Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 255: threaten me?

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Chapter 255 Threatening Me?

In the horrified eyes of the cold-faced beauty.

Ling Yunzong won with absolute suspense and no suspense.

The other one won the Zongmen and voluntarily abstained in the face of the powerful Ling Yunzong.

In the end, Ling Yunzong became the final winner.

In the leaderboard, far ahead of the second place by one hundred points!

The quota of the first-class sect is easily included in the pocket!

"We succeeded!"

"Yangxu, you are too good. In the next individual game, we can easily harvest points!"

"It's hard for someone to surpass us!"

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, the main task: to be among the best, +30 completion degree!

Current task completion: 90/100! 】

This is the last step, and this task can be completed.

You will get the mysterious treasure box and the chance to enter the phantom spirit realm.

There was a flash of joy in Yang Xu's eyes.

It depends on tomorrow!

The next day, Chaoyang first rose.

Above the Flying Eagle Square, there are crowds of people.

At least ten times more than the previous Zongmen battle.

This is because individual battles are the most exciting battles in the ranking competition.

Some people even set up gambling for this.

"A lot of people, so many people are concerned about this game."

"Yes, there are many followers."

Yang Xu said casually.

I don't know why.

And this unease is getting heavier.

Just at the beginning of the individual game.


In the void, a strange wave suddenly filled the void:

A stream of blue runes, like a blue dragon, flashed in mid-air.

"Yangxu, come and see me!"

The sound of loneliness rang through the square.

Brush brush!

Everyone who knew Yang Xu looked at him.

Even with other audiences, it looks like this.

Yang Xu looked inexplicable:

"What is it, come to me?"

He sneered:

"Since you are here, don't hide your head, show up!"

Yin Yang!

The sound of Long Yin rang through the sky and turned into a tall man.

He has a beautiful face, a tall figure, and a pair of fierce eyes with strong self-confidence.

Yang Xu looked at him inexplicably.


The handsome man locked him at a glance:

"There is something that does not belong to you, give it to me. Forgive you not to die!"

"Shut up! Feiying will help you to let it go! Let's get off...yin!"

A cyan energy turned into a dragon and burst out.


The scolding flying eagle burst the crowd directly.

Fly to smoke!


Everyone took a deep breath:

"What an arrogant guy! Dare to kill the people of the Flying Eagle Gang!"

"Strong strength, kill an eighth-level Soul Master in one move!"

Pick Star Tower.

The three chiefs of heaven and earth, their faces all changed:

"No! The guy is still making trouble!"

"When did he enter the Flying Eagle City? We didn't even know a little news..."


The three flashed in front of the handsome man.

The celestial leader is like a golden lion mad lion, with a strong momentum:

"Your Excellency killed me to help the crowd, are you provoking us?"

Everyone was shocked:

"The three chiefs are here in person!"

Brush pull.

People invariably looked at Xiang Yangxu.

Yang Xu was speechless:

"Why do you look at me again? Look at them!"

But everyone remembered that the last time the three leaders came forward at the same time, they still apologized to Yang Xu.

This time...

"The three of you are not my opponents. If you don't want to die, leave immediately, otherwise don't blame me!"

The handsome men are extremely domineering.

"You are too arrogant!"

"court death!"


The head of the heaven rushed out.

The handsome man smiled contemptuously and flicked his finger:


The cyan dragon-shaped energy flew out.


Collided with the leader of the heaven.


In the void, a golden lion phantom flashed.

The roar of the lion and the sound of the dragon mingled.


The celestial leader flew out.

The whole person spurted blood, and his expression was languishing.

"Good strength!"

The faces of land and human leaders changed.

"Something you don't know about advancing and retreating, you should fight!"

The handsome man sneered and brushed!

A blue rune was left in place, but his body disappeared.

Next second.

Bang Bang!

The leaders of the Ministry of Land and People were all beaten out.

Puff puff.

All spurting blood, seriously injured!


Everyone present took a breath of gas, and his face was horrified:

"The three leaders of Heaven, Earth, and Man are all the cultivation of soul spirit realm!"

"The head of the heavenly department has even reached the ninth level of the soul!"

"But the three of them couldn't even stop the man!"

The handsome man looked dull, as if doing a trivial little thing.

His eyes locked on Yang Xu:

"You also saw that the three of them are higher than you, but they can't even pick me up. If you don't want to trouble, just put that thing..."

"Do you want it right?"

Yang Xu took out half of the broken sugar cane.


The handsome man's pupil shrank suddenly:

"It seems that you have discovered its value, but it's a pity that you don't understand its true role! I advise you to return it obediently to me. Only in my hands can it exert the most power! Give it to me , Lest you suffer!"

The handsome man stared closely at the rotten sugarcane, his eyes gleaming wildly possessive.

The more this is, the more determined Yang Xu's thoughts are:

This rotten sugar cane hides a big secret.

This is definitely a hot potato.

In the end keep or give up?

"Are you still hesitating?"

The handsome man flashed his eyes and yelled!

A blue dragon suddenly shattered the void.


Xiong Ruolan exclaimed.

The uncontrolled body flew to the handsome man.


The handsome man pinched Xiong Ruolan's neck:

"Leave it to me or she will die!"

"Xiao Lan! Give me back my sister!"

Xiong Feng rose furiously, rumbling!

The ground swelled up at his feet, turned into a huge peak, and he rushed towards the handsome man.

"Humph, Joker!"

The handsome man waved freely, Hulong!

A cyan energy turned into a dragon, hovering down.


The giant peak collapsed, and Xiong Feng flew a hundred meters away.

"Stop it! Give you something, let go!"

Yang Xu said coldly.

The handsome man raised his eyebrows:

"Interesting, it seems that Yang Xu cares about his companions very much. Give me something and let me go. Otherwise..."


Without any hesitation, Yang Xu threw the rotten sugar cane directly at the handsome man.

"Brother Xu! Don't give him something!"

Xiong Ruolan eyes tears.

Everyone also sighed:

This Yang Xu is enough for men!

Everyone can see that rotten sugar cane is a valuable treasure.

Ke Yangxu simply gave up the treasure neatly for his companions.


Yang Xu's image in the hearts of everyone suddenly rose.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations players, reputation +100! 】

[Congratulations players, reputation +100! 】


System reminds several times in a row.

Yang Xu was too lazy to pay attention, a pair of eyes stared at the handsome young man.

The handsome young man grabbed the rotten sugarcane in his hand.

Crazy colors flashed in his eyes:

"Hahaha! It finally fell into my hands! I got the key!"

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