Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 270: Chicken dogs do not stay! Loot all!

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Chapter 270: Chicken Dogs Do Not Stay! Loot all!

Eight pole demon tail hole wears a large array.

The blood mist in the military kills suddenly disappeared completely.

When everything inside is presented in front of everyone.

Everyone opened their mouths wide.

Even the Divine Martial Army have forgotten to attack:

"General Shenwu... How is this possible?"

Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom!

In the military killing array, Dragon Divine Martial Arts was completely reduced to human sandbags.

Yang Xu's golden fist fell on him overwhelmingly.

The armor of Long Shenwu's whole body has already been shattered.

Originally considered Yingwu's face.

Now it is already green and purple, swollen like a pig's head.

What shocked everyone more is!

Yang Xu went up and down the whole body, even had no scars!

The energy in his body is strangely increasing but not decreasing!

"It doesn't make sense!"

"How could Yang Xu be so strong?"

People have a dreamy feeling.


Suddenly beaten by the dragon Shen Wu, suddenly something fell.

It was the half of the broken sugar cane.

Yang Xu flicked his hand to **** it up and stuck it in his waist.

"Don't fight! Don't fight!"

Long Shen Wu burst into a blast.

"I admit defeat! I surrender!"

Dragon God Wu stared at Yang Xu:

"I am the general of the country of the wind, I surrender to you, you can't kill me!"


The crowd exploded at once:

"I'm going! Long Shenwu was beaten and surrendered?"

"Yangxu is too good?"

"If I knew that, why provoke others!"

People's scornful eyes all fell on Dragon Shenwu.

Dragon God Wu Na called an embarrassment.

The swollen face was distorted, and it became more and more ugly.

Yang Xu's cold eyes locked Long Shenwu:

"Hand over Tianyan Lingquan!"

"Hey, I will give you all!"


Tianyan Lingquan rushed to Yang Xu unusually cheerfully:

"Great, I'm back! Yangxu, you are great!"


Tianyan Lingquan entered the Kanshui world.

"Yangxu, this is all my treasure, I will dedicate it to you! I am a general, you cannot kill me!"

Long Shenwu's eyes slammed, and took the initiative to throw a treasure to Yang Xu.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the equipment: Heavenly Shadow Ring Shadow Knife x1! Do you wear it? 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the equipment: Heavenly Slaughter Armor x1! Do you wear it? 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the equipment: Heavenly Stomping Clouds x1! Do you wear it? 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the treasure: Burial Moon Coffin x1! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the treasure: Tianlong Bloodbone x1! 】


Yang Xu did not fall, and received all according to the order.

Long Shenwu asked Yang Xu to please:

"Are you satisfied now? Let me go and never be against you again!"

"Let you? Have I promised you?"

Yang Xu smiled coldly.

Long Shenwu's face suddenly changed:

"I already knew you would not keep your promise!"

"I learn it from you."

Yang Xu sneered.

"Hahaha! Yang Xu, you idiot, you're fooled! Blast me!"

"Dragon Divine Martial Arts still has a trick!"

Everyone is discolored.


Nothing happened.

Long Shenwu froze, and the unbelievers shouted again:

"Blow me up!"

Yang Xu looked at him coldly, like a fool:

"Want to detonate your rune imprinted on the treasure? Unfortunately, it has been erased."

"Hum, idiot, play this kind of twists and turns in front of my old man, to death!"

The old contempt sneered.

The last hole card also failed.

Long Shenwu has now been tortured, and finally collapsed:

"You can't kill me! I beg you, I shouldn't stop you! I apologize to you! I'm the general of Tianfeng Kingdom, if you kill me, Tianfeng Kingdom won't let you go!"

Yang Xu smiled faintly:

"Fool, even if Tianfeng Guo let me go, I wouldn't let the dog emperor! Die!"

One stroke, brush.

Lin Huang Jian flew into Yang Xu's hands.


Dragon God Wu grabbed a flying horse and drove the horse.

Blink appeared tens of meters away.

"Cut the sky and draw the sword!"


A glorious glory covered the sun.

There was even a moment of blindness in everyone's eyes.

The moment you restore your sight.

People saw that Yang Xujian had been sheathed.

Looking no further away, Dragon God Wu is still running on the horse, yelling in his mouth:

"Run! I'm going to run!"



Dragon Sword burst behind a sword mark.


He crooked himself and fell to the ground.

The lower half of the body is still riding on the horse.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the players, killing the powerful players: Dragon Divine Martial Arts! Reward experience value + 100 million! True gas value + 10 million! Points + 1 million! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the treasure: Blood Dragon Military Road Kill Array x1! Is it integrated? 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the treasure: Thousand Beast Order Fragment x1! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the two instruments Luo Shengmen x1! Do you wear it? 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the equipment: Blood Sky Sword x1! Do you wear it? 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the equipment: Bloody Ring of God x1! Do you wear it? 】

[Congratulations to the player, get Space God Stone x1! Is it integrated? 】

[Congratulations to the player, get Skyray Thunder Stone x1! Is it integrated? 】

[Congratulations to the player, you get x1 Divine Stone! Is it integrated? 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the imperial x1! 】

Massive experience, with a lot of equipment and treasures, has yielded huge gains.

But Yang Xu himself has no scars at all!

"Shen Wujun is all killed, one is not left!"

Yang Xu ordered coldly.


The masked master jumped out:

"You can't kill the Divine Martial Army! They are innocent!"

"Innocent? The Shenwu Army would kill me before saying anything. You said they were innocent?"

"I'm going back to save my parents. The Shenwu Army formed an army and stopped me. You said they were innocent?"

Yang Xu sneered at the masked master:

"I know your identity, for the sake of meeting each other, this time I will not kill you! But if I plead for the Shenwu Army again..."

"Shen Wujun just listened to orders, they...boom!"

At the feet of the masked master, a sword burst.

Yang Xu's indifferent eyes looked:

"When they bullied me before, why didn't you see you jump out and fight for it?"

"Dragon God Wu will not give you face, and now I will not give you face! Get out!"

Yang Xu waved his big hand, bang!

The masked lord flew out.

"Do it!"


A series of wailing noises sounded.

"Yangxu, you must not die!"

"Long Shenwu's family will not let you go!"

The Shenwu army did not know to repent until death, and cursed Yang Xu madly.

Suddenly Yang Xu, who was soft-hearted, had a sudden increase in his chances:

"Kill! One doesn't stay!"

The power of the ethereal palace, together with Riyue Wenying and Sister Lori.

This is powerful enough.

Not to mention the weakness of the Shenwu Army.

It was a one-sided slaughter.

A moment of effort.

All the enemies are in vain!

"Tianfeng Kingdom Divine Martial Army, thus removed from the name!"

"Dragon Shenwu didn't know life and death, and even provoke Yang Xu!"

"Yang Xu is terrifying! Tian Feng Guo recruits such opponents and seeks his own way!"

Everyone was shocked by Yang Xu's fierce tactics.

No one dared to hit the treasure again.

Two Yi Luoshengmen, rotten sugarcane, all became things in Yang Xu's pocket.

Yang Xu captured Tianlong Baoyu.

The gigantic gemstone is gleaming with gleaming gemstones.

Greed is flashing in people's eyes, but they dare not hit it with any idea.

"I don't know what secret you are hiding, even the dog emperor wants it!"

"From now on, you are my Yang Xu!"

If you want to save the Yang family, Yang Xu must increase his strength at the fastest speed!

And this day, Long Baoyu, Liangyi Luoshengmen, will become his biggest rely!

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