Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2724: Lotus Eight Swords!

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When the seven sons of the lotus clan appeared in the mouth.

Outside of the lotus plane, the demons onlookers could not help changing their faces:

"This guy has such a strong temper, he has to fight hard with this young man?"

"He probably didn't see the power of this human kid, he was not afraid of losing both sides..."

Everyone's heart, this idea just came out, and it hasn't even lasted long.

The next scene made almost all of them, their eyes widened at once:

I saw this moment when the seven sons said this sentence.


A fierce sword light, like a miracle, descended from the sky, will get the head of the seven sons, directly fell down, and flew into the air.

The Saint Mans contained in the sword light, extinguished from time to time, so that the body of the seven sons, with a puff, directly burned into fly ash.

Qi Gongzi's head, wide-eyed, was unbelievable, smashed to the ground, and Guru rolled out more than ten meters away.

Don't look away.

"He killed the seven sons!"

"Fight with him!"

A lot of powerful lotus people, seeing the seven sons cut by Yang Xu with a sword, could not help but change their complexion.

All of them burst out with power, and a phantom of a lotus appeared on the head.

On the side of Yang Xu, holding the sword of Linhuang God to kill the sword, and killing a young man of the lotus family with a sword, but like everyone else, the look is faint.

The cold eyes, watching the lotus power of the lotus burst out, Yang Xu couldn't help but smile coldly:

"I don't know where to go, a bunch of idiots!"

Holy cut!

In the hands of Yang Xu, Linhuang God killed the sword again.

The same holy light shines in the same sky, and the sword of Yang Xu is like a sun rising into the sky.


The strong people of the lotus clan issued a series of screams. They were too late to dodge, and they were all killed by Yang Xu.

The corpses were emptied into fly ash.


In all directions, the onlookers of the Demon Cultivators couldn't help but take another breath.

Although I have already seen the terrifying power of Yang Xu's "Sacred Extinction".

You can see this sword for the second time.

They are still appalled:

"The power of this swordsmanship is so horrible! Who can stop the lotus?"

"Crazy! It's crazy! Is this human kid planning to use this trick to resist the entire lotus family? Isn't he afraid of exhaustion?"

All the wonders or wonders or shocking eyes gathered here.

Outside the crowd, a group of figures in cages in black appeared quietly.

It is the people of the Ming tribe.

Among them was the extremely tall man with a scar on his face. It was the elder brother of Ming Madness and Ming Fang, Ming Jue.

At this moment, Ming Jue looked at Yang Xu with just one sword, and wiped out so many strong men of the lotus family. His scarred face could not help revealing a dignity.

A man with a beautiful face next to him could not help but step forward:

"Fortunately, the leader, you thought about it and gave the little girl to the lotus people. Now the fool of the lotus family uses the little girl to threaten them, but instead lifts a stone and smashes his foot."

Ming Jue's eyes flickered and nodded slightly, but there was a trace of solemnity on his face: "Now that the news has been completely confirmed, this human kid is indeed very strong! We will return to the Ming tribe immediately and be fully prepared! The fat man of Tian Tianye , It won’t be so easy to stop, he will definitely bring his wild master back to the Ming clan to make trouble

! "

"But how do you deal with this human kid?"

The men were embarrassed.

"How to deal with it? Well, it is not something we can control anymore. Please ask our ancestors to take action and kill this human kid completely to prevent future troubles! These remnant gluttonous pure-blooded people of Tian Tianye are also wiped out together! "

In the eyes of Ming Jue, a cold murderous opportunity flashed through.

He transformed into a black mang and quickly ran away.

On Yang Xu's side, his ears moved slightly, and he seemed to perceive something. He glanced at the crazy son behind him.

The crazy son nodded and called.

The whole person turned into a fog of blood and disappeared.

"Hahaha, so fierce swordsmanship! I can't think of a swordsman genius like you among the humans, take me a sword!"

A strong and overbearing voice suddenly sounded in the void.

This sound, unable to discern its direction, seemed to appear in all directions at the same time.

Yang Xu's eyebrows could not help but slightly, the next moment, humming!

Above his head, a dazzling and brilliant sword light, like a silver waterfall, slaps his head in the face of Yang Xu, rolling down.

Wherever he passed, the void collapsed, the space was broken, and he was domineering, slashing with Jianguang madly.


Yang Xu couldn't help but smile, and the Linhuang God killed the sword and quickly cut out:



In an instant, the sword light was cold and thousands of golden sword shadows condensed in front of him and turned into a sword wall.

This sword wall, facing the silver sword gas waterfall, hung up:


In the surrounding terrified Demon clan powerful, in horrified eyes.

The silver and golden sword lights collided violently, and the violent explosion turned out to make the whole lotus plane feel shaky.

The universe void around the lotus plane is shaken with a strange ripple.

There is a demon who has insufficient swordsmanship cultivation, and with a snap, the spirit sword in his hand is actually shattered by the aftermath of sword gas!

"What a powerful swordsmanship cultivation practice! Such a horrible swordsmanship was actually blocked by the human kid!"

"Only the sword lunatic of the lotus family can cut out such a powerful sword?"

"Look! He appeared! Sure enough it was him, that lunatic, Jianba!"

Along with the sounds of horror among the powerful demons.

In the tumbling sword light, a tall figure came out, with short hair and an insignificant face, and a cold face, and a pair of dead fish could not see the slightest emotion fluctuation in the eyes.

He carried a narrow sword with a narrow sword body in his hand, and he could see faintly that there were black cracks all over the narrow sword.

It seems that this spirit sword will break at any time.

"The legendary sick sword! A magic sword that only the lotus sword eight can surrender!"

"This sick sword is said to be terminally ill and cannot be suppressed even when the fairy is in the hand. Since ancient times, only the peculiar bloodline on Jianba can surrender this sick sword and exert its power!"

Everyone looked at Jianba's eyes, full of horror and fear.

And Jianba's tall body came step by step. In the eyes of a pair of ancient Jingwu dead fish, when he saw Yang Xu, he couldn't help but have a strange look: "For a long time, I haven't seen the sharp existence of swordsmanship. Humans If you can take me a sword, I can spare you undead. If you join me, I can ignore your crime of killing so many lotus bloodlines!"

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