Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2779: To catch Yang Xu

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Fake Yang Xu, looking at the Void Beast in Xiang Yang Xu's arms, his eyes shone with a fine light. Obviously he discovered the value of the Void Beast.

This makes Yang Xu feel a little surprised, wondering what the kid is all about, and actually recognizes the value of the Void Beast.

To know.

Even the existence of the Ancient God Pagoda does not know much about the Void Beast.

"I want it, it's simple, as long as you win me, I can give it to you. If you lose..."

Before Yang Xu finished his speech, he was interrupted by the counterfeit goods:

"Hahaha, you guys are too self-disciplined, would you like to fight me, right? I will do you! It will be in my pocket right away!"

The self-confidence of this counterfeit is not generally strong, and it has also been strongly endorsed by the men not far away.

Seeing their chicks peck at the rice like nodding, Yang Xu sneered, patting the little animal in his arms:


The Void Beast turned into a light and flew into the nun's arms.

For the little nun, it did not exclude it, let alone Yang Xu ordered it to do it.

The girl always has no resistance to cute things. She has been greedy for the Void Beast for a long time, and wants to hold it in her arms.

Yang Xu, holding the sheathless sword of the Kendo son, blinked and locked the fake Yang Xu:

"Come on, fight me!"

"Hey, I've seen death seekers, I've never seen you so eager to find death, I hope you can be so confident after seeing my strength!

The golden light flashed in the hands of counterfeit Yang Xu, a sword similar to that of the Linhuang Divine Sword appeared in his hands.

Seeing this counterfeit, in a very similar action to Yang Xu, hold the scabbard in one hand and hold the hilt in the other.

Yang Xu's eyes could not help blinking, and he recognized it all at once:

This is the starting hand of "Dagger Sword Extraction".

This guy absolutely knows me or has seen me use this trick!

Yang Xu's heart moved slightly, but his face was silent, and a provocative sneer was intentionally leaked:

"Come on, let me see how powerful the swordsmanship is!"


At the moment when Yang Xu's words fell, the counterfeit goods on the opposite side suddenly drew their swords, and they saw a dazzling sword light, as if lightning flashed across the sky, piercing the sky, and suddenly killed.

"Appeared! That kid is going to be out of luck. The power of this sword is too terrifying, extraordinary people can be enemies!"

Those who looked lively, exclaimed.

This sword of counterfeit goods is full of envy and horror.

However, Yang Xu's expression remained calm and calm, "It's okay, but not fast enough."

Yang Xu raised his eyebrows slightly, his sword flashed in his hand, scorn!

A sword move similar to "King of the Necromancer", the son of Kendo, wrapped in a breath of death, greeted the sword of counterfeit:


The black sword light greeted the fake sword-pulling sword straight out. The two sword lights collided suddenly, and a terrifying sword vigor broke out.


A few hundred meters away, the palace wall was broken into a mouth-sized mouth, sharp sword gas, drilled into the wall four or five meters deep, and it will be penetrated soon!

"How is this possible! That guy actually blocked it!"

"My God, he blocked the sword-slayer Yangxu's sword-cutting technique!"

The spectators played the role of the melon-eaters with due diligence and exclaimed.

Actually don't talk about them.

Even the counterfeit goods had their pupils shrunk at the moment, their faces showing surprise.

Looking at Xiang Yangxu's gaze, he couldn't help but become a little surprised:

"What sword technique did you use?"

Yang Xu couldn't help but smile, carrying the sheathless sword, and glanced at the counterfeit lightly:

"A very common swordsmanship, called the Necromancer, how come, if you want to learn, I can teach you."

The playful look on his delicate face was unabashed.

The counterfeit goods on the opposite side were immediately annoyed:

"My generation of sword fairy Yang Xu, you still need to teach me? Do you have this qualification?"

He shook the "Linhuang God killing sword" in his hand, and there was a golden light flowing out, sneeringly:

"Young man, don't think that if you get away with a sword, you can beat me! That sword I just had didn't even have 30% of the power!"

This remark came out.

The people who ate melons suddenly exclaimed again, perfectly fulfilling their duties as passers-by.

Yang Xu laughed jokingly:

"Oh? Do you have any stronger tricks?"

Yang Xu did feel a little curious about this fake, because the "sword-cutting sword-drawing technique" used by this guy is really the same except that the level of comprehension is not enough.

In time, this guy may really be able to practice "Sword-cutting Sword Extraction" to the same level as him!

"What the **** is this guy? What identity?"

With short contact, Yang Xu was able to conclude that this kid was not human.

But so far, he hasn't leaked any magical energy.

Is it a demon race?

Yang Xu wondered, and images flashed in memory, his eyes could not help flashing:

"No! Is he that thing? Haha, won't I be so lucky?"

Suddenly, Yang Xu's expression suddenly changed, looking at the man's gaze, a little bit more burning.

So much so that the counterfeit Yang Xu felt something was wrong:

I'm going. What's wrong with this guy? There is something wrong with my eyes. Isn't it a special hobby?

The counterfeit Yang Xu's eyes flickered quickly, ready to release the strongest tricks, killing the opponent in front of him.

And Yang Xu also happened to want to do further tests to verify that thought.

It was at this time.


The sky above my head, a sudden shock, a dark crack appeared above the void, as if it was lifted by an invisible big hand, poof!

A crack appeared on the crystal system of the void, with the force of the rolling space spurting all directions, a black shadow flickered from the crack in that space:


The black shadow fell on the ground, wriggling like dough, and gradually turned into a tall man figure.

A black armor, a long black sword hung around his waist, and a pair of black horns on his head.

The appearance of this man made the fake Yang Xu and the crowd of melon-eating people look dazed:

"What kind of stuff is this? Mozu?"

Yang Xu sensed the majestic spirit that was hidden in the black armor, and immediately confirmed the identity of the other party:

A powerful demon!

What is he doing here?

Yang Xu and the little nun looked at the black armor demon.

The black armored demon glanced over all the people present and waved their hands forward:

Wow! A dark picture scroll appeared in front of him in the void, with white smoke on it, and a figure was drawn, it was Yang Xu.

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