Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 226: Directly beaten up

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Chapter 226

"Want to block me? Find death!"

The Nine Nether Nether Dragon chanted a dragon roar.

Suddenly, the ghost of the Nine Nether Dragon flashed in the Dragon Ball.


The golden mountain peak was like a piece of gold bump, and was directly flew out.

Bang Long!

The walls collapsed and the dust filled the room.

The ancestral hall of the Ming Family was directly razed to the ground by Dragon Ball.

Brush brush!

The Yongguan City is in all directions, and countless strong men seem to ascend.

When I saw the sight of the Ming family, my face changed greatly:

"What a domineering mysterious person! The first move broke the Hades house!"

"It's not just overbearing! It's arrogant! The mysterious man was smashed by a dragon ball, but that's the Ancestral Hall of the Ming Family!"

"The Ming family is so embarrassing, even if it can kill the mysterious people, it will be a shame for the whole life that the shrine was smashed!"

"The mysterious man is too powerful, and the mere pet has such a powerful prestige!"

Brush brush!

The strong men of Yongguan City all turned their eyes to the mid-air, the mysterious man standing on the top of the Nine Nether Dragon Head.

Yang Xu's expression was plain, a pair of cold eyes, no emotion at all:

"I am most afraid of trouble."

As soon as he spoke, it was as if he had a mute spell.


Everyone shut up.

Even the strong men of the Ming family looked up at him.

"Ming Wu Dao knows how to provoke me to death and kill, and I will kill. I didn't plan to embarrass you with your family because I am afraid of trouble. But you have to make troubles to the Yang family one after another in order to force me to appear! I even sent a killer, Go to assassinate Yang Xu, and assassinate Yang Xu's parents! Such a shameless and shameless method can only be done by your family!"

Yang Xu's indifferent voice gradually grew colder:

"Now, as you wish, I'm here! You have to use all the tricks, you can't take it, I will die. If you take it, everyone in your family will die!"

"If you want to calculate the Jiyang family, if you want to calculate me, you have to pay!"


The powerful people around them all took a breath.

"What a domineering guy!"

"Actually want to destroy the whole family!"

"He didn't lie! The Zhuge family was destroyed by him alone last time!"

People looked at Xiang Yangxu's eyes, full of shock.

The sea of ​​gloom is cold:

"What you said is too full! Although you are strong, but my family..."

"Without further ado!"

Yang Xu interrupted him coldly:

"You just said, not only to kill me, but also to sell Yang's male as a slave and female as a female plaything. Did you think I didn't hear it? Since you intend to provoke me, you must be conscious of death! "

The voice just fell.

Yang Xu waved easily:

【Ding! ! 】

[Three copycats appear, and the 30-second countdown begins...]


A giant beast with a height of 100 meters fell from the sky.

When you see the horror giant ape with three heads.

Everyone took a deep breath:

"God! He summoned a fierce beast?"

"How did he surrender to such a horrible existence?"

A strong man with insight and insight suddenly exclaimed, his eyes filled with horror:

"Actually the three Sky Apes! The legendary ancient beast!"

"There are three legendary apes and three heads with peerless magical powers. They can see through, stare at the present, and predict the future!"

"What! The mysterious man actually summoned three Sky Apes!"


Almost all the strong men took a breath.

All looked at Yang Xu blankly, dumbfounded.

Some people in the Ming family didn't believe it and sneered into the sky:

"Pretend to play tricks! I don't believe you can really summon a real ape! Eat me a trick... bang!"

This person just rushed into the air.

The three songs of the sky-turning ape pulled him around and exploded directly!

Everyone in the Ming family shrank.


The three sky-striking apees fired their eyes, and wherever they could, the houses of the Ming family burst and collapsed.

A large number of people in the Ming family died.

There are even many powerful people affected.

Suddenly, the entire Ming Family became a **** on earth.

Ghosts are crying everywhere, flesh and blood flying.

Three huge and strong arms of the sky-turning ape, waving around, bang bang bang!

All the strong families of the Ming family who were encountered in the event were torn apart and exploded into a pile of rotten meat.

The flesh of the three song Apes is terrifying.

Even a mountain can be razed to the ground, not to mention humans?


Three songs with a big mouth, Hulong!

A torrent of torrents was born out of thin air and washed away the entire Ming Family.

"Beasts stop!"

Ning Haitian was wearing a sky blue armor, and the runes of the whole body suddenly flickered.


The torrent of water was actually restrained by him, turned into a water dragon, and rushed towards the three song apes.


The three sky-turning apes were staggered by a huge water dragon.

After all, it is a replica, its huge body rumbling down.

Unfortunately, the house of the Ming family was overwhelmed by a large area.

But Ning Hailong succeeded, but laughed loudly:

"Hahaha! Sure enough, it's counterfeit! I can't even bear a water dragon fist! You... bang!"

He didn't finish his words, and a torrent of torrents blasted him out.

【Ding! ! 】

[The battle time of the three first Sky Ape Replicators is up! 】


The three sky-turning apes turned into a flash of light and disappeared instantly.

The Ming family froze for a moment, and then all cheered:

"Hahaha! The enemy's summon beast is gone!"

"The mysterious man is nothing more than that! The home owner defeated it with a water dragon fist!"

"Use any tricks!"

Ming Haitian stepped on a huge white wave, floating in mid-air.

The face is also full of excitement:

"Is this your trick? It doesn't look good, you..."

"Are you stupid?"

Yang Xu's face was speechless:

"I just tried the tricks casually, don't you think this is my strongest trick?"

Ming Haitian's face was stagnant.

All the cheers came to an abrupt end.

It was like a large pot of cold water pouring down from the top of the head.

All the Ming family members are awake:

"Yes! We are so happy! But it survived the enemy's first attack!"

They looked around, and the entire Ming Family had become a mess.

There are wreckage of broken limbs everywhere.

There are ruins everywhere.

Children mournfully, women save lives, and men howl.

Mixed into a piece, washing the soul of the Ming family.

They all stayed there, speechless.

The strong men who watched around could not help showing sympathy:

Alas, the strength gap is too big!

The Ming family has been beaten up!

The first wave of attacks alone made them lose their calmness and reason.

no Zuo no Die.

Whoever is bad in your family is going to provoke Yang's family.

Also used such a mean means of assassination!

The champion Hou looked at the look of the Ming family, and there was a trace of contempt on his face:

This time I am afraid that there will be more and more evil.

The big tree fell down, and he had to change his own...

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