Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 257: Kill to win!

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Chapter 257 Extermination Kills to Win!

Winning with a punch, poof!

The green muscles on the arm burst like a blue dragon coiling.


The void collapsed!

Yang Xu was covered with cracks all over his body, like a piece of porcelain, which shattered at once.

I was so happy to win.

It was too late to laugh.


Yang Xu's broken body burned golden flames.


Yang Xu recovered as before:

"Don't you forget that physical attacks are not effective for me!"

"I'm not afraid! Yang Xu, it's not so easy for you to kill me!"

Yang Xu looked like an idiot:

"Ah? Physical attacks are not effective for you, then I will try mental attacks myself!"

The tomb of the coffin of the tomb!


A black soul suddenly filled the void.

In the midst, it seems to communicate the power of death.

In the trance of victory, I saw a dark mysterious tomb descend from the sky.

In the tomb, the roar of the roaring nether beast came from the void.

The winning heart shook, and the heart was shaking.

And just at this time.


In the dark tomb, black lightnings interweave and condense.

It turned into a **** coffin.

The black coffin is like a giant mountain to suppress the top, and it came to suppress the victory.

"No! I don't want to die! No one can suppress me. I am a sage. My name is Win. I can win everything in the world!"

Shouted at the win.

Looking at the sisters with dull faces, Yang Xu's pupils flashed:

"The power of the soul! Kill!"

Winning and watching, the black coffin of the Void was magnified tenfold.

The terrifying energy collapsed even the void.

Laws of death interweave a chain of death, wow, la la.

Wrap directly around the winning body.


The winning soul is pulled out of the body by the chain of death, bang!

Pushed heavily into the black coffin.


The winning corpse fell from the sky and thundered.

Slammed down to the ground with no breath at all.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, kill the ninth-level soul spirit strongman ‘win’, reward +600000 experience points! True Qi +60000! Points + 6000! 】

[Congratulations to the player, you get the puppet of the Thousand Great Skills x1! 】

[Item: Fragment of Puppet Art]

Attribute: Great Shard (1/9)

Description: Fragment of "The Puppet Grand Technique" of the three thousand great techniques, you can comprehend the puppet Grand Technique together! 】

"Grass, there was a fragment, nothing else?"

Ya can't be so forced, is it a poor light!

"What's wrong with us? Yeah, Big Brother, you too!"

A cry of surprise sounded.

Yang Xu suddenly saw the dullness in the eyes of the two sisters, swept away.

Their eyes regained clarity.


The whole body shone with colored lights, and their bodies continued to shrink.

Actually regained the original look of Lori.

"Big Brother, thank you for saving us! It's awful to win!"

The two little Loli flashed, and flashed beside Yang Xu.

"You guys recovered?"

Yang Xu couldn't help being happy.

Can save the little loli, even the biggest harvest!

Yang Xu happily touched their heads.


Little Loli flashed a colorful light.

Yang Xu flew out at once.

"Oh, I'm sorry, big brother, this is our natural protection. Since winning to control us, I always want to take advantage of us. As a result, this kind of colorful light comes out automatically to protect us from being hurt..."

Two little loli Chaoyang Xu vomited a little pink tongue.

The next second, their eyes flashed.

"Well, big brother, you can touch our head, don't use too much force, otherwise the president will not be tall!"

Two little loli, one side, holding Yang Xu's arm intimately.

"You suffer."

Yang Xu touched their heads.

No resistance was encountered this time.

He was secretly surprised:

"This colorful light is powerful and full of spirituality. I don't know what the two little loli came from."

Before Yang Xu felt that there was an inexplicable intimacy with the two little loli.

It seems to be a connection from the blood.

"Mother is related to the Huang family, are these two little loli..."


A blue scale suddenly appeared in the body of Win.

Among the Qinglin, the cry of winning crazy sounded:

"Yangxu, I have the soul of the green dragon, the power of nine lives! If you kill me for a life, my power will double! I will come to you soon for revenge! The next time I meet, I will realize the true With the power of the green dragon, I must kill you!"


That Qinglin exploded into the sky debris.


Little Loli questioned and brushed.

The colored light brushed out, and the Qinglin fragments were caught in front of Yang Xu:

"Big Brother, this powerful piece of Qinglin is so powerful! Here you are!"


Qinglin fragments hit Yang Xu.

Suddenly, Yin Yang!

A sound of Longyin sounded.

Yang Xu Dan Tian Qihai, a looming soul of the green dragon began to condense.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, the remnant of the Blue Dragon! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the power of nine lives x1! 】

[Item: Blue Dragon Remnant Soul

Grade: Unknown

Description: A remnant of Qinglong's soul contains a trace of Qinglong's birthmark. Without this brand, Qinglong could not awaken! 】

[Item: Power of Nine Life

Grade: Unknown

Description: Can resist a fatal attack once! 】


Can resist a fatal attack once?

This equals one more life!

Yang Xu's eyes lit up suddenly.

"Winning that idiot, stealing chickens without eclipse, without Qinglong's remnant soul, then Qinglong can't awaken. Shengjun? Huh, without Qinglong's help, Shengjun is just a name with no real name."

"Yangxu, there is a blue dragon's birth mark on this blue dragon's soul. I can use this to find the blue dragon's sleeping place!"

Zhen Lao's voice came.

"Okay! Find Qinglong, you can find a win! Nine lives? Huh, then I will kill you nine times!"

The pale introverted young man has become a win since his temperament has changed greatly.

Act shamelessly and shamelessly, there is no bottom line.

Such enemies must be completely wiped out!

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player. Trigger the main task. Do you accept it? 】


[Accepted successfully! 】

[Task Name: Kill the Saint!

Task content: Completely kill and win, take the power of nine lives, and the brand of the blue dragon!

Mission reward: experience value + 10 million! True gas value + 1 million! Points + 100,000!

One of the four spirit beasts: the surrender of Qinglong!

One of the Four Spirit Beasts: Suzaku Line Palace Clue x1!

Current task completion degree: 0/100! 】

"Will kill to win, you can let the Qinglong submit?"

I go!

That is one of the four spirit gods!

Stronger than soul holy realm, even stronger!

"This task is about to be completed, it's not heaven yet! Take Qinglong as a younger brother, hehe..."

A mysterious smile appeared on Yang Xu's face:

Make it big this time!

Won this guy and sent a big gift!


Without warning, an earth-shattering explosion shocked the Quartet.

"It's Tianlong Island!"

Yang Xu's pupil flashed.

"The man feels there is a force of terror. Brother, are we going?"

Yang Xu couldn't help smiling:

"Of course! I still have one task to complete."

The two little Loli were overjoyed:

"Great! Then the naughter won't go home. We will help the elder brother to complete the task!"



A colorful light swept across the void.

The three went away in an instant.

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