do you think you can have Peng Gongzi powerful?"

Yang Xu asked coldly.

"Okay! You are kind! You will regret it!"

There was a trace of resentment under the waves.


A flash of sword light flashed through.

A sword seals the throat.

The light under the waves quickly dimmed and died in anger.

"Shameless face. System, recover corpses."


The body was swept away with blood stains.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, side mission: protect Liu Lin's innocence, completion +50.

Current task completion degree: 50/100! 】

"I'm going, and I'm going to go up by 50 degrees?"

Yang Xu turned to look at the bed.

Liu Lin at this time, the action is not a general temptation, whether it is expression or posture.

It made people look dry.

Of course, this refers to others.

For an old driver like Yang Xu, he is the only one who leaves the car.

A fruit girl, do you think you can beat me without coding?

too sweet.

The real old driver can only be disarmed, not defeated!

"It's you... hurry and leave me!"

Liu Lin's will appeared briefly sober.

She is embarrassed.

She felt ashamed.

But Yang Xu knew that this was only a brief "back to light".

It is for you to experience the sober indulgence.

The next wave is estimated to be a storm.

What restraint, embarrassment, all will be destroyed in the face of the most primitive instinctive impulse.

"Okay, let me go. But I would like to remind you that this medicine is extremely poisonous, but it comes from the soul. If you don't vent it in time, it may affect your soul and even the array masters can't do it..."

"What! The wave bastard! What should I do now?"

Liu Lin looked pale and looked at Yang Xu.

Yang Xu shrugged:

"Look at me, it's not the medicine I gave you."

"You try to help me!"

Liu Lin was annoyed, her cheeks flushed again.

Yang Xu rolled his eyes:

"I owe you! Can't stand holding this up."

Yang Xu threw a column with flashing patterns to Liu Lin.

Liu Lin's eyes widened with anger, and her breathing increased significantly.


She threw the thing out heavily:

"I don't need this thing! How can I Liu Lin carelessly hand over a piece of wood for the first time? The person I want is a world hero, and one day he will hold a seven-color cloud..."

Yang Xu turned around and left.


Liu Lin stared at Yang Xu bitterly and said:

"Aren't you wood! I remind you that it's so obvious, you..."

"What's wrong with me?"

"Are you a fool! It's not all written in romance novels. If the heroine encounters this embarrassment, won't the onlooker always take the initiative to help..."

Liu Lin's eyes are like Wang Yingying's water staring at Yang Xu:

"You come……"

Yang Xu shook his head firmly:

"I'm not coming."

His eyes are clear:

"I don't lack women, and I don't plan to open a harem. If I go up at this time, I will definitely get into trouble again. If you don't do it, you will still face me with grievances afterwards, and make a lot of unreasonable demands... …"

"I have nothing to ask you!"

Liu Lin gritted her teeth.

The weird feeling in the body overwhelmed the waves.

She could not bear it anymore.

"That's it, you can't use it to threaten me, and we don't have anything to do with it. The intersection between you and me is only this time."

"Good! I promise you all! Come on..."

"Then I..."

"What a word! Come up to the old lady!"


The white flesh flickered.

Yang Xu was pulled into the bed.

"Ah... it hurts... Yang Xu, I hate you!!"

Outside the window.

A space is slightly twisted.

Wanwan listened to the voice, only feeling red and red, and breathing more and more heavily.

"Men don't have a good thing, men really don't have a good thing!"

Wan Wan's eyes were filled with tears, and the more she heard, the more sad she felt.

She originally thought that Yang Xu was her only one.

Where do you know...

Yang Xu flashed through his mind.

Be careful with her, considerate of her, take care of her.

But everything was shattered by the shameful voice in the ear now.

"Woo... Only Master and Master hurt me the most, men are bad guys! I'm going home to find Master!"


Wan Wan Yang went away.

early morning.

Messy bed.

The moment Yang Xu woke up.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, the side mission: protect Liu Lin’s innocence, completed!

Reward: Experience + 100000! True Qi +10000! Points + 1000!

Goodwill system starts!

S-level draw chance x1! 】

Amount, is this considered innocent?

Yang Xuhan.

"Is good value system turned on?"

When Yang Xu looked at the panel, the word "Liu Lin" flashed brightly in the column of goodwill.

Open it and see, good guy:

Goodwill value +10!


Goodwill value +20!


Goodwill value +20!

Goodwill value +20!


Lin Lin, who stayed last night.

A look at the total value: 85 points.

The goodwill system is almost as loyal as the servant system.

But goodwill comes from women.

The "0-40" point indicates that they can communicate.

The "40-80" point means that you can make jokes at will and attach body movements.

Above 80 o'clock, it means you can do anything casually.

Above 90 points represents unreserved trust.

Liu Lin currently has 85 points in her favor.

Doesn't that mean you can do whatever you want with her?

Just thinking about it.


There was a strong voice behind it.

Yang Xu was kicked off the bed.

On the bed was Liu Lin facing him, his expressionless cold face:

"You leave me! Immediately! Immediately! Or you will regret it!"

Yang Xu was surprised to see the favorability value:

It's still 85 o'clock, no change.

He couldn't help laughing:

"Small sample, play two faces with me, right?"

Rush into the bed to clean up.

Liu Lin is honest.

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