Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 277: Get it in three seconds!

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Chapter 277 Three seconds!

"Yangxu! If you lose, you will obediently leave for us, and you will have to surrender your parents, provide essential blood, and cooperate with us to deprive God Stone!"

Everlasting Jingtao roared:

"watch out!"


A huge palm print, the outrageous Chaoyangxu attacked.

"Want to strike the attention of my loved ones, exterminate! Flame God Fist!"

Yang Xu did not retreat but advanced, punching.


The golden fire was burning, Yang Xu punched on the palm print.

He clearly felt that after the fusion of Shenming Shenshi.

His control of power became more and more comfortable.

And the explosive power is several times stronger than before!

more importantly.

Yang Xu felt that there was a terrifying force hidden in his body, which had not been sent back.

It is like a dormant Qianlong, suppressing its own power.

Yang Xu had a hunch:

Once this Qianlong came out.

The power of terror is enough to destroy the eternal Jingtao and instantaneously!


The two forces collided.

A violent explosion set off a mushroom cloud.


Yang Xu retreated two consecutive steps.

Slightly shaken, he stabilized his body.

【Ding! ! 】

[Damage absorption 10%! Increased player power! 】

Yang Xu suddenly felt that part of the opponent's attack was absorbed.

Instantly transformed into its own power.

"Haha, I can really absorb the damage and transform it into my own strength!"

This attribute of Lingming Shenshi is simply too perverted!

And be aware that this is only the first order!

Yang Xu's eyes flickered and excited:

Champion Hou, Champion Hou, you are a big gift.


Everlasting Jingtao retreated three consecutive steps.

The pain in his fist, mixed with the violent reaction force, made him unstable and almost fell to the ground.

When looking at Xiang Yangxu's painless and itchy look.


Everlasting Jingtao's eyes widened:

"Impossible! He's only soul level 6. How can he take me? And it's so easy?"

Everlasting Jingtao will almost doubt:

"Is this Dongtian Realm, or is he Dongtian Realm? With the same punch, how could he be so much stronger than me?"

His eyes flashed in disbelief.

Zhang Haoran next to it, eager to try.

Seeing this, Yang Xu sneered and hooked his fingers:

"No need to wait, you can go too!"

Zhang Haoran was surprised:

"You let me go with him?"

"Why, not happy?"

Yang Xu showed contempt.

Zhang Haoran's eyes suddenly became cold:

"Okay! Not many people used to die on the word arrogance. Today I will fulfill you too and send you on the road!"


He pointed out his right index finger and drew it in the void.

The golden light at the fingertips flashed, and the word "dead" was written.

The moment when the dead word appeared, the flash of light flashed.

A breath of great disillusionment and great fear erupted out of this golden word.


The word "death" escaped the space at an alarming speed, blinking in front of Yang Xu's door.

"What a powerful force!"

Yang Xu's eyes flashed.

Then he sneered:

"Unfortunately, still not enough!"

I didn't see Yang Xu doing anything complicated.

With a simple punch, he beats hard:


Wherever the fist passes, the void collapses directly into a black void.


Like the sound of striking the golden stone.


The golden death word cracked into a web-like crack.


It broke directly.

Yang Xu immediately sighed that a surging energy flow was absorbed into his body.

"The power of this Zhang Haoran is much stronger than the ancient Jingtao."

Yang Xu smiled faintly.

"Well, playing with you for so long, I'm too lazy to waste time."

With two free sparring, I learned about my body.

Yang Xu has fully adapted to the power after the seal.


Yang Xu's eyes were cold and gloomy, staring at the two:

"You take my things, grab my treasures, and want to move my family. I have to calculate this account with you."

The voice did not fall.

Kunpeng Mayfly Seal!


Yang Xu flickered around him, shining with mayfly light.

Next second, bang!

The mayfly, the size of a rice grain, suddenly turned into a giant Kunpeng.

A terrifying breath of destruction erupted from Yang Xu.

"Moving the world!"

"He has returned to the peak state!"

Forever Jingtao and Zhang Haoran changed their faces.

"Only seven seconds! Get you guys, enough!"


Yang Xu was shocked.

In the void, a hundred meters of the area collapsed directly.

An instant.

Yang Xushuang is now behind Jingtao Tao.

"Fast speed! You...boom!"

Everlasting Jingtao did not finish.

I felt a tremendous force, and came crashing.

It seemed like an ancient beast, showing his fangs.

Crazy killings have caused Wang Jingtao to become cold all over the body:

"not good!"


An energy volcano suddenly burst into his chest.

In the crater, pure energy rolled, flowing out.

Wrapped the whole body of Wang Tao.


Everlasting Jingtao flew out.


Slammed into the void.

The void suddenly burst into a dark, cobweb-like void crack.

His energy volcano was punched by Yang Xu, almost shattered.

The terrifying and destructive forces are madly destroying the ancient body of Jingtao.

Kaka Kaka!

Most of his bones broke apart.


Blood spit wildly in his mouth.

Everlasting Jingtao screamed again and again, his face pale.

"How could such a terrible force!"

Zhang Haoran's face changed greatly.

Even if it incorporates the Lingming God Stone, it cannot be so strong!

Zhang Haoran couldn't think of it.

Yang Xuke not only got the power of Lingming Shenshi.

There are also various magical phantoms, countless handle artifacts, all of which are strengthened into his body.


The void collapsed again.

Yang Xu flashed to Zhang Haoran.

"Not good! Noble righteousness, many manifolds!"


Zhang Haoran burst into blue light all over his body.

After a while, the blueness turned into a silk of energy, and it fell in front of him.

at the same time.

Zhang Haoran threw the book in his hand and flew it into the air.

The scroll unfolded silently.

Suddenly, ink-colored text rose from the sky.

Wrapped Yang Xu instantly.

Yang Xu felt as if he was stuck in a quagmire, and his resistance suddenly increased.

"Carving insect skills, let me go!"


Yang Xu flicked, and the phantom of the Shenming Shenshi appeared behind him.


The mysterious ink-colored text shattered.


Yang Xu threw a punch, breaking the void.


Throwing heavily on the blue silk thread.


The cyan silk erupted for a moment in defense.

Then he was instantly smashed by Yang Xu.


Punched hard with a strong punch on Zhang Haoran's face.


Zhang Haoran spouted blood.

A white tooth crashed out.

"Want to move my parents and want to take their blood? Are you looking for death!"


Yang Xu focused on taking care of Zhang Haoran, three consecutive punches, and bombarded him fiercely.

Zhang Haoran, dressed in white, shreds directly into pieces.

The severe pain distorted his face.


He was slammed into the sea.

Reduced to a rotten chicken!

[Countdown to the collapse of the flesh, 7, 6, 5, ...]

Kunpeng Mayfly Seal!

Yang Xu repaired his seal instantly.

The crisis was immediately lifted.

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