Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2770: Menacing

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The rolling Arrogans, with a big hand, directly eroded a space channel in front of the void, as if connected to a poisonous world, Hulonglong!

The highly toxic poison is flooding like a galaxy, enveloping the breath of the poisonous law, and flowing out.

"Aluojia" means the "king of poisonous poison" among the demons. Aluojima is one of the five devil kings in Tingxiao Pavilion. Fascinated.

At this moment, "Poisonous Poison" was exhibited by him, and the magnificence of the magnificent, like the end of the world, the universe of a hundred miles of void, covered by the poisonous gas.

In the void of the universe, a poisonous fog covered all eyes.

This is a blind man's skinny swordsman. Under the cover of this poisonous fog, his sight is not affected, and his keen perception firmly locks Yang Xu:


The two-meter-long narrow and strange sword in his hand came out again.

On the side of Yangxu, the strange line of swords and swords immediately came to be beheaded again. At the same time, there were twisted and poisonous laws in all directions, like dragons and dragons, strangling towards him.

Yang Xu's whole body is now constantly distorted and trembling in the void, and there is also a law of "Poisonous Poison" that is constantly fluctuating.


And the poison of A Luo Jia Demon, Yang Xu's understanding of "Poisonous Poison", seems to be slightly worse.

"Yangxu, do you need my help? Let me go out and suppress this poisonous Arrogans. It's as easy as a palm!" The voice of the ancient ancient pagoda sounded in Yangxu's mind. The Arrogans, the Garlows, are all food, and even the eight dragons, dragons, livers, and brains are all dishes on the plate of the fairy emperors and kings.

! "

Famine Ancient Pagoda has this confidence, and does not put the so-called Devil King of Xiaoxiao in his eyes at all.

"Areyye, don't waste any more time, take advantage of my blockade of poisonous technique, and use your tricks directly!"

A Luo Jia Mo burst with a bang, boom!

The purple hands are sent to the void again and again, and the two highly toxic space channels are opened again by him, toward this side of the universe void, and the poisonous laws are infused insanely.

"Interestingly, are these two guys listening to Xiaoge, then which force is that guy who can pinch?"

Yang Xu's perception, through the blockade of the toxic fog, tried to find out the existence of that person.

However, that person disappeared.

"Are you going to attack me?"

Yang Xu's eyes flickered, and some of the Void Beasts in his arms could not stand anymore, yeah!

He shouted impatiently at Chaoyangxu, and Yangxu couldn't help laughing. "Why, do you hate this smell?"

Before he could speak again, the Void Beast in his arms was already waving his paws impatiently.

Suddenly, a strange wave appeared in the universe.

In front of Aroka, the three space channels leading to the highly toxic world suddenly closed up.

It seems that there are big hands that have been invisible, and they are closed together at will.

at the same time.

The cosmic space with a radius of a few hundred miles seems to be shaken by a big hand, call...

All the purple poisonous mist, toward the center, gathered quickly, compressed, and finally, click!

A slap-sized small box, translucent, will get all the highly toxic mist, and all will be included in it.

I can feel faintly that this slap-sized box contains strong spatial fluctuations, and each side is formed by forcibly compressed space.

Arrogan madly urged "Poisonous Poison", trying to control the compressed poisonous mist and break through the compression of the space treasure box.

However, to no avail!

"It seems that your venomous technique is not good enough, to send you on the road!"

Yang Xu's figure flickered and appeared in front of Arrogami, just about to draw his sword and groan!

Behind the blind man Alaya, the two-meter-long bizarre sword, was cut out again.


Yang Xulin Phoenix God killed the sword, and the sword would be destroyed. Looking at the eye of Alaya Devil, full of a sigh:

"Unfortunately, you are a blind man. Otherwise, your swordsmanship may be improved to a higher level. Now your path of swordsmanship is over!"

At this moment.

In the past era, in the space where the throne stood, the man sitting on the tall throne seemed to sense something, and suddenly stood up from the throne:

"Submitted again! Even the son of madness is lost in that era. It seems that the power of the son of destiny is becoming stronger and stronger!" It’s up to you to go together, and you must bring me the son of destiny! Only by bringing him back here, will we not be fooled by destiny in our time.

Reduce! "

The man on the tall throne is planning and controlling the universe, and his eyes are as deep as the two universes.

At the moment, there are three men with fierce force and powerful fighting ability, leading away.


The leader of the sons of the past suddenly thought of something and stopped three people:

"Only by the strength of the three of you, there may be variables. After all, even the son of madness has been surrendered by the boy! Come, son of wise, and you go together. You three, listen to the opinions of the wise son!"

"Okay, I have long been curious about the era between reality and nothingness."

A young man with white hair like snow, holding a snow-white ivory fan in his hand, smiled authentically.

The other party's time and space.

In an empty room, there was a loud bang.

A mass of golden light lit up in this room, and then on the walls around the room, a strange and dense rune suddenly lit up, and this mass of golden light would be captured and bound at once:

"I want to see the leader!"

"I have important intelligence reports! The Son of Destiny appears, he knows the existence of God Prison, and he is a human being, and he controls many great techniques! He...it is probably the strongest bloodline in the legend..."

A huge country with hundreds of millions of miles and across countless stars. In the Great Sorcerer’s Temple with its magnificent laws and all over the stars, a star-like text is imprinted on the sky-like dome. In the middle of the text, there is a huge gem like a full moon, like a star, shining light, constantly rotating to respond,

Formed a cosmic void.

Suddenly, in the domed universe, there was a star shining with dazzling light, and its dazzling light even surpassed the star composed of that gemstone.

In the middle of the Great Witch Temple, the old man with black hair who was sitting on the floor was suddenly awakened from entering Ding, shuddering, staring at the star on the dome with blood stains coming out of his eyes, saying: " My Moro is in trouble! The legendary **** body is about to awaken! My Mora Kingdom may be overthrown! Go and report to the Holy One!"

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