Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2784: Ten Princes

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Nine thousand years old saw the eyes cast by the sons of the riot, but his body shivered:

According to the instincts and the eyesight he has practiced in the palace for many years, the four people in front of me may not be good.

And they also came to Yang Xu, what can they do now?

Do the ten princes give up their tasks, so give up?

At this time, behind the root of Jiuqian's ear, a rune suddenly lit up, and a tiny voice passed into the ear of Jiuqian:

"Let the person you are looking for be found? Bring it up immediately, and the father emperor intends to see him."

Nine thousand years old Wen Yan suddenly changed his face, even if the tenth prince was not in front of him, he still kneeled after a puff:

"The Tenth Prince Atoned! The task you explained has not been completed. The human subordinate has been found, but when he took him away, he had a little trouble."

This remark, hum!

A peculiar fluctuation appeared in the treasure mirror above the head of the nine-thousand-year-old head, and there was a beam of light with thick thumb, which contained powerful fluctuations of mind and thought, and fell down:


This divine thought was directly poured into the top of the nine-thousand-year-old head. He kneeled on the ground and stood up straight. A strange rune flashed in his eyes:


The nine-thousand-year-old's eyes suddenly changed. The eyes that had been vigilant and trembling were now swept away, replaced by arrogance and dominance.

"Nine Thousand Years Old" looked at the crowd with a look overlooking everything, and soon locked the "Yangxu" that the thousand-faced beast turned into.

"Is this Yangxu? There seems to be something wrong."

"Nine Thousand Years Old" said coldly in his mouth, his eyes flashing across the crowd, including the son of the riot, Yang Xu, and the little nun, etc.: "Are these people the guys who stop you? You all listen to me , The country of Moluo always does not hurt the innocent, you obediently gave way to everything, and nothing happened. If the father’s affairs were delayed, he was in a bad mood,

Ha ha, don't say it's you, all the planes you are in will be vanished! "

"Nine thousand years old" didn't say anything, but when he said this, he was suddenly quiet, and then, "hahahaha!"

The scrawny son of riots, with a mocking smile on his face:

"Aren't people of your age so arrogant? The tone is really not small. The kingdom of Moro is a country of demons?"

The sons of the riot sneered and looked at the sons of the sky and deserted them:

"Heaven, do you remember how many Mozu nations we have destroyed?"

The son with the red hair shook his head and snorted, "I don't remember. Who would specifically remember how many ant nests they trampled on."

The son of the riot couldn't help but smile, his cold eyes slanted to the nine thousand years old who was possessed by the tenth prince:

"Have you heard? Now the person who ordered you to leave immediately, don't delay us in doing things. Otherwise, what kind of Moluo Kingdom will not exist for you for long!"

The four children, the son of heaven, the son of wisdom, the son of riot, and the son of death, all released a fierce atmosphere. The violent fluctuations made the space seem to be disordered.

The nine-thousand-year-old body also shivered, and seemed to be frightened.

The ten princes attached to him sneered, "This old dog, the body is really useless, and dare to prevent the Moro Kingdom from doing things, this time I will make it difficult for me to go for a trip!"

"You have me staring at old things."


At nine thousand years old, the treasure mirror flashed, and the tenth prince's thought disappeared.

The nine-thousand-year-old eyes regained their vigilance and fear, and looked at the eyes of the children of the sky and other people with surprise.

And the riotous son, who was as skinny as a wood but full of tyranny, refocused his eyes on Yang Xu:

"Boy, obediently hand over Yang Xu behind you, spare you not to die, otherwise, if..."

"How about otherwise? Come and fight?"

Yang Xu waved the Thunder Wuji knife in his hand, boom!

A tyrannical sword blasted a hundred meters away, and the majestic momentum made the sky tremble and the sun and moon were dull.

It was another trembling to scare those nine thousand years old:

My goodness! What are these ruthless people!

What is the origin of this Yang Xu, why do you want to catch him?

Nine thousand years old has a faint look, staring at the thousand-faced beast.

Thousand-faced beast, at this moment, his heart is not ordinary ignorant. Looking at Xiang Yangxu's eyes is just like looking at the fairy:

"What kind of existence do I imitate? Master, master, what have you done to make so many people want to catch you?"

The idea just popped up.


A splendid golden light flew from the sky in the distance. It was tens of thousands of kilometers away in the previous second and was invisible.

The next moment, a bald strong man wearing a big red jacket flashed in front of everyone.

"It's the master of Little Brahma!"

The little nun screamed in surprise and looked at the bald strong man in red.

They, the sons of the riot, suddenly cast doubtful eyes on the strong man in red.

The strong man of Xiao Fan Yuan, who blinked across the faces of everyone, blinked his eyes on Yang Xu who turned into a thousand beasts:

"This little donor, how about going to the Little Brahma Temple with me?"

Yang Xu, who stood in front of the thousand-faced beast, could not help but raise his eyebrows.

Yang Xu glanced at the thousand-faced beast hiding behind him and had to say that this thousand-faced beast's ability to change is really powerful.

When so many masters came here, they couldn't see the flaw of "Yangxu" who was a thousand-faced animal.


Even the Van Gogh masters who are the best at distinguishing true from false are deceived.

"It's a change beast. Even in the form of young beasts, this ever-changing ability is so high-strength. When you become an advanced change beast, even the laws of heaven and earth can be easily imitated..."

Yang Xu is full of expectations for the future of the thousand-faced beast.

A pair of calm and calm eyes, but glanced around:

"I don't know if there are any other forces. I'm coming to Yang Xu. You guys, you all want to catch this guy behind me. To be honest, I don't know who to give it to?"

Yang Xu's eyes sneered at the strong men present.

The nine thousand years old of the Moro Kingdom, the sons of the past in the past era, and the bald masters of the small Brahma in the Brahma world.

These three parties are now looking at each other, and the vigilance flashes in their eyes.

However, God seems to be not too lively, so when the three parties stalemate, bang!

The universe beyond the small plane was suddenly penetrated.

With the rune shining, roar!

A dragon, pulling a golden carriage, flew out of the cosmic passage, crossed the universe's void, rushed into this plane, and descended from the sky:


The Jiaolong and the golden carriage landed on the highest palace building, almost crushing it. A figure entwined with golden devil qi flickered towards here, it was the kingdom of Mo Luo, the tenth prince!

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