Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2751: Bury the Devil Pot!

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A strange force was sensed in Yang Xu's life, which came upon him.


The system immediately issued a warning.

"System, can I trace back the power that spied on me, where did it come from?"

Yang Xu asked.


The system-incarnate little unicorn flashed in front of Yang Xu: [Master, I used "Little Fate" as the source point to sense someone's calculation, and more than one person! The opponent's strength is too powerful, unless the master has mastered "Fate", otherwise it is impossible to trace the source of this force!

Kirin responded accurately.

Yang Xu's brows could not help but wrinkle slightly, but in the eyes of Ba Pengju who was opposite, Jing Mang suddenly flashed:

"This human is actually distracted! He even dared to be so careless in battle, it was my chance!"

With blinking eyes, Ba Pengju made a decision almost immediately:

Originally he planned to retreat, but now see Yang Xu distracted, immediately decided to try the last one again!

If it succeeds, it can seriously injure Yang Xu and create opportunities for other demons to join forces to siege Yang Xu.

If you can't, you will immediately retreat!

In one thought, Ba Peng raised his body strength again, boiled up again, the golden devil qi, burning fiercely, as if ancient fire.

"The Heavenly Burial Divine Flame, devouring the mysterious sky, the light of extinction, hate the Heavenly Demon Emperor!"

"Sky Burial Pot!"


Ba Peng held his blonde hair, no wind, automatic, a treasure pot wrapped with golden light, flying out of his heavenly cover.

When this golden treasure jar appeared above Ba Peng's head, there was a golden devil qi immediately, which fell down like a golden waterfall.

The powerful demons around them saw this golden devil qi, and their faces suddenly changed:

"This power fluctuates...! Powerful and pure magic energy! Ba Pengju this guy, did you get the magic power of the magic ancestor?"

"That magic weapon is a heavenly burial magic pot! Bazu Zhenzu Treasure!"

"Ba Peng is going to be serious, let's not miss this opportunity, we will destroy this Yang Xu in one go!"

In the eyes of the masters of the demons, there was a flash of fierceness.

Those who noticed that Yang Xu was distracted did not stop Ba Peng from raising one. These demon clan strongmen, watching Yang Xu play against them, dared to distract him and could not help but feel a sense of being despised.

They feel that their strength has been despised and insulted.

"Must kill this kid! It's amazing to be with chemical substances!"

The demon clan strongmen were irritated.

"Buried Heavenly Demon Jar, kill me!"

Ba Peng lifted the golden demon flames, his hair was blonde and no wind, and the sky with a devil pot hung down a golden waterfall energy, which set him off like a demon god.

With a big grasp, scorn!

The void of the universe is like a curtain, torn apart by Ba Pengju, but he can't see any complicated movements, only a wave, bang!

The celestial devil tank flew straight into the portal of the universe, and in the next moment, poof!

Yang Xu's head was empty, and was directly torn apart.

The celestial devil pot is like an archaic demon mountain, traversing the ages, covering the sky and covering the sun, and killing towards the town of Yangxu.

This move, it is necessary to completely kill Yang Xu.

In all directions, a group of Mozu powerfuls saw the blow, and their faces were all excited:

"This human kid is dead! Yang Xu is about to die!"

"Let's not be too late, kill him and rob him of the treasure!"

However, what shocked them was that, in the face of such terrible coercion, and in the face of the horror of burial.

There was no expression fluctuation on the face of this human teenager, and even the calm and indifferent expression did not change from beginning to end.

This made a group of Mozu strong feel a while wrong.

And Ba Pengju was instantly aware of Yang Xu’s strange behavior:

"What's the matter, is this kid scared, or does he have other schemes? Should I continue to attack?"

Just when Ba Peng's eyes flickered and he was so uncertain.

Under the celestial magic tank, Yang Xu, who looked indifferent, finally smiled:

"Well, you are clever, this is the opportunity to kill me? I am sorry, I have something to do this time, I will not play with you."

Yang Xu smiled as if he was telling his companion in the house that he was going home for dinner. He glanced casually at the top of his head, the celestial devil who killed him down the town:

"Well, it's a bite jar, I also have a bite, a bit like it."

Yang Xu did have a mouthful of swallowing a **** pot, and its power was still very powerful, but it had not been used for a long time.

However, his casual and calm evaluation made Ba Peng instinctively feel something is wrong.

Especially, when Yang Xu showed a little golden light in his palm.

Ba Peng's expression suddenly changed suddenly:

"Not good! That magic weapon... That is the fluctuation of the fairy! My god, Yang Xu has a fairy hidden in him!"

How do you fight this?

Seeing in Yangxu's hands, a disc of golden light, like a round of sun stars, burst into immense magic in his palm.

The horrible and fierce fairy breath fluctuated, making all these powerful demon clan completely stunned.

Whether it is the beautiful girl Yinger in the chaotic heart forest, or the other demon celebrities called by Pa Pengju, all are in a state of dumb face:

This human kid actually has a bite... a fairy?

Is that a fairy? Didn’t we look at it?

Almost all of these demons are almost crying:

You have a fairy in your hand, why not take it out earlier? Do not bring such a joke!

Ba Pengju, with his blond hair flying around, watched the Bazu's Zhenzu Treasure Burial Demon Pot, and after Yang Xu took out the fairy, it was like a child seeing Hercules, trembling suspended above Yang Xu's head , No more repression.

Then, Yang Xu held the mysterious and powerful fairy in one hand, and looked at the other hand with his other hand, as if picking a jujube, and took the mouth of the celestial devil pot in his hand.


Pa Peng took three big steps back and forth, and suddenly spouted a big mouthful of blood:

The spiritual imprint he left in the celestial devil pot was erased by Yang Xu!

The funeral devil pot was just taken away by others!

And at this moment.

That exists in the heterogeneous space in the crystal wall system of the universe space.

The skeleton of the pale skeleton, detailedly guided by the mysterious figure, finally determined the specific whereabouts of Yang Xu.

In the pair of hollow skeleton pupils, the green ghostly ghost fire flashed faintly:

"It turns out that this kid is going through a war... Hey, he's still under siege? There are more than a dozen Demon strong men besieging him, and in the periphery, there are hundreds of Demon masters secretly watching!" "This I'm afraid the human kid is about to die. He's powerless to go back to the sky... what's the matter? Impossible! How did those demon masters perish instantly?"

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