Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 275: Moyun Cliff

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Chapter 275: Moyun Cliff Lord

"What! He even merged Lingming Shenshi?"

"Impossible! Can his spiritual practice succeed?"

Everlasting Jingtao roared.

Zhang Haoran frowned, staring at Yang Xu in the fusion of Lingming Shenshi.

at this time.

[Unlimited upgrade system] It just happened to start to merge.

Suddenly, Yang Xu's breath decreased exponentially.

Eventually it completely converged.

Yang Xu seems to be reduced to ordinary people.

Zhang Haoran and Eternal King Tao, all showing their happy faces together:

"Fusion failed?"

Peng Gongzi and Cha Xiaoshu frowned:

"Failed? Yang Xu will also fail?"


The crowd set off for a round:

"Failure, does it mean that Yang Xu is dead?"

"The long-haired man was so angry that Qiqiao made smoke. Yang Xu made him like this. Will there be a good ending?"

"Not to mention, Yang Xu is dead!"

People looked at Yang Xu, who had no breath of power, and all showed sympathy.

Yang Xu was also anxious:

"Nima, your version of the system is upgraded, and at least it will give me some strength. Now that I can't use any energy except physical exercises..."

He was speechless for a while.

[In the system version upgrade, the progress is 13%, 14%...]

The update progress is the same as the snail crawl.

"Since the method of divine refining failed, I took him back to Julu Academy, and I could find a way to strip out the spirit stone."

Zhang Haoran went to catch Yang Xu.


Wang Gujingtao blocked him:

"Hey, my eternal family can also be stripped. Why should this wise **** stone belong to you?"

Zhang Haoran smiled faintly:

"Why? I can recognize the law of divine refining. I can only exert the most power only when I am in my hands."

"Fart! I just don't just study this. My eternal family also has people who are proficient in spiritual refining. The spirit stone is mine!"

Everlasting Jingtao roared and grabbed Yang Xu.

"Two people, the Lingming Shenshi has already merged with me. If no one is fighting for me, isn't it good?"

Yang Xu said coldly.


Zhang Haoran and Wang Gujingtao only glanced at Yang Xu lightly.

Looking at his eyes is just like looking at ants.

"Is there anything you can say here! You can't compare with a hundred pieces of magic stone of the size of your fingernails!"

Everlasting Jingtao sneered, wow.

A big hand caught Yang Xu:

"That's it! The Lingming Shenshi belongs to my eternal home!"

"Ravage! The Lingming Shenshi should be the thing of my college!"


Zhang Haoran's big hand also caught Yang Xu.


Two huge tearing forces immediately converged on Yang Xu.

If you change to the previous body.

I'm afraid Yang Xu was torn in half instantly.

Even triggering "Jiu Zhuan Hao Tian Jin Shen" and "Yin Yang Twenty Dragon Pile".

I am afraid it will not help either.

but now!

Yang Xu only felt that his physical strength was indifferent to these two forces.

They act on themselves just as if they are tickling.

Yang Xu's eyes flickered and excited:

"I'm going, the Lingming Shenshi is such a cow? Can it bear the power of the two strong men?"

In an instant, Yang Xu looked forward to updating the system soon.

However, Jingtao Tao and Zhang Haoran, but no one else is fighting:

"Ling Ming Shen Shi was discovered by me first, and it belongs to my eternal family!"

Everlasting Jingtao grabbed Yang Xu with one hand and slammed into Zhang Haoran with the other hand:



A black palm print in the void, slammed Zhang Haoran.

Zhang Haoran only smiled, holding Yang Xu in one hand, and stretched his finger in the air with the other:


A golden light cut out instantly.


The black palm print collapsed.

Zhang Haoran smiled leisurely:

"Brother Van Gogh, even if you got the Lingming God Stone, and you don't know the method of deprivation, why bother?"

"Fart! How to deprive me? I really heard! As long as you find the blood of this kid, and take their blood to pour the **** stone, you can break the fusion..."


Yang Xu's pupil shrank suddenly:

"Just move me, you still want to move my family?"

Everlasting Jingtao smiled contemptuously:

"It's all ants, what kind of family?"

The indifference in his eyes made no secret.

Yang Xu looked at Zhang Haoran coldly:

"How about you? What kind of academy method do you have to do with the lives of my loved ones?"

Zhang Haoran smiled:

"It's Julu College. Although it won't hurt the lives of your loved ones, they do need a lot of sperm blood. After using them, they may be abandoned."

"Used? Huh, do you use my loved ones as tools?"

Yang Xu looked cold.


Zhang Haoran smiled faintly:

"Your name is Yang Xu, right? You don't have to pretend to be so indignant, and you have to be trampled on if you're not as good as others."

"It's like now, in fact, the purpose of your talking to us is just to delay time, isn't it."

Everlasting Jingtao also smiled:

"Yang Xu, you must have encountered trouble during the fusion process and want to buy yourself time. But frankly tell you that even if you succeed in the fusion, I have a way to strip the **** stone! The lives of your loved ones can't escape!"

"A good loved one can't escape!"

Yang Xu's heart burned with anger.

at this time.

A harsh voice sounded:

"When are the people of Destiny Continent so arrogant!"


A Taoist appeared in front of Yang Xu.

"Master! You are finally here!"

The sound of Yang Rourou's surprise sounded.

Everyone stared at the gray-clothed Taoist, his face changed in unison:

"Master Moyun Cliff is here too!"

"I heard that her strength is not under the Lord of the Burial Moon, but it is a pity that in the face of these two perverted strong men, I am afraid it will not work."

"Master, save Yang Xu quickly! He is dangerous!"

Yang Rourou rushed into the air and hugged the gray-haired woman's arm.

The gray-haired woman in a road coat, in her early forties, has a calm face, but her eyes flash from time to time.

Everlasting Jingtao and Zhang Haoran glanced at the woman, they disagreed:

"Here's another one to join in the excitement. You also want to divide the magical stone?"

The Moyunya Master snorted:

"This is the Hongtu Continent, not your destiny continent! The grass and trees here, no one can let you covet, go away immediately!"


Everlasting Jingtao and Zhang Haoran were startled:

"You dare to talk to us like this?"

Moyunya Lord sneered:

"You have intervened in the mainland of Hongtu. If you have committed the above crimes, are you not afraid of the eternal blue sky and the Academy of Discipline?"

"What! Do you know Senior Qingtian?"

"Do you know the commandment hall?"

The faces of Jingtao Tao and Zhang Haoran changed in unison.

Moyunya Lord sneered:

"According to the agreement between Hongtu Continental and Destiny Continental, those who cross the border without permission should be cut! It seems that you are dead?"

This remark came out.

The two suddenly shivered.

Everlasting Jingtao's face was pale:


He looked at the Master Moyun Cliff again at this time, and he was shocked to find that he could not see through this person.

Zhang Haoran was also shocked.

But he calmed down a lot and sneered:

"Senior, I was ordered by the academy to take Tianlong Baoyu. Since the senior knows the agreement between the two continents, I am afraid that it is also a person with an extraordinary background. Why bother bullying our two juniors?"

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