Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 266: angry

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Episode 266

A moment of despair flashed through everyone's heart.

It seems that all the treasures of this time have entered into the Tianfeng Kingdom.


Everyone suppressed anger.

The scene fell into deathly silence for a while.

It was at this time.


The void flashed, and a thousand cranes, the size of a washbasin, blazed towards Yangxu with a burning flame.

Everyone's eyes could not help changing:

"Tuanyin Qianji Crane! What happened?"

This kind of flame-burning thousand-machine crane represents 100,000 eagerness, and it contains the sender's voice message.

Yang Xu's face changed suddenly:


The moment he caught Qian Jihe, Qian Jihe burned directly to fly ash.

A rapid voice filled out of the fly ash:

"Young Master! Enemy attack! More powerful than Soul Saint! We can't stop it!"


Yang Xu's face suddenly changed:

"It must be the Huang family!"

The breath of the whole body suddenly shocked:

"I must go back!"

Riyue Wenying didn't even hesitate at all:

"I am with you!"




The crimson light flashed, and General Shenwu rode on the fiery red horse, stopping Yang Xu from going:

"Hand over Tianyan Shenquan!"


A large pond of spring water burst out.


On the side of General Shenwu, a black armor soldier caught all Tianyan Lingquan.

"Lingquan gave you, let me go!"

Yang Xu was anxious.

If you don’t hurry back, your parents may be seriously injured.

Even the mother may be taken away by the Huang family!


There was a sneer on General Shenwu's indifferent face.

He stared at Yang Xu faintly:

"Are you bargaining with me?"

"Put, everything, there, spirit, spring! All, all, pay, give, me!"

General Shenwu said word by word.

"Okay! Here you are!"

Yang Xu waved his hand, humming.

Behind the void, the eight world portals flashed.

One of the spirit springs flew out of Kanshui World.

"I don't want to leave! I'm fine here, I can't bear to..."

The Lingquan called.

Everyone's face changed.

The eyes of General Shenwu were even more ecstatic:

"Good baby! It turned out to be the root of Tianyan Lingquan! With it, you can have inexhaustible Tianyan Lingquan!"

Lingquan flew to the general Shenwu.

With a big wave of his hand, Lingquan was immediately put away by him.

All the enviable gazes gathered on him.

Then, looking sympathetically at Xiang Yangxu:

"Such a good treasure is enough to cause a lot of people to compete. Yang Xu even gave it away without blinking."

Yang Xu stared at General Shenwu:

"It's for you, let it go!"

General Shenwu sneered:

"Have you given it to me? The broken sugarcane should also be a treasure. Give it to me."

"General! Yang Xu has something important, let him go!"

The masked master said.

The funeral of Saint Child and Su Shi changed slightly.

General Shenwu looked at the masked master with a sneer:

"Although you are the lord of the county, it is not up to you to intervene in my Divine Army!"

The voice did not fall.


The half-rotten sugarcane flew towards the general Shenmu:

"Here! Let it go!"

Yang Xu's face was expressionless, and his body energy flashed madly.

He was almost unable to suppress, fighting with General Shen Wu.

When did he suffer such birdishness!

Who dares to threaten Yangxu!

But now, Yang Xu can only endure!

General Shenwu was too strong, and Yang Xu was not sure he could fight him.

more importantly!

He has to go back to Yang's house to help!

Power cannot be wasted here!

Brush brush!

All eyes gathered on General Shenwu.

People shouted:

For the family, Yang Xu gave you all the treasures!

Should you let go now?

The masked master was also in a terrible mood, staring coldly at General Shenwu.

General Shenwu smiled faintly:

"Yang Xu, what do you stare at me like this? You are disrespectful to me, I..."

"General Shenwu, I will give you what you want. I hope you can let it go according to the agreement!"

"Agreement? When did I make an appointment with you?"

General Shenwu's face was indifferent:

"A piece of chess, a clown who jumps on the beam, and wants to bargain with my general Shenmu! Do you want to go? You are my citizen of Tianfeng Kingdom, I suspect you are a spy of the enemy!"

"Fart! I am Lieutenant General General Long Qianjun! I am appointed with a decree, and I am in a national wind!"

Yang Xu couldn't help but was about to get angry.

"I will prove to him! He is indeed General Lieutenant General!"

Shouted the Lord Masked.

"Long Qianjun!"

General Shenwu's expression suddenly seemed like ice.

Looking at the angry Yang Xu, his eyes flickered with jokes:

"Are you in a hurry? Would you like to go back and help? General Long Qianjun might not be blinded by you. If you want to let you go, you must get permission from the Holy Spirit!"


Everyone exclaimed.

Yang Xu's face also sank.

"Come here, record, please decree!"

General Shenwu waved his hand, wow.

A table case and an incense burner appeared in mid-air in response to things.

"Yangxu, don't say I don't give Long Qianjun a face. For your sake, I specifically ask the Holy Ghost! You must wait!"

Burn incense, bow down, and a series of processes of General Shenwu come down.

At least half an hour has passed.

Yang Xu wasted no time.

"I help you, break!"

Riyue Wenying's beautiful face is full of firmness.

"It's now! Let's go!"

Riyue Wenying sighed.

Sister Lori, who was already by her side, also shined with light:

"You bad guys, all flash away!"

Yang Xu shot out suddenly.

"Want to go? Get up!"


The blood blew into the sky.

A large array of terrifying terror suddenly stopped in front of Yang Xu.

The colorful light crashed on it, but it failed to destroy it!

Yang Xu looked very ugly.

"Stop it! Let Yangxu leave! Don't hurt him!"

In the distance, General Long Qianjun came and flew:

"Who dares to block Yang Xu, I want his life!"

"General Dragon!"

Yang Xu's eyes flashed.

But at this time.


A golden dragon arrived suddenly:

"The decree is here!"

The sound of the Golden Dragon of Qi Yun resounded everywhere, but the voice of the Heavenly Wind Kingdom Sheng came out:

"Since this Yang Xu may be a spy, let him be detained for trial."

A light fluttering sentence suddenly determined Yang Xu's fate.


All the martial arts forces surrounded Yang Xuli on the third and third floors.

"The Holy One is confused!"

Long Qianjun rushed to his face with regret.

"Bold! Long Qianjun, you dare to disrespect the Lord!"

General Shenwu shouted.

But at this time.


Void concussion.

A thousand-machine crane burning flames rushed to Yang Xu:


Qian Jihe burst into a sudden:

"Young Master! Madam, she was taken away by those strong men! The whereabouts of the patriarch and the elders are unknown.


The crowd burst:

"Yang family is going to die?"

Riyue Wenying's face changed greatly:

"Yangxu, you..."

"Big brother!!"

As they watched, Yang Xu's cold face suddenly turned pale.

"Father, mother... pooh!"

Yang Xu Yang Tian spouted blood.

There was silence everywhere.

Only Yang Xu's painful moaning remained.

a long time.


Yang Xu's complete back was suddenly straightened.


A pair of cold eyes quietly stared at General Shenwu:

"I have satisfied you with everything you want, and I am even ready to play for the Heavenly Wind Kingdom. But why do you stop me?"

"On the Heavenly Wind Kingdom, the light and fluttering words changed the destiny of my Yang family!"

"Wow, a heavenly country! What a martial army!"


Yang Xu's body burst into a terror.

Terrifying eyes, staring at General Shenwu:

"After today, I want to make the Divine Martial Army disappear from now on! You, surely die!"

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