Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2498: Yunyong!

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This remark came out.

The eyes of the Lord Spear suddenly light up:

"It turns out that this is your way! Brother! I said, how could Yang Xu do such a stupid thing."

"By the way, I haven’t congratulated Senior Brother for breaking through into the secret realm of longevity. Brother’s current method is really unpredictable."

The next Jianzong glanced slightly:

"Oh, it turns out that the Lord of the Clouds has broken through the secret realm of longevity? I just knew that it was rude."

In fact, he already knew.

Before, he personally went to the Lord of God Cloud...

"Don't waste time! With Yang Xu's spiritual strength, I am afraid that the rune can't hold a quarter of an hour, he will be sober..."

Before Shenyun’s words were finished, he was interrupted by Jianzong:

"Well, even if he is awake! At that time, he had left Ling Yunfeng, without the protection of Jiantang's people, and Yao Gan was in a state of affair, Yang Xu was dead this time!"

His voice just fell.


The figure of the Lord of Spears disappeared all at once, and the whole person flew out like a light: "It really can't waste time! Brother means that he can temporarily control Yang Xu to hide, only three of us can find it. But in case he breaks away from the rune's control, then we will be competing with countless strong men for this kid

Now! "

Before obviously, the most hesitant is the Lord of the Spear.

It is now him who is most anxious to find Yang Xu.

Jian Zong urged all his strength, followed him, and the look in his eyes was called a speechless voice:

"Lord of God Spear, Lord God Spear, don't blame me for being outright this time. Your brother is now on my side!"

Blame it on your master, and give you the position of the deputy gate master as your younger brother, but not the master of Shenyun.

The Lord of God Cloud has long been dissatisfied, so this will cooperate with me, haha!

Jianzong glanced at the glorious mustache.

In the same scene, a mouth of Hei Dao Tang also happened.

A black shark in a black robe, with a long black knife in his hand, looks like the teeth of a giant shark.

A strange rune was imprinted on it, flashing a strange and bloodthirsty light.

"Interesting! This Yang Xu is really not afraid of death... Last time, the shame last time, finally got a chance to recover this time!"

After the black shark got his report, a flash of fine light flashed in his eyes:

"However, with Yang Xu's savvy and calculation, he would never do such a stupid thing. He is controlled by a master to calculate 80% of the time-if he can do this, I am afraid that he has only faced him once on the sky platform. Lord of the **** cloud of war."

In the blink of an eye, the black shark's face suddenly froze, with a hint of fine flash in his eyes:

"Quick! Follow the whereabouts of the Lord of Spears and the Lord of Clouds immediately! As long as you follow them, you will be able to find Yang Xu!"

"This time, I'm going to let Yang Xu die anyway! The subpoena, Tiandao Tang's Twelve Tiandao, all follow me!"

The black shark lingered around the cold and overbearing killer. Yang Xu was in front of Wuzhi Mountain. The shame brought to him by the public could only be washed with Yang Xu's blood and life!


The crowd of genius swordsmen in Tangkou all led their lives.

Deep in the void of Linglong Realm, in the hall of Yaogan.

With some means, the actions of these people, the Lord Spear Lord, are all seen in the eyes.

Even Yao Gang, the big brother in this realm, couldn't help flashing a sigh in his heart at this moment:

"This Yang Xu's grasp of people's hearts and the situation is simply shocking. Everything in front of him is as good as he expected!"

"Moreover, the Lord of God Cloud actually broke into the secret realm of longevity... Yang Xu said that this is his handwriting, is it true or false?"

Yao Qian's old and wrinkled face couldn't help but show surprise.

Faintly, a look of anticipation flashed in his golden eyes:

"According to the situation in front of me, maybe Yang Xu's initial plan can really succeed! At that time, he will help me through the disaster and break through the bottleneck in one fell swoop..."

The thought of this.

Yao Qian was eager for a while.

What he didn't realize was that, unconsciously, he had been aroused by Yang Xu's actions.


The subconscious has already begun to look forward to, Yang Xu's plan can be carried out smoothly.

As for so many masters, what will be the impact on Linglong Palace if they are all killed by Yang Xu.

Yao Gan doesn't care at all!

As long as he can succeed in the advanced stage, his strength soars.

Since he would bring endless benefits to Linglong Palace, what other consequences could he fail?

"Brother! This time I have to say, you did well! How did you bury the rune in Yang Xu's body?"

After seeing the Lord of the Cloud, the Lord of Spears seemed to be excited.

Lord Shenyun snorted in the heart, and secretly said this guy was exactly what the master expected, and he would not believe anyone at all.

But he still taught him what Yang Xu taught him, sneeringly:

"I paid 300 years of life to the boy, how could there be no secret tricks? Not to mention that he has a human bloodline, what is the right to accept my life gift freely?"

The eyes of the Lord Spear suddenly light up:

"So that's it! You hid that rune into that 300-year life energy, wonderful, wonderful!"

He secretly said in his heart:

When dealing with this fellow in the future, you must be more cautious.

Brothers who seem to be loyal, honest, and speechless will turn out to be shameful.

In particular, beware of anything he has given to himself that is related to life energy!

Seems to see what God Spear Lord thought.

The Lord of the Cloud said coldly:

"That rune was accidentally obtained by me in an ancient ruin. There is only one. After using this one, there is no more left."

"Ah, that's what happened!"

The God Spear Lord secretly said, "Who can guarantee that you are telling the truth?"

"Senior brother, where did Yang Xu's little bunny go? I sent some other forces to answer in detail, and they all lost Yang Xu."

The Lord of Spears changed the subject.

Jian Zongyi nodded again and again:

"That's what I said in my elaborate works, and I lost everyone."

The Lord of the Clouds smiled proudly:

"Of course I will lose! This is what I specially controlled Yang Xu to do, but unfortunately, I guess this rune can only last for 2 minutes!"

"Within 2 minutes, we must rush to his hiding place as soon as possible, otherwise he will regain his consciousness and freedom, and I am afraid he will escape to Ling Yunfeng!"

The Lord of the Cloud said this.

The **** spear master and Jianzongyi, all showing anxious:

"So what are you waiting for! Let's go quickly and fight for Yang Xu to be killed in the shortest possible time and seize the fairy and his other cards!"

Swoosh! The trio pushed the speed to the limit and drove towards Yang Xu's layout.

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