Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 197: The arrow kills the **** anaconda!

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Chapter 197 Arrows Kill Biblood Anaconda!


Unsurprisingly, Yang Xu's proposal suddenly made the masters of the formation look overjoyed:

"Yangxu, you are really powerful! Just do what you say, we will make a note this time, and will not let your light be in vain!"

They are all formation teachers, and they will understand a little bit.

Knowing that Yang Xu gave them face.

The teachers are very grateful.

The moment when the light curtain is opened together.

All of them looked forward to it and marveled.

But at this time!


A horrible green light suddenly burst out.

"There are fierce beasts!"


The green light flashed, click and click!

A large number of strong men were swallowed by fierce beasts.

Everyone quickly backed away, and after seeing the fierce beasts, they all took a breath.

"Green Blood Anaconda! Class A Ferocious Beast!"

It is said that the most massive beast in the world is the legendary Kunpeng.

After Kunpeng, it is Sen An.

In front of him, the blood-blooded anaconda was 100 meters long.

The huge body is thick like a mountain, and the whole body is made of steel.

Each scale is as big as a washbasin, shimmering with cold metallic luster.

Its pair of house-sized giant snake pupils glimmered green light faintly.

Once stared at, it makes people feel terrified.

"No! This is not an ordinary Senac! Look at the top of its head!"

A strong man exclaimed.

At the top of the head of the blood-blooded anaconda, a bag of the size of a water tank bulged.

It seems that there is a horn to drill out.

"Hua Longjiao!"

"This is a forest anaconda that is about to evolve into a dragon!"

Everyone took a breath.

The first-class beast is already strong enough.

What's more, it is such a huge forest anaconda.

But now!

The face of everyone was actually a fast-growing dragon.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, found the first-class beast BOSS Bixue Sen Anxie (Crazy version) x1! 】

Yang Xu's ear tips.


Marveling again and again, some strong men were swallowed by the blood-blooded anaconda.

The piercing fracture sounded, and the person who was swallowed hanged and died directly.

"Big brother, he's so scared."

"I'm as scared as my sister!"

Both little loli covered their eyes and dared not look.

Yang Xu's expression was solemn, and he glanced at Princess White Fox:


The white fox princess grows lotus step by step, and takes everyone away.

"Turn the sky up, suppress me!"

Champion Hou Zhou's body is full of blood, like a **** of annihilation, tossing the sky.


The giant tail of the Bixuesen Angui was pumped up, and the big seal like a hill was directly beaten out.

Giant tail rushed to the champion Hou fiercely.


Dapeng phantom flashed in the void, golden Dapeng's claws were cast like gold, tearing towards the blood-bloomed anaconda.



Golden Dapeng's phantom was brutally crushed by Bixuesen's head.


Peng Gongzi's face was pale, and he retreated three consecutive steps.

"Ning! Kill!"

Zha Xiaoshu's hands were sealed, and a mysterious Sangzi tree suddenly appeared in the void.

Pieces of green leaves seemed to contain traces of the avenue, smashing the void, and rushed towards the blood-blooded anaconda.


The blood-bloomed anaconda swallowed a big one, swallowing all the mysterious Sangzi leaves!

"It's terrifying! The blood-blooded anaconda that is about to turn into a jellyfish is not an opponent at all!"

Everyone will set their sights on the mysterious young boy with great strength.

But at this time.

Yin Yang!

A roar of a dragon roared everyone.

I saw a mysterious yellow tornado, shaped like a giant dragon, roaring and attacking the **** green anaconda.

Everyone blinked:

"It's Yang Xu!"

"We can't do anything about ourselves, can he still kill Sen An?"

Champion Hou Leng hummed.

Cha Xiaoshu's face was stunned.

The silver-haired man looked disdainful...

But listen to poo!

There was a muffled noise.

The blood-stained anaconda suddenly shrieked sorrowfully:


Its huge body rolled around, and its huge tail easily flattened dozens of mountains.

"Tangle it! Its biggest weakness is not seven inches, but eyes!"

Yang Xu sneered coldly.

The murderous creatures such as Bixue Sen An have evolved wisdom long ago.

Its seven-inch position is covered with thick scale armor, and ordinary attacks can't help it.

So Yang Xu took a different approach and attacked the snake pupil with all his strength.

Sure enough, one hit worked!

Yang Xu's cold drink made everyone's eyes bright:


Attacked one after another.

Yin Yang!

There was another roar.

A long dragon dragon chanted, wrapped with an iron feather **** arrow, poo!

Shot through the pupils of Senac, directly piercing the snake head.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, kill the BOSS Bixue Sen An (Crazy)! Reward experience value + 1 million! True Qi value + 100,000! Points + 10,000! 】

[Congratulations to the player, you have obtained the Blood Crystal of the Bloodblood Anaconda x1! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the Bixuelongdan x1! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the water crystal core (perfect) x50! 】


The crazy BOSS has always been generous.

Yang Xu shot a critical blow, killed the boss, and exploded a large number of things.


The huge body of Bixue Sen An fell heavily.

A green wind swept across the body of Sen An:

"I want the courage of this big snake!"


He was blown out at once.

The champion Hou withdrew his fist, staring at the poisonous young man with a faint eye:

"Don't you dare to get it first?"

The glaring silver-haired man's eyes flickered with silver awns:

"Yes, what are your qualifications first?"

Peng Gongzi, Zha Xiaoshu and other strong men are eager to try.

The green blooded anaconda is a treasure.

More importantly, this is still a forest anaconda that is about to turn a caterpillar!

Its value has increased exponentially!

Just when the scene is deadlocked.

"Will you listen to us: The weakness of this beast is that Yang Xu finds out, and Yang Xu's superb archery has also made great efforts. We propose that he choose first, can everyone have any objections?"

It was the group of teachers who spoke.

Yang Xu gave them face, and they also voted for Li.

Everyone looked at me, I looked at you, and nodded in agreement.

Even the proud son Peng and the champion Hou said nothing.

Yang Xu, without any politeness, chose the most expensive one, the unexpanded one.

Some people looking forward to Yang Xu not knowing the goods suddenly became disappointed.

Yang Xu's eyes are poisonous.

What's more, the old monster is still there, and all the money is clear.

Seeing Yang Xu take away the most precious unicorn material.

There was envy and jealousy in everyone's eyes.

A poisoned young man in black, green eyes staring at Yang Xu faintly, flashing a hint of murder.

After killing Bixue Anaconda, the door of the treasure trove was opened.

But with the lessons just now, no one dares to be the first to advance.

"A group of cowards! I'll come first!"


Champion Hou flew into the air, rushing in first.

Immediately afterwards, Peng Gongzi launched Tianpeng extremely fast, and rushed in quickly.

"Brother, let's go in, too, the boy doesn't feel the dangerous breath."

"I feel like my sister."

A pair of little loli Chaoyang Xu looked up with a small face.

"Then go in, you have to be careful."

Yang Xu's remarks did not fall.

The little black dog swishes into a black line and rushes into the entrance of the treasure trove...

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