Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2714: It's over

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At this moment.

The battle between the Void Beast and the Furious Ning Fang has entered a fiery phase.

After being attacked by the Void Beast and punctured through two blood gaps, the violent Ning Fang became more and more violent.

In all directions, the dark air surging came and got into his two wounds, huh!

The two wounds healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Then, boom!

Furiously put the whole body, jumped directly into the air, bang!

A huge dark devil's wing stretched out behind him, billowing a dark fog, lingering around his pair of demon wings.

To know.

The Void Beast was originally suspended in mid-air, fighting against the raging underworld.

After the Wrathful Wings had wings, they rose to the same height as the Void Beast, and the two were diametrically opposed to each other.

All the strongmen around, almost all sweated for the Void Beast:

"The situation is not very optimistic! After all, it is the dark blood of the gods, which is comparable to the blood of the gods in legend. Can the little beast be the opponent?"

"It is estimated that the victory will be decided soon! That little beast has little hope of winning..."

Most people are not optimistic about the Void Beast at all.

This kind of discussion made De Yangxu's eyebrows slightly lifted, and a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth:

These guys are really ignorant.

"Master, will the little beast be dangerous? Would you like me to replace it?"

Tao Tianye felt that Master liked the little beast very much. As an apprentice, he could not hurt Master's pet.

Unexpectedly, Yang Xu looked at him with a smile, a little speechlessly said:

"Even if you are injured, the Void Beast will not be injured. Just look at it with confidence."

The power of the Nether Beast has not yet been exerted.

Even if the blood power of the Dark God is good, it can be compared with the existence of the level of the Void Beast, it is still too far away.

"It's not right! This little beast's power seems to have not been exerted at all, and it is not nervous when facing the violent release of the violent state!"

Ba Peng raised his hair like a waterfall, dancing in the wind, the whole person gave a wild and domineering atmosphere, a pair of sharp eyes, vaguely seen through the true power of the Void Beast.

Beside, the nine sons with white hair like snow, also appeared in the place not far from Ba Pengju at this moment.

"I also have the same view as you. The potential of the little beast is absolutely huge! I am really curious. What is the origin of that red-faced boy, and a little beast that is always followed by him has such a horror? Strength!"

Nine sons looked at Xiang Yangxu's eyes and became more and more curious.

And at this time.


A strong lotus showed up next to Nine Young Masters and brought him a thick stack of documents.

A quick glance, a gloomy flash in the eyes of Nine Young Masters:

"That red-faced boy suddenly appeared in Changsheng Cave? Was he in human form before?"

Jiugong remembered that his brother seemed to have been killed by a human being.

Will it be this kid?

At the same moment.

Pa Peng Ju also got a part of the information about Yang Xu, and when he saw the content recorded above, Ba Peng Ju covered his hair with blond hair, and could not help flashing a dazzling energy fluctuation:

"He has something to do with the wicked demon? Interesting, the mad demon also came to watch..."


Ba Peng lifted his sharp, sword-like eyes and immediately locked a short distance away. Who is the son of madness that prominent figure?

"Huh? Someone noticed us..."

Almost immediately, the son of Madness noticed Ba Pengju's eyes and looked at Ba Pengju.

The little nun beside him, a moon-white gown, the whole person shrank, because of the tension, the little face was flushed:

"Are you in danger? Don't worry about me. You can leave alone. I will be safe with the bowl that Master gave me..."

The little nun had blind confidence in the magic weapon that Master gave her.

And at this moment, boom!

Above the sky dome, the magic cloud rolled, and the dark mist covered the sky and the sun swept through—

The battle between the violent Ning Fang and the Void Beast has completely entered a state of intense heat.

In fact, to be precise, it was a violent attack that entered its strongest state.

From the beginning to the end, the Void Beast is only lazily defending, and has not made a decent attack at all.

On the contrary, it was violent and violent, and fierce attacks were successively blocked by the Void Beast.

Even if it is violent and irrational, Ming Fang still feels a anger:


In his mouth, he drank one of the oldest mysterious syllables of the Mozu, which contained the power of violent death, forming a black thunder in the void, rumbling!

Toward the space where the Void Beast is located, directly slash and destroy.

"So powerful! This is a devastating blow!"

Ba Pengju and Jiujiu shuddered together, and felt a strong sense of fear:

This attack was really terrifying, and even if they broke out with all their strength, they were not sure enough to stop the move.

Can the pet with the red face be blocked?

"Um, finally there was a decent attack."

When Yang Xu saw the violent attack, his mouth showed a slight arc, his eyes flashed slightly, and he said casually:

"Ming Fang should be about to vent. Little boy, don't waste time. I have something to do and get off work early."

Yang Xu's faint words seemed to carry a strange magic power into the ears of many people present.

The first to bear the brunt are Ba Pengju and Jiugongzi, whose faces have changed dramatically.

Then, the followers who quietly followed Yang Xu changed their looks.

"This kid's pet hasn't always exerted his full strength?"

Mysterious person hidden in the space, the pupil shrinks slightly.

Then, all the people present saw the next scene that made them almost incomprehensible:

I saw the lonely little beast in the air, after hearing Yang Xu's words, buzz!

The space around him suddenly spread like waves, and spread out towards the surroundings.

Even the mad report with the demon wings evolved was affected by a trace of anger and rage gathered in his eyes, and a second attack was about to take place.


The little beast never gave him a chance:


It opened its mouth to the violent and snarled, and roared a few words.

Suddenly, the space is oscillating, the void is distorted, and in all directions, it seems that there is a transparent wall of space, Ka Ka Ka!

They all squeezed and converged towards the side where they were placed.

Call, call!

The dark magic energy released by Ming Fang was continuously compressed by the walls of the space, and the turtle shrank to the whole body of Ming Fang.

It’s not just the Dark Devil that is compressed! As the space walls were squeezed over, Ming Fang was also directly surrounded by those space walls!

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