Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2749: Faceless mysterious man

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this moment.

All the demon powerhouses were deeply shocked by the terrifying defensive power of "Holy Phoenix Bell Bell" performed by Yang Xu.

The world of arrogance that organized the siege, with blond hair flying a little weakly, watched the powerful demon clan, not only did the attack have no effect at all.

Instead, they have suffered heavy losses one after another.

A bit of anxiety flashed in Ba Peng's eyes, his brow furrowed again:

"Just a defense magic power, there is such a terrifying power, who can guarantee that Yang Xu has no other magic powers?" "If he exhibits offensive magic powers? Will he still be powerful? If he has other powers? The magic weapon is not used? At least the powerful little beast in his arms has never been attacked. And the bracelet on his hand

It’s not easy..."

Ba Peng raised his eyes and stared at Yang Xu's every move with dignity. His eyes had long noticed that there was a dragon-shaped existence wrapped around Yang Xu's wrist, like a bracelet.

That is the Dao Zulong that Yang Xu played with and became the size of a bracelet.

Today's Dazu Zulong, after Yang Xu's many strengthening and guidance, has become more and more comfortable.

As now, if Da Zu Long does not take the initiative to reveal the breath, even the existence of Ba Pengju cannot see through it!

At this moment of Ba Pengju, his eyes are full of worry and anxiety:

"Can't drag on anymore! Try again, if unsuccessful, get out decisively!"

Ba Pengju is a determined person. No matter how powerful his opponent is, he will not feel fear or regret.

However this time.

Deep in his heart, he couldn't help but feel a trace of regret:

Did you do it wrong this time? If he doesn't take the initiative to provoke Yang Xu, he shouldn't be in trouble with the Bazu?

Who knew that this human kid would be so powerful, and he could easily stop the cooperation of so many strong men.

Can he let me go? Have you let go of the Ba people?

Just thinking about this.

Ba Peng raised his eyes, and the killer struck:

"Don't give up! We still have a chance to kill me!"

Clang clang!

Ba Peng lifted his whole body, and the golden light was like a god's fire, and he started to burn.

He looks like a golden **** of war, with an all-in-one battle spirit, and is extremely dazzling.

This made De Yangxu look at him with some surprise:

"I thought the demons were all ghosts, and I didn't expect there to be a domineering presence like you. The appearance is very good."

Yang Xu's words made Ba Peng slightly surprised.

Immediately after a huge fist, he zoomed in quickly:

"Take me a punch first!"

Heaven fist!

The violent energy, wrapped in a trace of divine power, turned into a golden illusion of ancient paradise, coming here.

Wherever he passed, there were folds and ripples in the void of the universe.

The space crystal wall system was shocked by Yang Xu's fist, and the horrible ripples resembled the surface of the water. The majestic power was like the flooding of the galaxy.

"Ba Peng Ju! Don't be distracted!"

The chaotic heart witch Ying'er, the beautiful eyes widened at the moment, totally did not expect, Yang Xu's eyes, even Ba Peng was distracted.

Was the pressure that Yang Xu put on Ba Pengju so much?

"Innate Demon Fist, the origin of Dao, primitive Demon, eternal eternal! Broken!"

Ba Peng lifted his whole body, the golden fire was burning, and his hair was blonde and no wind.

Facing Yang Xu's "Fist of Heaven", the slight divine power brought him a lot of pressure.

But Ba Pengju did not flinch, or that he deliberately did not dodge, but instead vigorously boosted his spirit and deliberately urged momentum to welcome Yang Xu's explosive punch:

Congenital Fist vs Heavenly Fist!


A huge magic shadow, accompanied by Ba Peng's fist, was instantly condensed. This shadowy Demon figure, three heads and six arms, with magic flames lingering, greeted the ancient paradise phantom condensed in "Fist of Heaven", roaring and roaring. Rushed up:


The world shudders, and the universe trembles.

The majestic aftermath of energy quickly swept through all directions, making the cosmic stars thousands of kilometers away shaking with everything.

An energy wave visible to the naked eye oscillated to the surroundings, making the universe dust scattered.

"Is this the bachelor's awesome "Innate Demon Fist"? Sure enough it is extraordinary!"

"Actually blocking the punch of the human kid, Ba Peng Ju really is not easy!"

The powerful demons sighed.

You know, Yang Xu's "Fist of Heaven" is specifically to restrain the Demon Race.

Even before, there was a powerful existence of a long-lived secret realm, which suffered a big loss under Yang Xu.

Wasn't the ancestor of the Ming tribe almost killed under "Fist of Heaven".

Ba Pengju can block Yang Xu's punch, which is already great!

Seeing the demon clan, because they took a punch of Yang Xu, and became excited again.

At the same time Ba Peng raised his heart, it was more of an indescribable bitterness:

But I only took Yang Xu a punch, and I still tried my best. Are you so happy?

But look at the opposite Yang Xu, he just hit this punch in a normal way.

Even for him, maybe even the trick is not a big deal.

What's so happy?

The true ability of the enemy has not been used yet!

Such sad thoughts flashed in my heart, but Ba Pengju did not declare it to his lips, hum!

The gold magic flame unique to the hegemons around him was burning, making him seem to be wearing a golden armor.

The violent Devil's breath, wrapped De Ba Pengju all over the body, humming!

Ba Peng lifted in the dark universe void, tore an arc, and rushed to Yang Xu in an instant.

"Yo, come again."

In the face of Ba Pengju who rushed to the scene, Yang Xuqingxiu's face showed no change in expression.

It was as if he was accompanying the child through the house, and he said something casually.

Such words make Ba Peng lift his sensitive heart, and once again have a sense of suffocation that is despised:

"Damn! What are you bullish! Look at my next punch!"

"Undefeated fist!"

Ba Peng lifted his whole body, the golden flames were burning, and the violent fighting intention was transformed into a tangible substance, which was wrapped around him.

With Ba Pengju launching "Undefeated Fist", boom!

The tangible material condensed by the fighting intentions were all turned into dense golden fists, and the punches were vigorous, and they rushed to where Xiang Yangxu was.

And at this moment.

Hundreds of millions of kilometers away, in an infinitely distant plane.

Two mysterious people who do not see facial features and seem to have no face are calculating and deducing each other.

Suddenly, their look changed suddenly, brush!

The eyes seemed to contain the universe. All the directions where Chaoyangxu was, looked at him: "The chemical matter! It actually fell into the world!"

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