Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2772: Swordsmanship v.s Swordsmanship

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Yang Xu holding the Linhuang God to kill the sword, just standing in front of the son of the sword.

The son of Kendo had a void above his head, and a bronze throne made by melting a sword, exuding fierce and fierce past power fluctuations.

The sharp kendo breath, like a silver waterfall, hung down and wrapped the son of Kendo.

The son of Kendo originally didn't feel that much threat to Yang Xu, so when he heard Arrogans being bewitched by the eagle lord, he followed without hesitation.

After all, his mission in this era is to deal with Yang Xu.

Whether it is the fall of the son of war or the loss of contact with the son of madness, in the past times, it caused a lot of commotion.

The children of the past came here to deal with Yang Xu for a long time, and finally, whether it was lethal or explosive, they were very powerful and excellent children of Kendo, who won this opportunity.

Coincidentally, when he appeared here, he happened to meet the Alaya demon who listened to Xiaoge. In order to kill a powerful human after a period of time, he fought into the devil while practicing swordsmanship.

As soon as the wit was moved, the son of Kendo wiped out Alaya with a sword, disguised himself as a boat rider, waiting for the opportunity to join forces against Yang Xu.


The plan is not as fast as change. In the blink of an eye, the two peerless strongmen in the mixed cave are wiped out by Yang Xu.

And he didn't need Yang Xu to shoot, only the humble little beast in his arms, he could easily do it.

This made the children of Kendo feel stunned, and vaguely felt that they really seemed to underestimate the strength of this human being.


Want me to succumb?


In order to refine Kendo, the son of Kendo encountered hundreds of times and thousands of times of life crisis, and he was all resolved by him. With a steel-like will, it was also very firm.

Yang Xu's secretly mocking words did not shake the fighting determination of the children of Kendo:

"Human, your strength may be relatively strong, and there are a lot of trick cards, but it is a pity that I am a child of Kendo, and my mastery of Kendo power is definitely not what you can..."

Before the word "bi" was spoken, Yang Xu was interrupted with a casual smile:

"Don't brag about it. Son of Kendo? Just the past."

Yang Xu has always believed that the times are developing and progressing. Compared with the past, swordsmanship must have made great progress and development.

Not to mention, this is the only way, how can the children of Kendo stop it?


A light smile hung from the corner of Yang Xu's mouth, and he only waved tentatively, with a dark and dark sword spirit, piercing in general, instantly crossing the void of 100 meters, dragging out a long shadow of nothingness, and violently slashing towards the children of Kendo .


The pupils of the children of Kendo couldn't help shrinking, and experts knew whether they were there or not, although they had already seen Yang Xu's "Thousand Tales" before.

But now, the "Kunpeng Sword Sword Qi" produced by Yang Xu surprised him even more:

"What a fierce sword! The magnificence of the magnificent, magnificent and magnificent, your boy's talent in kendo is not under me."

He said, grabbing with a big hand, click!

In the void, a simple sheathless sword appeared in his hands, groaning!

As a silver sword flashed through, the dark Kun Kunpeng sword gas that bombarded him was cut directly from the middle and cut into two halves.

The black sword gas slammed through the sides of his body and failed to hurt him.

What made Yang Xu a little surprised was that after cutting off Kunpeng's fierce sword energy, the throne of Kendo above the son of Kendo shook slightly.

Yang Xu's eyes gleamed slightly, and he suddenly discovered that the torn Kunpeng's fierce sword gas, a trace of black power, was drawn into the bronze throne of the son of Kendo.

The throne shook slightly, and a black sword-shaped symbol hung down into the head of the son of Kendo.

"Huh? This kunpeng's fierce sword gas is really extraordinary, the attribute of kendo is one of the strongest I have seen."

The son of Kendo shook his head and seemed to have learned "Kunpeng Sword Qi" in general. In Yang Xu's slightly surprised eyes, he shook the sheathless sword in his hand:


A black demon sword awn burst out from the sword body, tearing the space and cutting out a void crack, and the path came from Chaoyangxu.

It contains exactly the same fluctuations as Yang Xu's "Kunpeng Sword Qi"!

Faced with the sword light that blasted to the front, Yang Xu was not too surprised, but nodded with admiration:

"It is worthy of being a son of Kendo, still a bit accomplished."

Push it to the void in front of you, hum!

"Armor Armor" urged, condensed an oracle bone rune, with the golden light shining, turned into a basaltic tortoise shell, blocked in front of him:


The black sword light cut by the son of Kendo hit the tortoiseshell without even leaving any traces, and then collapsed instantly.

"Huh? Such a powerful defense!"

The son of Kendo stared deeply in front of Yang Xu, and a trace of dignity flashed through his tortoiseshell that slowly disappeared:

Compared with the "Kunpeng Sword Sword Qi" just used by Yang Xu, he was more fearful, but this defensive technique used by Yang Xu.

For the sword in his hand, any sword technique can be easily imitated. Only when encountering an indestructible defense, the son of kendo can do nothing.

Can only be broken with Kendo!


In a thought, the son of Kendo directly launched an attack, and the sword with the most fierce attack power was cut towards Yangxu's side instantly.


The son of Kendo has overestimated Yang Xu's means and power as much as possible, so he will not underestimate this opponent. Four swords in a row is all the tricks of "Necromancer".

Four swords and one sword make their attacking power even more fierce. A horrible sword spirit wrapped in death and wraiths. All vitality that has been passed is plundered to the side of Yangxu. Beheaded.

The sharp eyes of the son of Kendo, staring at Yang Xu's hand, wanted to see if his sword could break Yang Xu's "Armor"-

Encountered by a strong defense that cannot be urged, the son of Kendo couldn't help but want to smash it with a sword.

However, what he expected was that Yang Xu's methods were obviously more diverse than he expected, and he did not repeat "Armor".

Instead, the golden sword with the golden light and the quality not under his sheathless sword was suddenly pulled out:



In an instant, Yang Xu cut out two thousand swords, roaring sharp sword energy, and instantly merged, like "Necromancer", roaring with unparalleled power, he slammed to the children of the sword way:


Two invincible sword lights collided violently.

The universe's void is fragile like paper, and the overwhelming sword gas that shattered apart directly penetrated into a honeycomb.

at the same time.

In a space not far away, there was also a grunt: The unlucky Nianchao Lake Powerhouse, the third master "Heaven Demon" who followed them, was actually hit...

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