Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2759: The power of crushing!

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Yang Xu's words made the big brother who judged the true monarch, the face of the scribe dressed up, could not help showing a trace of grimace, he looked at Yang Xu's eyes, and a strange bloodline flashed through the ghost, wow!

The blood line in his eyes was connected with the bright red bone spear in his hand:

"Human, your tone is arrogant, but you have arrogant capital, I don't blame you! I will say with strength..."

A word has not been spoken, bang!

The void in front of him suddenly shattered, and Yang Xuqing's face quickly enlarged in front of her:

"Your nonsense is too much, die!"

Too lazy to waste time with these three brothers, in Yang Xu's hands, the translucent divine power, the light shines, like two rounds of the moon, releasing the destructive power:

"The Great Surge!"


For the elder brother who ruled against the true monarch, Yang Xu no longer has the slightest hand to stay, and his first shot is the destructive "Avalanche".

As one of the most powerful destructive tricks in the Three Thousand Great Techniques, "The Great Destruction Technique" made it possible to adjudicate that the void in front of the big brother of the True King collapsed directly into pieces.

More importantly.

He clearly felt that a devastating overbearing force was rapidly crowding and covering him from all directions.



When it was ruled that the elder brother of the true king was destroyed by the divine power and the broken void, the moment of wrapping, an extremely dangerous breath made his look change greatly:

"not good!"


The white bone shield behind him suddenly exploded with a white smoke-like ghost spirit, and resentment swept across the Quartet, and then there were thousands of tens of thousands of ghost faces densely gathered from the void into the white bone shield. :


A little cold thorn stabbed, carrying an extremely dangerous assassination gas, penetrated the barrier of the universe, and slammed heavily on the white bone shield.

Without any suspense, the white bone shield was slammed and directly penetrated:

Don’t forget that this time, Yang Xu used the most powerful offensive power in the three-thousand spells, the destructive lethality is not generally powerful.

Yang Xu made up his mind to kill the big brother who ruled the true king in an instant!


The moment "Assassination Grand Technique" penetrated the white bone shield, it was assassinated straight ahead, actually stabbing the body of the ruling True King.

Suddenly, the ruling of Zhenjun and the second brother changed their faces:


"Hurry up!"

They all felt something wrong, especially ruling the true monarch. Although they had long known that Yang Xu was extremely powerful, he even personally taught Yang Xu how powerful he was and almost killed him.

but now.

The strength and tricks that Yang Xu showed in just one second made even the true monarch who watched the game feel a huge pressure:

"My God! This is the breath of great surgery! This human kid has mastered two great techniques! How is this possible?"

It was not until this moment that the ruling Zhenjun suddenly understood it. Don’t look at the tricks used by Yang Xu before. The momentum is huge and the power is amazing. But it is really just people fighting against him.

Even the ultimate goal is to use him as a fist target, just practice boxing.

At this moment, Yang Xu broke out two great techniques, each of which was destructive and powerful.

Just picking one out of the box is more terrifying than the boxing method that Yang Xu just used!

So much so.

It is the elder brother who ruled the true monarch, who has more experience and more powerful strength. In the face of Yang Xu’s two bombings, he can’t help but feel a bit confused:

"I can't fight passively! I want to stabilize my position and organize a counterattack immediately!" As the eldest son of the long-lived ancestor, it was very good to rule that the big brother Zhenjun, even if it was penetrated by Yang Xu's "Assassination Technique" , But did not completely fall into a panic. At the critical moment, the **** spear in his hand shot

Come out:


The blood-bone spear gleamed with red light, and there was a rolling of blood around the body, forming a vortex that urged the bone spear to shoot towards Yang Xu's face.

Yang Xu's eyes flickered, and no birds: "Go!"

Slap it out with a slap, like flying a fly:


The blood-bone spear looked amazing, but even Yang Xu's body was not close, so Yang Xu slapped and flew out casually.


With the help of Yang Xu's slap, the brother who ruled the true king also got a breathing opportunity. He flashed into the void not far away, and in his eyes, the red light shone, turning into two red lines:


The two red lines were connected to the blood-bone spear that was photographed flying, with only one look. The blood-bone spear seemed to be summoned and flew back instantly.

"My opportunity is here!"

The big brother who adjudicated the true king flashed his eyes.

It said a thousand words, in fact, all this happened just a moment, until this moment, the ruling Zhenjun and the second brother finally reacted, intending to help.


When they saw the trick that Big Brother was about to release, the two brothers' faces changed in unison:

"That's the trick! Big Brother is going to fight back!"

The two men walked slightly, and they saw the elder brother holding the blood bone spear, and his hands played a dense frequency of hundreds of millions of blood runes with a special frequency.

These runes quickly penetrated into the blood bone spear, which caused this blood bone spear to release an infinite amount of blood.

"Blood bone spear, ruling nine styles, triumph!"

The brother who adjudicated the true monarch, shocked the **** spear in his hand, suddenly, yelling!

An ancient and obscure note flew out of the blood-bone spear, just like a triumphant war song, he would be wrapped directly.

at the same time.

Ruling the true monarch, this big brother, shocked the **** spear in his hand and thundered!

He turned into a blood rainbow, and he took the initiative to face Yang Xu, rushed to the past, and screamed in his mouth:

"Blood bone spear, ruling nine types, eternal!"

Blood spear spear, a spear pierced, the universe in front of the eyes, a red ripple, suddenly slap in the face.

Yang Xu felt that a peculiar wave of power seemed to contain the energy of the law of time and spread towards himself.

Suddenly, he found that the time flow rate around him became a little slow, and even with every movement of him, it seemed to slow down a beat.

At the same time, the blood-bone spear in the hands of Brother Zhenjun was judged and assassinated towards his eyebrows at a very slow speed.

Yang Xuming has already reacted, but there is no way to get rid of this slow state. "Is this the "eternal" move in the ruling of the ninth formula? It actually involves the truth of the law of time.

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