Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2765: Thousand Faces

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"Judgment nine styles, frenzy!"

Yang Xu is like a blood-red tornado, and the whole body is stunned with blood, like the blood demon coming, and swept in instantly.

In his hand, the Lankinus Ghost Gun, assassinated towards the ancestral ancestor, came out:


The rolling blood swept through the ten corners and turned into a huge space for blood, which filled the entire ancestral ancestor.

What made the longevity ancestors change is that in this blood space, there are thousands of blood rainbow awns, condensed into the phantom of the Longinus Phantom Gun, and assassinations came towards him.

A violent, fierce, dangerous, resentful atmosphere, wrapped in the ghost gun, with the power to kill God, exploded from it.

The face of the longevity ancestor suddenly changed:

"Impossible! How can your understanding of the ruling of the nine types be so thorough? This is absolutely impossible!"

It is no wonder that the longevity ancestor felt so incredible. You must know that the set of spears in the "Judgment Nine Styles" was obtained from the ruins of an ancient Demon in an adventure, risking his life.

For this, he even paid the price of a few hundred years of life.

He passed this spear technique to his eldest son. Later, after the younger son got the blood **** spear, he also practiced this spear technique.


Whether it is the boss or the youngest, the power of exhibiting this "Judgment Nine Styles" is definitely not comparable to the power that Yang Xu broke out at the moment.

Do not!

It is no longer "incomparable". This "Judgment Nine Styles" is in Yang Xu's hands. It seems to be a reborn one. The power of its outburst is not even under the full blow of the longevity ancestor himself!

"This trick cannot be underestimated! Block me!"

Longevity Patriarch's big hand grabbed the void, click!

The Holy Light Waterfall rolled like a piece of wood, and he grabbed a piece of it and shattered it, smashed it into the most radiant energy, and poured it into the remaining white lotus.

Suddenly, the white lotus is full of light, brush!

A white lotus petal, boiling up, revolves around the top of the head of the eternal ancestor, rotating at the speed of light:


A storm of holy light, centered on the longevity ancestor, instantly spread to the surroundings.

Clang clang clang...

Thousands of assassinations of the Longinus phantom spear, and the golden light storm of the Holy Light, hit together, and suddenly, the blood red and golden energy flew together like blood waves Swept, magma erupted.

The cosmic void in all directions was directly cracked into a cobweb-like crack, as if broken by a fisted hand with an invisible god's hand.

The aftermath of the violent energy swept madly to all directions, and will get all the suspended matter and dust in the universe, and collapse into nothingness!


Yang Xu was struck back two steps by this storm. His upper body shook slightly, and he stabilized his body, his eyes flashing faintly:


He was like a blood-red horse training, the stronger the stronger, the more he swept to the longevity ancestor, and the Longinus ghost shot in his hand:

"Nine rulings, trial!"


Along with the heavy gunshot of the Longinus Pluto, a blood-red **** appeared in the vagueness of the vagueness. He surrounded the body with the breath of the demons, and his eyebrows and the eyes of judgment released the red light of bleeding:


The brilliance of the judgment eye burst like a blood-red sky knife, slashing down towards the longevity ancestor.

A force of judgment nailed the longevity ancestor into the void of the universe. The pupils of the longevity ancestor shrinked and their hearts were horrified:

"This trick "trial" is also more powerful than the elder brother and the youngsters they use! What kind of monster is this human kid?"

It just doesn't make sense!

It was at the same time that the eternal ancestor urged the white Taoist Lotus, which blocked the attack of the eye of judgment.

"Judgment 9th, 6th, eternal!"

Yang Xu burst with a sigh, and the Lankinus Wraith Gun suddenly burst into a dense blood-red rain. The red raindrops swept through the space, and the space seemed to freeze.

A breath containing the fluctuation of the law of time permeates in all directions, making this piece of the universe void, and it seems that God has fixed time.

"This type of shooting method has already involved the fluctuation of the law of time, which is similar to my "Era of Divine Fist!"

Yang Xu's eyes were shining, and his insights on the law of time in "Era of Fist" flashed through his mind.

On the side of the longevity ancestors, he hurriedly resisted Yang Xu's "Trial", but he was shocked to find that Yang Xu's next move had attacked!

"How powerful is this kid's body? How can such a high frequency of attacks and bombardments erupt in a flash!"

It's terrible!

To know.

With the power and state of the long-lived ancestors, the enemy would never have been beaten by the enemy, and there was no chance of returning.

However, the young man in front of him couldn't beat it with common sense at all. He instantly pushed the potential of being flesh to the limit.

So much so.

Yang Xu's attack speed reached its peak, and he said a thousand words. In fact, his two consecutive attacks almost all broke out within a thousandth of an instant.

"You can't do this passive defense anymore, otherwise, I'm afraid I will overturn the boat in the gutter!"

The battle experience of the long-lived ancestor is not generally rich. Although he is used to making decisions and then moving, he is not willing to attack passively when he is confronted with the enemy:

"Human! If you use other tricks to deal with me, it may really make me mad, but it is a pity that you are using the adjudication nine-style. This loophole in the marksmanship, I know the best!"

"Holy light, the thousand-faced Buddha, the eye of the demon, surrender to the world!"

"Thousand-faced Devil Buddha!"

With the rumbling of the longevity ancestor, rumbling!

The white lotus under his feet suddenly rumbled and shook up, instantly expanding to a size of tens of thousands of acres.

And the long-lived ancestor sitting on it was shining, and his body suddenly expanded.

Not only that.

On his head, a divine law shone with divine light, which turned into relics one after another. The relics twirled and turned, condensing out one face after another.

Every face and face is exactly the same as the longevity ancestor, but the expression is angry, violent, cruel, compassion, kindness, sympathy and so on.

There are a thousand faces with different expressions, but the eyes are all staring at Yang Xu:

Sorry, Sorry, Sorry!

A thousand pairs of eyes, bursting out of the dense holy light, as if the arrows of the gods, shot Deyang Xu's "Eye of Judgment" directly into a honeycomb.

Poof! The judgment gods condensed in the "Decision Nine Styles" collapsed suddenly, and the dense holy light locked Yang Xu, all assassinating him!

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