Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2466: Yang Xu began to lay out

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Accompanying Yang Xu's actions.

Above the Wuzhi Mountain, there are thunder and clouds billowing, and began to gather here.

Many cultivators in the exquisite world were immediately alarmed:

"Oh my god, who is the master about to break through again? This is a sign to advance to the secret realm of longevity!"

"My Linglong Hall has since added another master of long-lived secret realm!"

It was in all directions, in the eyes of everyone.


The lord of the **** cloud in the cave, his breath skyrocketed wildly.

Above him, there was even a vortex of energy, which gathered the aura of the entire exquisite world and grabbed it here.

Goo, goo, goo!

The spirits of heaven and earth continuously poured into the body of the Lord of Clouds.

It is the Linglong Realm, which has several hundred times the concentration of Reiki.


If you change it to another place, I'm afraid the heaven and earth aura will be drained in a few seconds.

"Is this the movement to break through the secret realm of longevity? How can I feel that there is something missing."

Yang Xu frowned slightly.

Seeing the violent momentum of Lord Shenyun, it gradually became gentle.

Yang Xu's mind sounded the system prompt:

【Ding! 】

[Does it incorporate the energy of the law of heaven and earth? 】

The secret realm of longevity is the realm most closely connected with the law of heaven and earth.

Entering the secret realm of longevity means that the cultivator is not only fused with heaven and earth, but also with the laws of heaven and earth.

Moreover, his own spirit, spirit and soul are also perfectly integrated with it.

Put your own primordial spirit between heaven and earth, and make a brand that contains the information of the whole body's cells.

In this way, no matter how terrible the injury is, the God of Primordial Lord can be cured by himself.

As long as it is not fatal, it can live forever!

This is the secret of longevity!

"Okay, I don't lack the laws of heaven and earth, let him integrate a part."

Yang Xu made a decision.

No wonder the Lord of the Clouds has not been able to break through the secret realm of longevity.

He didn't even collect enough laws for the world.

Coincidentally, what Yang Xu lacks most is the power of the law of heaven and earth.


The breath of the Lord of the Clouds rose instantly at an alarming rate.

Seeing that he had almost no twists and turns, he entered the longevity secret realm.

"Master! I have finally broken through! Hahaha, I am now the first realm of longevity!"

Lord Shenyun looked at Xiang Yangxu's gaze, full of respect and excitement.

Yang Xu nodded and stared at the Lord of the Cloud:

"You are stronger now, do you want to try to get rid of my control?"


The Lord of the Cloud immediately knelt at Yang Xu’s feet, slamming his head harder than ever:

"The master spares life! I am a dog of the master. No matter how strong the master is, whoever the master tells me to bite, I will bite immediately!"

If it is seen by outsiders, the powerful elders of the secret realm will kowtow to a kid who has only opened the realm of the palace.

I'm afraid their eyes will burst out in shock.

However, this happened.

It must be said that Yang Xu's method really worked.

"Okay, let's get up and count you through. Your next task is to collect massive resources at all costs to prepare you for further breakthroughs!"

Yang Xu ordered.

Although the Lord of the Clouds has broken through the secret realm of longevity, the gap is still too big compared to the strong men in the mixed caves like Long Kun and Yao Gan.

"After three days, still here, I will help you continue to break through!"

Yang Xu also accumulated a lot of resources.

For the time being it is not useful, simply use it to strengthen the Lord of the God Cloud.

Since you want to build one by yourself.

Then it must be fast, fast, fast!

I do not know what I thought of, a sharp sharp flash flashed in Yang Xu's eyes:

"It’s better to be able to exhaust the patience of the **** spear master before lifting it to me, to lift the **** cloud **** to the burrow cave! By then, I can cooperate with the **** cloud **** to kill the **** spear easily. the Lord!"

After the Lord of Clouds left from the cave.

Yang Xu looked at the couple of men and women on the ground and sneered:

"Pretend to sleep again, believe me or not to kill you directly."

"Don't want it! Heroes spare lives!"

The man in the corner, Thousand Blades, got up with a grunt, crying almost--

To be honest, when he woke up in a daze and found that the master of the divine cloud was willing to be a dog of Yang Xu.

The shock in Lei Qiandao's heart almost made him jump.


Even if he is stupid, he knows that after seeing Yang Xu’s incredible secret, he must be killed.

He couldn't even stop Yang Xu's move.

Coupled with the existence of the long-lived secret realm of the Lord of the Clouds, Lei Qiandao can't even escape.

He felt so sorry in his heart, why should he wake up, why should he provoke such a brutal young man?

Boom Boom Boom!

Lei Qiandao knelt there, and gave Yang Xu his head hard.

The forehead blew quickly.

Yang Xu stood there silently:

"Does kowtow solve the problem? Obediently become puppets."

He didn't want to kill because of this.

A puppet rune pierced into Thunder's eyebrows.

Suddenly, his pupil rune flashed into a dark glance.

Looking at Xiang Yangxu's gaze, there was no other thought:

"Master, what do I need to do, despite the instructions!"

Lei Qianren has completely reduced to Yang Xu's puppet.

"Exactly, you need to do some chores."

A trace of fine flash flashed in Yang Xu's eyes, and a plan flashed in his mind.


Lei Qiandao carried the woman on the ground faintly, and bowed respectfully to Chaoyangxu, then walked out of the cave.

Standing on the top of the mountain, Yang Xu looked in the distance:

The bureau has been laid, whether or not to jump into the pit depends on your character.

"If you really jump in, don't blame my butcher knife mercilessly."

Yang Xu smiled coldly.

Go to the top of the hill where the room is, and halfway, brush it.

Four figures were blocked in front of Yang Xu.

Are the four candidates for the landlord.

They looked at Yang Yangxu's eyes, and they were a little bit bad:

"Yangxu, you have already obtained the quota of a landlord, can you please stop interfering with another quota?"

"Yeah, we were able to solve Ye Di before, why do you want to kick in?"

Yang Xu raised his brow suddenly:

"Oh? Are you blaming me?"


His eyes instantly became sharp and sharp.

The sudden change of momentum made the four realm candidates suddenly change their faces:

"No no no! Yang Xu, don't get me wrong, we are not blaming you, just..."

"So what do you mean? Stop my way?"

Yang Xu's faint words made these four realm candidates, and cold sweat came out.

Sure enough, this demon is not easy to provoke, no wonder he even dare to challenge even the existence of Long Kun.

This terrifying demeanor alone is enough to make these four realm candidates scared.

They couldn't help but looked at the rockery next to them.

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