Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2811: Brahma disaster

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The Mozu strongman exclaimed in his mouth, and even had no time to dodge, he was grabbed by Dazu Zulong.


Dazu Zulong tore him directly into two halves, and the blood of the devil spattered the void.

"Magic, the world in the palm!"

Yang Xu's shot is the most fierce and overbearing trick. At the same time, "Blasting Grand Technique", "Cutting Grand Technique" and other attack and killing techniques are released.

All of a sudden, the void was flooded with a terrifying energy, and they were slain down towards the demons.

Suddenly, in all directions, a scream of demon clan sounded.

"No, everyone run away!"

Some demons turned their heads to fly into the air, and they had to escape.

However, at this time they were horrified to find that the void seemed to have an invisible barrier, and they would block all the roads that would allow them to retreat.

In the arms of the little nun, the cold beast flashed in the eyes of the Void Beast, and the small paws flicked gently, and he would get this piece of Void and have all control.

These demon sent to the door, want to escape again?


Yang Xu's shot was really unkind. The moment the magical power of "The World in the Palm" was mobilized, it was like an ancient mountain that covered the sky and covered the sun, which would have directly covered those demons.

Before suffering, Ming was ordered by the master to organize everyone and no longer entangle with the demons.

So the huge palm of Yang Xu fell, without reservation, the violent power is like the flood of the Tianhe River, and vent to the bottom:


More than a dozen demon strongs tried to resist Yang Xu's palm, but were directly blown into the sky.

As for those who are slightly weaker, before Yangxu's "Palm World" falls, they are destroyed by "cutting technique" and "collapse technique".


Yang Xu's huge giant palm magic power finally fell completely, and this rolling hilltop was directly pressed into a flat ground.

A large amount of blood and bones of the demon race spread out, and turned into dust to dissipate.

All the cultivators in Xiaofanyuan, including Master Longbeard, were dumbfounded:

"This...is this the power of Duer King Kong?"

"Amitabha... The power of Duoge Kong is really extraordinary!"

It was a thousand words, but in fact it took Yang Xu to urge Dazu Zulong to tear the enemy, and Yang Xu personally shot the town to kill the demons, but it took only three seconds.

Originally, the small Brahma Palace faced the attack of the demons, and it was already in jeopardy, and even the peripheral defenses had collapsed.

Who knows, in a blink of an eye, Yang Xu's three or two moves will reverse the situation!

At this moment, everyone in the small Brahma Palace watched the ten undead enemies of the Mozu, so they could not help fighting soaring:

"Clear all demons!"


They slammed their heads and rushed up again.

The fighting spirit of the demons has been completely crushed by Yang Xu's earth-shattering tricks, and the void above the head is also controlled by the void beast, and there is no escape.

In the end, what awaited them could only be the ending that was completely wiped out by the Xiao Fan Yuan!

"All come to the door, so you don't have to be polite with them, everything is wiped out."

The monk of Yang Xu Chao Kudu smiled.

Monk Kudu nodded, his figure flashed, and he appeared in front of Master Longbeard:

"Master, I have found Duer King Kong. The crisis in the Little Brahma Temple is thanks to Duer King Kong!"

Monk Kudu was very grateful to Yang Xu.

At the moment, almost everyone in Xiao Fan Yuan looked at Xiang Yangxu's eyes, which were full of emotions such as admiration, gratitude, and expectation.

Long-bearded old monk looked at Xiang Yangxu's eyes, shining brightly, and looked at Yang Xu's feet from the head, he could not help sighing:

"Amitabha, Duerkin Congo is just like the legend, it is more fortunate, and the world is the best, and it can be helped by Duerkin. It is the next generation of my little Brahma, Amitabha~"

The Mozu attack was defeated this time, and Yang Xu did not stay outside the mountain gate, and stepped into the small hall.

In the small Brahma Temple, the Brahma sounds lingered, the Sanskrit sentiment bursts, and wherever Yang Xu went, he could feel that the Eternal Immortal Countless Scripture was eager to try.

This made Deyang Xu's heart move, wow!

A series of Scripture mantras from the Eternal Immortal Scriptures appeared before him.

At the moment, he was in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Hall of the Small Brahma Temple. A statue of Buddha statue stood everywhere, and Yang Xu waved his hand:


The essence of the scriptures of "The Eternal Immortal Countless Scriptures" is imprinted on these huge statues.

"It was originally a small Brahma thing, and it should be returned now."

Yang Xu didn't want to take the Eternal Immortal Countless Scriptures as his own, but beyond his expectations, Master Changbei refused:

"No, Brother Brother taught this scripture to you, not to Lingxiu, indicating that there is something important in it. You should take this scripture from Du'er King Kong, perhaps to exterminate the demons and save the Brahma world. helpful."

Although he has long been known for "The Eternal Immortal Countless Scriptures", Master Longbeard is not coveted.

Upon seeing this, Yang Xu no longer forcibly pushed away, looked around and asked:

"Master, is there a young monk Lingxiu? One of the reasons I came here was to look at the kid."

Before the young monk Lingxiu slaughtered the demons on the plane of hell, Yang Xu worried that his killing heart was too strong, which would easily affect his mind.

"Thanks to Duer King Kong for his concern, Lingxiu now has an important task and is walking outside."

Master Longsu's face was a little dignified, which made Yang Xu worried:

"What is the mission? Is it dangerous?"

Master Longbeard nodded. "It is to find materials for repairing the town demon tower. Now the repair materials stored in Xiaofanyuan are seriously insufficient. If you want to completely restore the town demon tower, you must find materials again..."

Before Master Longsu finished speaking, he was interrupted by Yang Xu: "Repair the Town Demon Tower? What a joke? The Brahma Pillar has not been restored. Even if the Town Demon Tower is repaired, it will be broken again! The root of the disaster of the Brahma world is not the problem of the broken tower of the town, but the fact that some people have started to attack

! "

To be precise, it should be the people above, who gave up the Brahma world.

This is clearly understood by Master Longbeard. A bit of bitterness can't help but reveal the old face:

"Although Brahma Realm has been abandoned, but we are in it, we cannot bow our heads. Otherwise, the people of Li Min in Brahma Realm will be desperate and dead waiting for them. What a killing sin..."

Yang Xu heard the words and looked dignified, but he sighed in his heart, "These idiots above are really crazy, so easy to create such a big cause and effect, are you afraid that you will be bitten in the future?"

"Master, this matter is not only related to the world of Brahma, but also the star fields such as Linglong Hall, and even people from past times want to take this opportunity to start with me."

When Yang Xu said this, Master Longbeard's face couldn't be changed: "Past times? Do you mean the sons of the past? Do they want to take your luck?"

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