Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 222: Yang Xu's calculation

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Chapter 222 Yang Xu's Calculation

Liu Lin's two big eyes burst into tears like a tap.

When she saw Yang Xu look angry.

She thought that Yang Xu could not realize her good intentions.

At that time, she felt that if she didn't understand, Quan Dang should draw a full stop for the dew marriage.

I didn't expect this guy to understand everything. He was angry not because he was unauthorized, but because he was worried about danger.


The alliance between the Alliance and the City Lord's House is not to help the City Lord.

Instead, Liu Lin is using the reputation of the Alliance to help the Yang family consume the reputation of the Yuecheng Lord.

Now the entire Dragon City is disappointed with the main palace of the city, and I hope that the Yang family will replace it.

The Yang family has a reason to deal with the Yue family!

This is Liu Lin's plan.

"I didn't expect that I hadn't concealed you, they were seen by you."

The "indifferent expression" on Liu Lin's face could not hold back anymore.

Her stiff and delicate body gradually relaxed and fell into Yang Xu's arms.

Yang Xu smiled:

"You have seen through your whole body. Do you still want to hide me from a plan?"


Liu Lin suddenly turned over and pressed on Yang Xu's body, a rare charm appeared on her cold face.

She said in a seductive tone that she felt crazy:

"Now that you have spied on Danmeng's deepest secret twice, then spy once more!"


Spring is here...

The main palace of Tamron City.

"Liu Lin's bitch! We are all fooled. She is not helping us, she is harming us!"

The host of the city, Yue Dongyang, was full of resentment on his round face.

His brother Yue Dongge, a pair of small snobbish eyes flashed in horror:

"Impossible! Let's give the Alliance a lot of benefits and help them build a station for free. They have no reason to harm us..."

This matter can be said to be contributed by him.

He didn't want to let the lord of the city blame him for this.

Unexpectedly, the city owner Yue Dongyang threw a large stack of materials in front of him.

Yue Dongge froze at first glance:

"Liu Lin, this bitch! It's actually colluding with Young Master Yang! They are working together to give us a set!"

City host Yue Dongyang snorted:

"Now I know? You waste, I said at the beginning that it was no good to send it to the door. The alliance is not something we can provoke-now it is good, my reputation is stinking in Tamron City!"

"Kill her! You must kill this bitch!"

Terrorist murder broke out all over Yue Dongyang.

"Humph! I've sent someone to go, and it won't be dark before I can bring her head."


Yue Dongge's round body shook:

"Really kill Liu Lin? Brother, I just talked about it casually, but she is the president of the Alliance, we can't afford it..."

The useless look of his brother made Yue Dongyang sneer again and again.

At the same time, he also strengthened his plan to sacrifice his brother.

"Relax, I let them pretend to be the Yang family, and after killing Liu Lin, they will leave evidence."

Yuedong Yangyin laughed.

Seeing Yue Dongge like a fat pig, he was glad.

The city owner Yue Dongyang sneered:

"Brother Waste, this time the Yang Family and the Alliance are both defeated, and there must be a substitute for the dead. You sacrifice for the Yue Family!"


Something flew into the room.

At first glance, both of them changed their faces:

The grumble on the ground is three **** heads!

"It's the killer I sent!"

Yue Dongyang shouted, "Come here!"

"No need to call, your people have been solved by Yang Jiajun."

On the edge of the open window, Yang Xu suddenly appeared.

He leaned against the edge of the window and turned his head to stare at Yue Dongyang with a smile:

"There is an old master of the city, and the murder has not forgotten to frame my Yang family. Yang Xu is very grateful."

"You... what do you mean? Nothing has anything to do with me, I didn't do anything."

Yue Dongyang said in a deep voice.

Younger brother Yue Dongge, like a fearful fat pig at the moment, murmured in his mouth:

"Rave life! We didn't mean it, we admitted it!"

"The second son! What are you talking about! What do you recognize!"

Yue Dongyang's anger.

The younger brother Yue Dongge stretched out his big fat hand, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and shivered at a discount:

"Brother, you know it! Even the killer you sent to frame the Yang family was killed by Yang Xu. Now you can't even call in one of your men, you can't hide..."

With that said, Yue Dongge carefully moved to the door.

Yue Dongyang suddenly wanted to understand what.

A great fear suddenly swept through the body.

His whole body was like an ice cave, and he stared at his brother:

"Yuedong Pavilion! You... Did you collude with the Yang family?"

There was a sneer on his brother's big fat face:

"Brother, the person who knows the current affairs is Junjie. It is a wise choice for me to depend on the Yang family."

"Yue Dongge you waste! You..."

"I'm not a waste! You thought I didn't know that the killer you sent wanted to pretend that I was sent to frame the Yang family! Brother, you really are two birds with one stone, not only let the Yang family and the Alliance kill each other, but also kill me Removed it smoothly! If Yang Xu told me, I was still in the dark! Why, after I saw it, my face changed, right? You blame me for being unrighteous if you are not kind!"

"I will kill you!"

Yue Dongyang was furious and blasted!

He punched his brother's fat body with a punch.


A crystal clear pagoda suddenly stopped in front of him.

In a boxing, it is like hitting an iron stone.

Yang Xu smiled and said authentically:

"City Master Yue, don't rush to kill people, our account has to be calculated."

The younger brother Yue Dongge looked at his elder brother with a smile:

"See? You are not Yang Xu's opponent at all. Want to kill me and wait for my next life!"

He ran out of the door and came to Yang Xu to please:

"Young Master Yang, everything was ordered by Yue Dongyang. When the Yang family became one of the four major families, he had already planned to deal with the Yang family. Later, he sent several killers to assassinate Yang Qingtian... No, yes. The assassinated Yang patriarch was assassinated. Although he returned without success, he should be guilty of death!"

"Yue Dongge you...you...poof!"

Xiang Dongyang, who came from what he thought was an unabashed policy, was madly spitting blood.

He never imagined that his waste brother, who had never been put in his eyes, actually became his deadliest flaw!

"Yue Dongyang, you have been a city owner for many years, and you're just going to be high up, even the seat of the Yue family's leader is occupied! Master Yang said, when you die, it will push me to become the head of the Yue family! The Yue family will not only have Loss, on the contrary, the trade in Tenglong City will enjoy more power, I believe there will be no objection to the old family of Yue family!"

Yue Dongge's fat face showed a smug smirk.

"You... I killed you!"

Yue Dongyang broke out all his strength and wanted to kill Yue Dongge.



He spouted blood violently, only to feel that his body was cold, his limbs were paralyzed, and he could not exert any strength.

Yue Dongyang looked desperately at the tea on the table:

"You... you are poisoned!"

"Yes! The poison given to me by Master Yang Xu is colorless and tasteless, and it's really easy to use!"

Brother Yue Dongge sneered.

Suddenly, his fat body exploded at a rapid speed.


There was a muffled noise.

Yue Dongyang's eyes widened.

A poisonous dagger penetrated deeply into his heart.

Seeing the blood poisoning of the throat, it instantly filled the whole body.

Even the fairy can't save him.


Yue Dongyang's body fell to the ground, and Qiqiao bleeds.

Even the last words are too late to speak.

Yue Dongge wiped off the cold sweat on his forehead, looked at Yang Xu with a fat face, and squeezed out his smile:

"Master Yang, thank you for giving me this opportunity to revenge and hate! To be able to sharpen Yue Dongyang is my lifelong wish!"

"Ah! You killed Dongyang!"

A woman's voice sounded at the door, and the flowers looked eclipsed.

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