Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 283: Long Haoyun

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Chapter 283: Finding Long Haoyun


The palm-size panlong seal rotates in the palm of Yang Xu.

The golden light exudes a terrifying deterrent.

The restrained and dignified breath fluctuates, highlighting the extraordinary power of this thing.

Yang Xu looked at Xiao Yi indifferently.

Xiao Yi was cold and sweating, chucking down!

He fell to his knees heavily:

"Yangxu, it's my dirty heart and despicable and shameless! Please forgive me, my Danmeng will fully support you in defeating Tianfeng Kingdom! Please forgive me...escape!"

Xiao Yi's eyes flashed suddenly, and he suddenly took off:


He stepped on a golden magic elixir and turned into golden light to escape.

"Want to run? Guarding you early."

Panlong Seal!

Yang Xu tossed the gold seal.


The panlong seal grows up against the wind and blinks into a hill.

All the golden light covered the sun's brilliance.

It only gave a slight shock, and the void collapsed suddenly.

Puff puff!

The few men under Xiao Yi, even before they screamed, exploded into meat.


The unlucky Xiao Yi, just flying up, hit the Panlong Seal heavily.

He was so painful that his mind was bleeding.


Pan Longyin was shocked.


Xiao Yi shook the whole body of meat and screamed.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, kill the third level dragon Haotian of Soul Spirit Realm! Reward experience value +500, true power value +50, points +5! 】


[Congratulations to the player, kill Xiao Yi, Soul Division Realm Level 8! Reward experience value +100, true power value +10, points +1! 】


The system prompt sounds slowly.

Yang Xu was speechless:

My realm is a bit higher than them, killing them will reward such a little experience value?

Still killing the enemy by leapfrogging, a lot of experience.

Another discovery by Yang Xu was that the "True Qi Value" became the "True Power Value".

From qi to power, this is the evolution of power.

It means that Yang Xu is getting stronger.

The mountain-sized panlong seal is gleaming in gold.

Yang Xu stepped on the top of the Panlong Seal, looking in the direction of the Imperial City, looking at the killing opportunity:

"Shenwuhou Mansion doesn't seem to give up, so we must solve this scourge!"

Heavenly Wind Kingdom, Shenwuhou Mansion.

Yao Xueyi and Wan Wan looked at Hou House with cold eyes.

Especially Yao Xueyi's eyes flashed with a killing chance:

"Damn Wuhou Palace, dare to play Yang Xu's idea!"

The reincarnation rune flashed in her eyes.


Behind the void, a stream of blue energy burned like flames.


The void was burned into a big hole.

Wan Wan's expression suddenly changed:

"Sister, the power of reincarnation cannot be acted upon! Try to attack first!"

She waved her jade hand and groaned!

A golden light burst out.


The gate of Shenwuhou Mansion burst.

On the roadside, the passers-by who were attracted by the perfect body of the two women all changed their faces:

"My grass! They dare to attack Shenwuhou Mansion!"

"Go to death! This is!"


Shenwuhou can produce strong breath fluctuations.

"Who dares to offend Shenwuhou Mansion! Find death!"

A soldier wearing black armor sprinted out.


Without saying a word, the majestic knife blazes down to Wan Wan's right hand:

"No matter who you are! Dare to move the Wuhou Mansion, break your arm!"


Wan Wan's arm was cut off directly.

The soldier suddenly froze:

Did the first move succeed?

Passers-by can also be confused by their faces:

The strength of such a dish, dare to move the Wuhou Palace?


The broken arm suddenly rose into the air, shout!

Turned into six-color light, and flew at the black armor.


The black armor general howled, and the six-color fire light instantly burned it into fly ash.


The six-colored light flashed at the broken arm of Wan Wan, and a white slender arm grew again.

She frowned:

"Everyone in Shenwuhou House has this level of garbage?"

Yao Xueyi's face changed suddenly:

"Don't the masters of Shenwuhou Mansion all go to catch Yang Xu?"

The two girls looked at each other and swish!

Rush into Shenwuhou Mansion.

Brush brush!

Shenwuhou Mansion is not far away.

Some curious passers-by, along with masters from all walks of life, all came here to pay attention:

"What's the origin of those two women? How dare you dare to break into Shenwuhou Mansion?"

"Shenwuhou is lively now, a Yangxu hasn't been done yet, and now two women are emerging!"

"Enemies! Alert!"

There was a sudden explosion in Shenwuhou Mansion.


Masters came from all directions.

"Huh? Actually two women?"

Headed by a young boy with golden armor, his face is beautiful and his eyes flashing.

He waved his hands and stopped everyone.

With a hot eye, Chiguo looked at the light-gauze masked Yao Xueyi and Wanwan:

"If I read correctly, the two should be the Yin and Yang Saints of the Misty Palace?"

Yao Xueyi and Wan Wan's face changed:

"We have changed our looks, can you still recognize us?"

"Oh, I don't have the skills of Long Haoyun. I still recognize a woman. I met two of them by accident two years ago. The two beautiful eyes impressed me so much. It actually appeared to me like this."

Long Haoyun has a golden armor, an elegant appearance, especially a pair of passionate eyes. Any woman who reads it will easily be addicted to it.

He looked at the second daughter yearningly.

That tender eyes can melt any woman's heart.


He used the wrong object and chose the wrong time.

"When I saw a woman, I wanted to hook up, and at the same time hook up both of us! Your eyes make me sick!"

Yao Xueyi was already angry with Yang Xu.

This is even more angry, slap!

A black whip pumped heavily towards Long Haoyun.

"Dare to hurt Master Yun, find death!"

A black house warrior pulls his sword.


Long Haoyun pressed the knife back, but grabbed Yao Xueyi's whip with the other hand:

"How about a rouge horse, the hotter the woman I like."

He looked at Yao Xueyi with possessive eyes.

Wan Wan cursed angrily:


"Yo Xiaomei is jealous, don't worry, I won't be left out by Long Haoyun. Come, and give him a smile."

"Look at the dart!"

Wan Wanyu waved her hand.


Two black projectiles flew towards Long Haoyun.


Long Haoyun easily grasped:

"Yo, is this little beauty sending me a token of affection? The two hidden weapons are affectionate, very unique."

Wan Wan smiled cunningly:

"There is something more chic."

Long Haoyun looked at the black projectile, his face suddenly changed:


A violent explosion sounded.

"Ah! My hands are blown up! It hurts me! It hurts!"

In the smoke, Long Haoyun's howling sound came.

The people not far away were stunned:

"I'm going, won't Long Haoyun be killed?"

"The most genius kid of the Dragon family, the descendant of the Dragon God Wu, just died like this?"

Next second.

The smoke dissipated.

Long Haoyun's laughing face appeared.

Everyone nodded suddenly:

"That's right."

Long Haoyun looked at the two girls with a happy face:

"How about the two beauties, I cooperated well? Think about it, how about joining my harem and being my long Haoyun woman?"

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