Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2754: Eagle dog

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A strange and sharp sound of eagle roar made Deyang Xu frown slightly:


The void in front of him was directly torn apart, and a sharp sonic wave burst out of it.


A star thousands of kilometers away was instantly sonicated and shattered into sky points.


A condor covered with golden feathers flew out of that space portal, like an electric light, transformed into a figure wearing a gold armor.

The man was indifferent, holding a golden sword, and his eyebrows and eyes were flashing from time to time.

"A human?"

The golden armor figure noticed the presence of Yang Xu, his eyes flickered slightly, "Have you ever seen a figure with only skeletons left?"

Yang Xu responded faintly:

"Cultivation of magic skills among demons leaves only skeleton bodies everywhere."

"He has a stunt, is good at stealing things, and never fails."

Jin Jiaren added.

"Oh, since he never failed, he has never been caught. Since he has not been caught, how do I know which one is the skull you are looking for?"

Yang Xu still responded softly.

The Jinjia people were speechless for a while.

Seeing Yangxu turn around and leave, "Stop!"


The golden light flashed before him, and Jin Jiaren stopped in front of Yang Xu:

"You have a problem with human beings! In order to force out the way to steal the ancestors of heaven, you should follow me."

"where to?"

A strange smile appeared on Yang Xu's face.

Jin Jia Men sneered:

"Go to a place where you just go in and never come out!"

The voice is not falling, Hulong!

The golden armor man grabbed a big hand, and a golden flying eagle brand appeared on his palm. His palm was suddenly enlarged enough to cover the sky and the sun, and he captured it towards Yangxu.

"It's worthy of being the eagle dog of the God Prison. When you get the opportunity, you want to bite. Unfortunately, you are playing with the world magic power in your palm in front of me. It's too far away!"

Yang Xu's smiling face was suddenly cold, Hulong!

He also stretched out a palm. In the palm of his hand, there was a mystery of the universe beginning to spread, hundreds of millions of stars were shining brightly, and a star in his palm world, the brilliance circulated and fluttered.

A huge wave of world power fluctuates from Yang Xu's palm, and his right palm seems to have spawned a world.

"The magical power of the world in the palm! With such a pure breath, are you the remnant of the Protoss?"

The Jinjia man shouted in his mouth, "Wu Daotian eyes, cut me!"

Clang clang!

In the eye of his eyebrows, he suddenly burst out a golden light, which turned into a dense billions of days of knives, and shot towards Yangxu.


In Yang Xu's eyes, however, there were two runes flashing on the Yin-Yang Taiji diagram, his eyes flashing, groaning!

The Linhuang **** kills the sword and cuts off a sword's awn, like a ray of golden light, instantly appears in the universe over thousands of kilometers.

This sword seemed to be chopped in an empty space where there was nothing, but Keng's sound exploded.

An invisible golden sword light was exploded by Jianguang, and it shattered directly.

Yang Xu raised his lips, showing a sneer:

"You eagle dogs, after so many years, they still haven't developed their working style. Don't think about reporting to the top, wait until you realize your disappearance, at least wait another nine years!"



Yang Xu's "World in the Palm" supernatural power, wrapped in a terrifying destructive force, only gently swayed, bang bang bang!

The sword mangoes shot by the golden armor men's martial arts Tian Biao all shattered.

Then, poof!

The huge palm of Yang Xu collided with the huge palm of the man in gold armor.

Without any delay, the giant hand of the Golden Armor exploded directly, bursting into a mass of golden blood in the void of the universe.

These golden blood energies are constantly transformed into golden flying eagles one after another, spreading their wings to the universe in all directions, trying to escape.


Yang Xu only smiled coldly at this, "When you say that you can't pass the news, why do you do such useless work."

Take a shot, bang bang bang!

Those golden flying eagles burst instantly.

Jin Jia's face was completely distorted because he was too shocked:

"You are not the remnants of the Protoss! What the **** are you, so familiar with the style of my God's prison?"

Yang Xu didn't answer, "The World in the Palm" supernatural power surged towards the Jinjia men's town.

"Do you dare to kill me? Stealing the Heavenly Ancestor made a big mistake, whether it is the officer, the prisoner or the shepherd, all of them are staring at you, and you can't escape me if you kill it!"

The Golden Armor shouted loudly.

Yang Xu's face was expressionless, his palms continued to fall, pop!

Under his palm, the golden armor man couldn't bear the pressure anymore and exploded directly into a mass of golden blood.

Not waiting for that golden blood to be transformed into a flying eagle, Yang Xu grabbed it with his palm, and the golden fire burst out, shouting!

The golden blood was completely annihilated and burned into nothingness.

"Even your guards dared not talk like this in front of me, and a little eagle dog also dared to have such a big tone."

Yang Xu sneered, "However, the Hawk has never been separated. Since the Hawk is coming, the dog must be dormant, come to me!"

With a big hand to the void of the universe more than a dozen miles away, I grabbed it and sneered!

That piece of cosmic space, like a piece of dirt, was pulled up directly.

This piece of space suddenly wriggled frantically, and there was something to get out of it.

Faintly, I could see a golden dog tail sticking out of a corner of the space, Yang Xu smiled coldly, just about to squeeze it.

"Master, don't kill me! Heroes are forgiving! I am willing to surrender, and adults must know what, I can tell you, you can also refine me into a puppet, I will never betray!"

A series of beggars sounded.


Yang Xu's eyes flashed, bang!

The piece of cosmic space was crushed by him, and a golden light escaped to him, but a thin dog with golden light shining through it, transformed into a skinny man, also wearing a gold armor, with a bout of martial arts. .

"What did the ancestors of stealing the heavens have to be imprisoned? How did he escape?"

The divine prison, the existence of even the fairy celestial dared to imprison, there were 880 fairy fighters who jointly attacked the prison, but failed to succeed.

Today, he will be escaped by a thief who is good at stealing chickens and dogs.

Has the Protoss already fallen to this point?

"Senior Master Qi, the God Prison is no longer the God Prison of the past. The true core strength has been transferred to the Kingdom of Moro by the last prisoner!"

As soon as this remark came out, Yang Xu's expression changed slightly: "The Kingdom of Mo Luo? The hometown of the demon lady? What happened there?"

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