Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2565: Iron-blooded general's intentions

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The appearance of the inch-sized boy almost disturbed the two forces of Tianjun Tower and Linglong Hall at a thunderous speed.

Especially Tianjun Building.

The inch-sized boy plundered everywhere in the star domain controlled by Tianjun Tower. In just one day, he had refined hundreds of planets and the souls of trillions of cultivators!

For Tianjun Tower, this is an unbearable provocation.

At the moment, hundreds of strong men were dispatched to form an extermination squad to kill this inch boy.


A scene that shocked the two major forces and the powerful people appeared.

When this group has the lowest cultivation base, it must be a strong team of 5 times in the space-time realm.

Facing hundreds of powerful opponents.

There was a strange smile on the face of the inch-sized boy Qingxiu.

After devouring the souls of trillions of cultivators,   the pupil of this inch-headed boy looks even more strange.

A faint glance sweeps through these hundreds of time and space powerhouses:

"Well, if you are going to bully the small number of people by relying on more people, then you would have miscalculated. Because of all the widows, that's what my son of war is best at!"


The short-haired boy's response made all the powerful people in time and space present look at each other:

"Son of war? What is that? Isn't it said that this young man is a son of the past?"

Just at the time when all the powerful people were in doubt.

When I saw the boy with short hair on the opposite side, there was a languid smile on Qingxiu's face.


Behind him, two identical avatars appeared.

Then, the two avatars were shocked, and two identical avatars appeared again.

It took only one minute to do so.

It turned out that there were 1,000 identical avatars with short-haired teenagers.

What surprised these powerful people in time and space are:

Every doppelganger of short-haired teenagers lingered in breath with them!

Every short-haired teenager's eyes are as magical as the body!

"Since the snacks have been delivered to you, kill me."

The short-haired teenager smiled slightly.


The avatars suddenly turned into the most violent war machine, and they rushed to the hundreds of powerful people in time and space.

There is no suspense.

This short-haired boy's avatar is simply too powerful, really like a war machine, born to kill.

Less than two rounds.

Hundreds of time and space powerhouses have been killed!


The dense soul rune, crystal clear, was directly absorbed by the short-haired teenager and swallowed.

The short-haired teenager licked the corner of his mouth with satisfaction, with a move, swish!

1000 avatars, without any loss, all flew back to his body.

"Hahaha, my son of war was born to kill, to conquer! I came to this era in advance, just to conquer this land and surrender to this era!"

"All future souls are my sons of war!"

Kung fu to say this.

The Son of War passes through a huge plane, which is beautiful and beautiful, like a magical picture, suspended in a quiet universe.


The Son of War sensed the huge soul breath in this seat.

"Eat a snack, haha."

Before the words fell, the son of war patted this plane:


In his white palms, it seemed that thousands of horses and horses had condensed out, and a blood of merciless, conquering all wars permeated, and turned into a huge black palm covering the sky:


The huge palm actually flattened this beautiful plane.

The **** smell, mixed with the breath of destruction and disaster, drifted away in the universe.


The son of war took a deep breath, and a large number of soul runes converged into a torrent and rushed into his mouth.

"Devil! This is a devil! Did he come from the past to destroy our time?"

"Who will stop him and kill him?"

The strong men in Tianjun Tower were furious and rushed to the crown.

The violent killing of the sons of war in the star field of Tianjun Tower is simply a provocation against them.

A group of strong men, filled with indignation, wanted to kill this son.


In the deepest part of Tianjun Tower's time and space, a strange void came to a phantom:

"Please be restless!"

"This son comes from the past and is an out-and-out son of the past. We in the present have no power to completely destroy him! The only thing that can fight him is the legendary son of destiny!"

This remark came out.

The strong men in Tianjun Building stared at the phantom: "What a nonsense about the destiny's son, destiny's son, everything is a paper tiger in front of powerful strength! Senior, let's kill him! Hundreds of people If you can’t kill it, then send an army of thousands and tens of thousands of people to destroy this past

child! "

The strong man who said this was a general in Tianjun Tower.

He had long seen this "son of war" from the past as unsightly.

"Senior, let General Iron Blood try it once. His son of war is even more powerful. Could he still be able to beat an army?"

Everyone also spoke one after another.

It is said that "The Son of Destiny" was born in Linglong Hall, and Linglong Hall is adjacent to Tianjun Tower's sphere of influence. Both parties are considered competitors.

The task of killing the enemy is pinned on the competitors.

The strong men in Tianjun Tower cannot bear it!

"Okay, General Iron-Blood, since you want to try, you are over there. If you fail, immediately shrink the power of Tianjun Tower and let the son of war go! His real goal is actually where the Son of Destiny is. Linglong Hall!"

The divine phantom, with a flash of light, went away in the void.

"Assemble the army immediately, and follow me to kill this bug from the past!"

The iron-blooded general was murderous and went to block the son of war.

The universe of the star field of Linglong Palace and the star field of Tianjun Tower border.

Jin Cancan's "The Great Fan of the Great Light and the Great Seal of the Bounded Demon" is like a big bowl with an upside down, covering Yang Xu and the demon girl.

Within the array, Yang Xu was surrounded by golden stars, with the power of rolling laws and the power of space, entwining him in a crazy rotation.

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the player, you have gained +2.3 million rules of space! 】

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get space energy + 100 billion points! 】

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the players, the power of the law + 82 billion points! 】

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the player, you get +9 million rules of each department! 】


A series of prompts sounded in Yang Xu's mind.

The massive harvest, once again brushed the light curtain in front of his eyes-

The world exploded by refining Yaogan and Long Kun has come to an end.

Next. It is time to use these forces to strengthen and refine the world of Xuanhuang.

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