Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2763: Old Devil's Unique Taoist

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The grand ancestor dragon is magnificent, and the dragon's scales reflect the gods, and the tide is surging, filling the universe in all directions.

When Yang Xu ordered, Dadao Zulong, who was already condensing the dragon body entity, no longer hesitated, Yin Yin!

At the moment when Longkou snarled, he rolled five elements of magical power, and burst out of his eyes.

The power of "Five Elements Avenue", under the blessing of the Five Elements Avenue Law, has become the most fundamental attack between heaven and earth.

The power of five elements in all directions, continuously gathered from the void of the universe, so that the void in front of the longevity ancestor was squeezed a bit by the force.

More importantly!

The long-lived ancestor found in amazement that the grand ancestor dragon in front of him could perfectly control the power of Five Elements Avenue.

This made him have a strong sense of incredible:

"This is impossible! How can the Dragon Clan control the power of the Avenue so perfectly?"

To know.

The power of the dragon race, although able to enlighten the heaven and the gods, is "dragon power" independent of any kind of power in the world.

Although the power of the dragon is powerful, it is incompatible with this world. The cultivation of the dragon clan and the blood and tears step by step. Every achievement will be tested by the thunder and the sky.

In other words.

Only the Shenlong who passed the thunder and calamity of heaven and earth can initially use the power of heaven and earth.


The ancestral dragon in front of this road does not even have a real dragon body, let alone suffer from the thunder of heaven and earth. How can it be recognized by this world and control the power of the Five Elements Avenue?

All sorts of problems flashed through in the minds of long-lived ancestors.

However, he was too late to think.

The attack from Dazu Zulong was really terrifying. The power of "Five Elements Dadao" was terrifying. The huge coercion made even the long-lived ancestors who reached the 9th heaven of the mixed cave feel panic. :


His old body exploded in a sudden, turning into a thick black smoke, wanting to dissipate.


Yang Xu's eyes only flashed, and the Dao Zulong in front of him immediately became a Longkou:


An energy of water and fire is ejected from its mouth, among which there are the fluctuations of "Five Elements Avenue", and there is also a mixture of yin and yang.

"If it weren't for Yin Yang's eyes, it's really not easy to get you done."

In Yang Xu's eyes, the runes of the Yin and Yang Taiji figure flashed, and the eternal ancestor was sprayed by the Dazu ancestor dragon, dissipated into a magical body, and suddenly condensed again:


With the void above his head, the Five Elements Mountain formed by "Five Elements Avenue" condensed down toward him with fierce suppression.


The void within a hundred meters of the longevity ancestor has been directly crushed and broken, and black holes of the size of beans have begun to emerge around him.


The pupils of the longevity ancestor shrunk sharply, which is a preliminary understanding of the power of "Five Elements Avenue".

However, it is not over yet!

Just when his eyes flashed, ready to fight back, poo poo!

The universe void under his feet was suddenly torn apart, and a turquoise bud sprang out of the crack in the universe void, forming a bucket-like vine, wow!

Directly wrapped around the longevity ancestor.

At the same time, the vigorous source of water, like a river, is poured on this thick vine, and it's raging!

The vines glowed with light, and when they turned around, they wrapped around the long-lived ancestors, and they grew densely.

What shocked the longevity ancestor was that this vine was so strong that it was embossed with a series of earthy runes, as hard as a rock, and no matter how the longevity ancestor struggled, it could not break this vine .


The longevity patriarch's heart jumped, and he saw a burst of noise in front of the void, and a cluster of golden fires suddenly appeared.

Without the action of the longevity ancestor, the little gold flame jumped directly onto the dense green vines around him, hula!

The turquoise vines were so co-ordinated that they burned in the blink of an eye, igniting the whole body of the longevity ancestor.


This is the wood from "Five Elements Avenue", the fire from "Five Elements Avenue", every trace, every inch, contains the power of the world's five elements Avenue!

So much so.

The wood-like vines burned, releasing the terrifying destructive power, making even the long-lived ancestors who reached the mixed cave realm some unbearable!

"The strong man in the confusing cave realm can't withstand the scorching of a few rays of flame. If you say it, no one will believe it?"

A long smile appeared on the long face of the long-lived ancestor, "The power of the Five Elements Avenue is indeed extraordinary."

"Well, I didn't want to use yours. Now it seems that you will come in handy in advance."

The long-lived ancestor looked at the white skull in his hand, which had always released the energy fluctuation of the unique Taoist device.

Deyang Xu has long been curious about it.

Now that the long-lived ancestor grabbed the snow-white skull in his hands, he could not help showing curiosity:

"The magic weapon of the Demon Race is really strange, is it even as powerful as a skull? I'm curious, how powerful it is."

In the eyes he looked forward to, the eternal ancestor would get that white skull and throw it into the void, hum!

The white skull went up against the wind, and there was a divine light falling down.

That peculiar fluctuation almost didn't make Yang Xu's eyes widen:

"I'll just go, do you really play? This is actually the fluctuation of the divine power? Did you make a mistake!"

The more suspicious, Yang Xu felt more and more that the white skull really released the divine power.

And more than that.

Between the shining of the vernal skull bone, it turned into a white lotus. The eternal ancestor seemed to be an emperor, and his white long beard fluttered. He stepped on the white lotus.

"The white lotus that the skull turned into, hey, you really can play the eternal ancestor, I look down on you."



Yang Xu's eyes flicked and nodded toward the Dazu Zulong, Carrara!

Dazu Zulong was surrounded by golden dragon scales, and the film suddenly stood up, with a violent and fierce atmosphere, pervading from Dazu Zulong, brushing!

Every piece of dragon scale seems to be transformed into the most dazzling dagger and dagger, brushing and pulling!

Dazu Zulong flashed like a light, flashing in front of the longevity ancestor.

The long-lived ancestor looked like an ancient well, as if the old monk entered the set, his eyes looked at the Dazu ancestor dragon, and he entangled toward himself:

Brush and pull!

There was a golden holy light around him, like a waterfall, falling down, wrapping his entire body together with the white lotus. The fluctuations of the unique Taoist instruments, centered on the eternal ancestors and white lotus, spread to all directions.

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