Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2806: Prince Moro fled

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At this moment, Yang Xu seemed to have transformed into a unique **** in the world, with a perfect wheel above his head and the laws of the world falling, accompanied by a wave of his hand:


The perfect wheel is like a fierce ancient beast, roaring the breath of the world's laws and rushing towards Prince Moro.

At this moment, Prince Moro's face sank like water, holding Fang Tian's painted halberd, his magical energy suspended above his head like a cloud, facing the perfect wheel from Yang Xu's bombardment, he never dared to take it lightly. :

"Hunyuan Demon Ancestral Skill!"


Around Moro Prince, a black thunder burst and turned into the most fierce demon in the world, poured into his body, and on the arm of Moro Prince, a black energy entwined like a dragon snake:


In his hand, Fang Tian painted a halberd, Black Mans masterpiece, Prince Moro brandished Fang Tian painted a halberd, and greeted the perfect wheel:

"Crush me!"


In the hands of Prince Moro, Fangtian Huaji was roared and turned, bursting out of a whirlwind of magical energy, entwining towards the perfect wheel.

If it is before, when Yang Xu's eight-phase world has not condensed a real existence, it is possible that the perfect wheel will not be able to stop Prince Moro this time.

But now.

Whether Yang Xu cultivated into the realm, or realized the heaven and earth avenues, and the laws of the world, he reached a state of fascinating and condensing, and his eight-phase world was transformed into his cave.

This round of perfection, with the blessings of the power of the eight-phase world, has no disadvantages, no matter what!

Therefore, in the moment when Prince Moro moved Fangtian to draw the halberd, and attacked the perfect wheel, bang!

The violent and unmatched force came out of the Baolun ferociously, and it was actually Fang Tian who painted Prince Moro's halberd, almost shocked.

"not good!"

Prince Moro's face suddenly changed, watching the perfect wheel, easily shaken off the shock of Fang Tian's painted halberd, and rolling towards himself, Prince Moro's eyes sank:

"It seems that you have to show your strength anyway!"

"Hunyuan Mozu Ancestral Power, bless me!"

Prince Moro's body was trembling, his hair was long and he was dancing without wind, and there was a fierce devil in his eyes, which was condensed but not scattered.

He as a whole released a breath of Taikoo.

It made all the cultivators who were still watching, all changed their faces:

"This... this is simply incredible! Is that a deity? The most powerful existence of the demon clan, actually came to the Brahma world? Is it trouble to find the Brahma world?"

"Impossible! Although this evil spirit is very strong, the power erupted by that young man is more powerful than him! That Demon Race should be poor, and forced to get the final card..."

One thought, one intertwined with each other, conveying information to each other.

On Yang Xu's side, the demon's masculine changed greatly, and he couldn't help but pick out a sneer:

"Now I know it's really capable, but it's too late."

The perfect round has been formed, and even if Yang Xu confronts it personally, he still has no confidence in suppressing it.

Not to mention that Demon man?

Under the blessing of "Hunyuan Demon God Skill", Prince Moro's breath exploded, and the body's energy changed dramatically, Hulong!

His figure, crazed high, exhibited magical powers of heaven and earth, and in a blink of an eye, it became 500 meters high. The black Fangtian painting halberd in his hand also quickly grew, with the thickness of the wellhead and the length of one kilometer. .

The originally huge and gigantic treasure wheel, compared with Prince Moro at the moment, is like a gap between a man and a hat.

Prince Moro smiled coldly, and moved Fang Tian to paint the halberd:

"Crush me!"


The dark Fang Tian painted halberd, bursting with might, and the pieces of the void were torn. The sharp Fang Tian painted halberd blade, and a void channel collapsed in the void, and then, it was smashed hard in the round of the perfect wheel on:


The sound of a metal impact sounded from the perfect Baolun, and at the same time, the eight-phase dragon on the Baolun flew up:

Yin Yang!

The eight dragons directly wrapped the prince of Moro's Fang Tian's halberd, and the huge force almost got the halberd of that morrow from the Moro prince.

Not only that.

The body of the perfect wheel, but with the help of eight dragons, cut and rolled towards the body of Prince Moro.

"No, this kid is a cunning trick!"

Prince Moro Fang Tian painted the halberd, and was still entangled by the eight dragons of Yangxu.

Prince Moro loosened Fang Tian's halberd, and the whole person turned into a light, flashing a few hundred meters away.

He stood in the void, surrounded by magical energy all over his body. His huge body looked like a black mountain, covering the sky and the sun, and overwhelming the sky:

"Die to me!"

At a distance of a few hundred meters, the prince Moro, who was huge and mountainous, turned his whole body and punched towards Yangxu.

Suddenly, the huge fist force pushed the Jinshan down the jade column, with the momentum of ruining and decaying, coming towards Yangxu.

Yang Xu only felt that a huge force would make him empty in front of him, squeezing a burst of roar.

"Cutting technique!"

With a big wave of his hand, Yang Xu's densely cut runes in front of him suddenly condensed into a huge black gear, cutting and crushing the unmatched punches of Prince Moro.

"You can still attack such a powerful spell!"

Prince Moro was startled, his eyes flashing, just about to continue fighting, hum!

In the distant sky, a beam of light penetrated the void and reached the sky.

Prince Moro saw that his face could not help but change:

"Damn! My time is up!"

He stared fiercely at Yang Xu's side, making a big move, trying to summon Fang Tianhua Halberd back.

It is a pity that Fang Tianhua was entangled by Yang Xu's eight-phase divine dragon and could not escape.

Prince Moro couldn't help but look:

"Human, I will write down your name. It won't take long for us to meet again, and when the time comes, I will take back my sword!"

"I go too!"


Prince Moro turned into a beam of thunder and fled away in an instant.

Yang Xu is the only one left, one move at a time, woo!

Fang Tian, ​​who lost his master, reverted to its original size, flew back to Yang Xu, and struggled constantly.

It's a pity that without the master's support, how could he be Yang Xu's opponent was easily suppressed by Yang Xu.

Playing with Fangtian Huaji, Yang Xu looked towards Prince Moro's direction:

"What is the reason for this guy to leave so anxiously that he even dropped his close blade?"

"No matter, go back first."

Yang Xu was worried that he would not return, and they would worry about the little nun.

In this World War I, Yang Xu is not a small gain. Those magical techniques that have been useless for a long time are not only re-used, but also with his current vision and by-passes, he has learned a lot of things. "Fighting again, you should take the opportunity to improve these magic skills."

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