Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 204: Fa heaven and earth!

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Chapter 204 Law, Heaven, and Earth!

"Furious power!"

"Shen Yan's Spear!"

A spear of flame **** exploded towards the head of the eternal square circle.


Deeply penetrated into the ancient round head.


The eternal body burst.

The effect of Rage Dan is gone.

Yang Xu just felt soft.


His pupils shrank suddenly.

There were no prompts to kill the opponent in the ear.

Forever is still alive!


A scene similar to that when Yang Xu killed the pale young man Yang Xuanyu appeared:

A mysterious rune is branded in the void.

The next second, a black seed condensed in the air.


A rune in the shape of a unicorn burst suddenly.

In the void, a black unicorn emerged.

"Mortal! You have killed my body, and today you will definitely die! Give your soul, and never be born!"

Yang Xu looked at him and suddenly remembered the seed of Qilin Wudao.


Black Kirin snorted.


The void centered on him is suddenly annihilated and turned into a dark void.

A black hole of nothingness quickly spread to Yangxu.

Swallow it in the blink of an eye.

"Summon eight-pole suit, turn on invincible state!"

Yang Xugang is about to summon.


A black figure appeared suddenly in the air.

"You are finally here!"

Tianyan Shenquan actually made a cry of surprise.


The little black dog appeared in the air.

Not seeing it do anything, the dog glared:


An unpredictable force burst out.

Black ripples rippled into the void.

The long-lasting move suddenly collapsed.

Cha Xiaoshu they were stunned directly:


What the **** is this?

A little terrible dog who is not so amazing, is so powerful?

They looked at Xiang Yangxu in surprise:

You have too many cards, pro!


The little black dog Chaoyang Xu growled.

Don't wait for him to respond, call!

A dark darkness that covered the sky and sun covered it suddenly.

It was actually the mouth of the little black dog.

In a blink of an eye, it was actually taller than the mountains, and its huge body contained violent magic energy.

The pupil of the ancient square circle suddenly shrank:

"True supernatural power: Fa heaven and earth!"

"There is such a bloodline in the world..."

When he was shocked.


The little black dog swallowed the entire Jianfeng at once.

Nature even contains Tianyan Lingquan and mysterious **** characters.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the treasure: Jianqi Shenfeng x1! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the treasure: Tianyan Lingquan x1! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get "Birthday Parasite" x1! 】


"Leave Lingquan to me!"

The whole world burst into a bang.


The little black dog barked back.


Fang Zhenfang flew out.

The little black dog looked coldly, and the pupil of Fang Fangyuan suddenly shrank:

"That look is...impossible! Isn't that clan legend ruined by them..."

The little black dog exposed its pale white fangs, and the dog pupil stared at the eternal circle.

Next second.

It shook its head, scorn!

The fangs tore the void directly.


The little black dog got into the void and disappeared.

"Everyone be careful! This fierce beast is beyond the existence of the first class, even the soul emperor repairer can't stop him..."

In a mysterious forest that obscures the sky.

The silver-haired man, the poison boy, and the funny brothers have encountered huge trouble.

A fierce crocodile with ancient blood veins is 100 meters long, and its huge body is like a continuous mountain range.

On the majestic crocodile tail, a spear-like spike spiked into the sky.

With a casual wave, a large number of towering trees directly cut off the waist.

There are slow monks running, poof.

Burst directly into a pile of meat sauce!

Everyone was beaten back again and again, and everyone was in danger.

It was at this time.


There was a crack in the void.

In the black nihility, the little black dog's head probed his brain and swam out.

"It's it!"

The pupils suddenly shrank:

"It's Yang Xu's little black dog!"

"Hurry away, danger!"

People exclaimed again and again.

The location where the little black dog appears is precisely the attack range of the horror giant crocodile.

As soon as it flicked its tail, the little black dog immediately turned into meat sauce!


No one saved it.

Only the pair of funny brothers and the cold-faced brother looked cold:

"Abandoned people deserve mercy and asylum."

The body suddenly flashed:


He has become as thin as paper.

My brother couldn't help but change his face:

"Younger brother...be careful..."


The younger brother burst out like a flying sword and rushed towards the little black dog.

Just about to rescue each other.


The giant crocodile found the moving younger brother, and the giant crocodile tail slammed:


The black voids were torn apart, and the giant crocodile's tail blinked before him.

"Brother be careful!"

Seeing that he was going to be smoked into meat sauce.

The little black dog flicked his tail impatiently:


A black ripple rippled into the void.


The giant crocodile was partly swept by the ripples, and began to break from the tail to the whole body.

Less than two seconds.


The giant crocodile turned into a pool of meat!

Everyone was dumbfounded.

a long time.


The crowd suddenly boiled:

"Yang Xu, this little dog, is so powerful?"

"Where did he find such a terrible little dog?"

"Return the Nima Tudog! This is a beast, not a Tugou! Didn't you see the ancient giant crocodile as its opponent who flicked its tail!"

The envious eyes fell on the little black dog.

Especially the silver-haired man, his eyes shining, staring greedily at the little black dog:

"If you can get it to follow, I will be invincible in this treasure trove, grab whatever you want!"


The silver-haired man flashed in front of the little black dog, smiling flatteringly:

"Little beast, your master abandoned you. How about following me later?"

Everyone couldn't help but stunned.

Then shouted:

"I depend! Or he responds quickly!"

"This monster beast is missing Yang Xu. If anyone adopts it, wouldn't it be an extra helper..."


People scrambled to be attentive in front of the little black dog.


The little black dog is arrogant.

Just toss everyone a scornful look.


It appeared in front of the cool brother, his tail gently swept his body.


He only felt that his whole body was warm, and all his consumption recovered instantly.

Becoming refreshed again.

I'm not happy to stutter his brother:

"Brother...you you...all recovered!"

"What! Really fake!"

The eyes of the little black dog suddenly became more shocked.

My heart was sighing, what **** luck did that guy Yang Xu take and found such a beast as a pet?

Yang Xu's luck is simply against the sky——

Hey, by the way, where did Yang Xu go?

Why are there only black dogs?

People look at me, I look at you, and suddenly an idea comes up:

"Yang Xu will not die?"

"There are also Peng son and champion Hou, they all seem to be together with Yang Xu..."

"Yang Xu is dead, we have a chance to take the little black dog!"

When everyone is excited.

I saw the little black dog roll his eyes, and the dog vomited:

Puff puff.

Cha Xiaoshu, champion Hou and Peng son spit them out like jujube kernels.

The whole body was dirty and smelly, and it was covered with saliva.


What surprised them was.

The injuries and energy consumption of their battle with the ancient world have all recovered!

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