Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2395: Three treasures and mysterious fragments

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The third ancestor, especially stayed in the Bai family.

With his strength.

Arriving at the treasure house to hold down the enemy is a matter of stability.

Since the other party still needs to use the plan to tune the tiger away from the mountain, deceive the boss and the second son away.

Explain that the other party is not a very powerful organization.

"Boss, there is a powerful force that is coming here quickly!"

"Does the Bai family have a third ancestor? Oh my god, please call the boss!"

"What's going on, and obviously haven't found the treasure house yet, how did the Bai family ancestors be alarmed?"

A place closer to the treasure house.

Those people in black are groping around.

Was shocked by the huge breath that suddenly appeared.

"Here he comes! What shall we do?"

A few men in black have widened eyes.

Watching the three ancestors of the Bai family, he rushed towards here quickly.

Not waiting for them to make a decision.


A terrifying force turned into a huge palm.

Photographed a few of them directly into a dumpling of meat sauce.

The three ancestors did not stay in the slightest, all the way to the treasure house.

The treasure house.

Yang Xu opened the entrance, a hint of teasing appeared in the corner of his mouth:

"Add one more dish to you."

Brush brush!

He stamped his hands and portrayed another magic circle with the blood of a fierce beast.

Just want to enter the treasure house.

This magic circle must be activated.

"Enough for you to drink a pot."


Yang Xu turned to enter the second treasure house.

It's another long channel.

After some system exploration.

Speedy surgery!

Yang Xu unfolded the speed directly and rushed straight ahead.

Behind this time, boom!

There was a loud bang.

The Three Patriarchs have arrived.

The second entrance to the treasure trove is being launched.


A shocking roar rang from behind Yang Xu.

"The magic circle is disturbed. The animal blood **** array is not easy to deal with."

Yang Xu uses the first treasure house, the massive superb spirit stones scattered on the ground as energy.

Outline a magic circle that can call out fierce beasts from other worlds.


After being strengthened by the energy of the spirit stone, these fierce beasts will all fall into a violent state.

The three elders alone cannot solve it in a short time.

This can earn a lot of time for Yang Xu's actions.


At the end of the channel, a door was pushed open.

All of a sudden, it shines brightly.

Among the huge treasure trove, the ground is a huge pool with a diameter of thousands of kilometers.

The pool is unfathomable and full of rich liquid psionic energy.


It is also mixed with the power of the dense world law, tumbling.

It looks like boiling magma.

Each liquid psionic energy contains enough energy to be worth 10,000 pieces of superb spirit stones.

More precious.

It is the power of massive laws soaked in psionic energy.

The power of each law is thick and long, and the breath of Shandong is strange, like the dragon is tumbling.

Yang Xu can even feel:

There are a lot of powers of laws that are nourished by liquid psionic energy.

There is a trend that is about to evolve into the law of the avenue!

The lingering avenues of breath are constantly emerging from the huge pool of psionic energy.

"That's... a unique Taoist weapon!"

"There are also fluctuations of the spirit inside, which are infinitely close to the fairy artifact!"

Yang Xu saw that above this psionic pool, three strange magical items were suspended.

A full-blue leaf with a slap size.

A table tennis-sized red crimson date.

And a ball of fists the size of a frightening purple ball!

In the psionic pool below, there is a mature law of heaven and earth from time to time, struggling like a dragon, and being sucked into the three unique Taoist devices.


Yang Xu looked at it, and said that the powerful and mature law was sucked into the unique Taoist device.

Instantly absorbed and refined.


Even some of the laws that have quickly evolved into the heaven and earth avenues and the true meaning have been absorbed into it.

Relentless refining!

"These three magic weapons are rare treasures!"

"However, none of them are comparable to the top gadget!"

That's right.

Just above these three magic weapons.

There is also a weird piece suspended.

In this regard, Yang Xu is very familiar with:

"It's actually it again!"

He was familiar with the fragments and could not be familiar.

Every time he made a killing.

The strange and mysterious fragments in the body will come out to plunder the residual soul.

"Actually harvested a strange piece..."

Yang Xu's eyes flickered.


He flashed, appearing in front of the weird fragment.

Don't wait for him to move.


In the sea of ​​qi, weird waves erupt, woo!

The mysterious fragment of the slap was gray, and a strange black rune appeared on the surface.

The moment it appeared.


The debris suspended above the three treasures took the initiative to fly towards here.


They merged with Yang Xu's mysterious fragments.



On this mysterious debris, the winding and twisted black runes gradually released golden light.

Runes have a tendency to change from black to gold.

at the same time.

Just above the three treasures, the moment when the mysterious debris flew away.

Boom, boom, boom!

These three treasures unexpectedly released a terrifying wave of terror.


The huge pool of psionic energy at the bottom burst into amazing energy.

"Is this mysterious fragment actually used to suppress psionic fluctuations."

Yang Xu sighed.

More and more curious about the origin of this mysterious fragment.


The mysterious fragment that had grown in a circle again flew into Yang Xu's body again.

Yang Xu saw that a black rune on the mysterious fragment had been completely transformed into gold.

Other black runes also shone with pale golden luster.

There is a trend of gold.

"Oops! The other party started with something like that!"

Outside the treasure house.

The three ancestors of the Bai family, after exhausting the power of nine cattle and two tigers, finally wiped out all the fierce beasts.

Behind him.

Two electro-optic bursts came out:

"Youngest, what's the situation? How do I feel that something seems wrong..."

"Those things are crucial, and no slippage is allowed!"

"Youngest, let me go!"

The boss of the Bai family's ancestors swayed suddenly:


An earth-shattering force of shock slammed into the symbolic array drawn by Yang Xu.

Originally, Yang Xu portrayed it to prevent their existence.

After the ancestors bombed with all their strength, they suddenly shattered.


Three ancestors rushed into the treasure house.

At the end of Yong Dao.

They happened to see that Yang Xu had picked up all the suspended blue leaves, crimson dates and a cloud of thunder.

The three ancestors of the Bai family were suddenly dizzy:

"Boy, you are dead!"

Behind him.

But there were several fierce voices:

"It's you who died!"


Several breaths of the same huge figure attacked the three ancestors.


There is another figure, Chaoyangxu killed here:

"Dare to use us, die!"

Sigh! A horrifying knife-like slash, haunting the pungent **** breath, Chaoyang Xu came to fight.

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